Asking a girl to do something together

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Asking A girl she wanna do an edit together:)|||such and nice girl|||💝🦋💝🦋|||
Video: Asking A girl she wanna do an edit together:)|||such and nice girl|||💝🦋💝🦋|||


Asking a girl to do something together can be a nerve-wracking affair, especially if you like the girl. Add to that, you may not know her very well, and your question may seem very strange. Regardless of what you know about the girl, you obviously want to get to know her better if you think about spending time with her. That means getting over any nervousness by casually bringing an invitation, getting together in a group, and coming up with fun things to do.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Do it as normally as possible

  1. Invite her to do something you were already going to do. Be subtle and natural towards the girl, asking her if she is going to go to something you would already be attending. If you were planning to go to a barbecue, ask her if she would like to come along. Have a good time whether or not she comes along.
    • Say something like, "Hey, I'm going to cook with friends tomorrow - want to come along?"
    • Say something like, "We're going to this new restaurant with a group - would you like to try?"
  2. Greet her when you see her. You don't have to make an extensive conversation or search for words if you run into the girl in public somewhere. Just say "Hey" or "Hello" so that you can calmly communicate that you noticed her. Make eye contact and say "Hi" when she passes by or when you are in the same room.
  3. Find a way to give her an open invitation and gauge her interest. Open invitations are not linked to a specific time or activity, so they are a useful way to find out how interested the girl would be in more targeted invitations. Keep it short and don't overthink it. Next, pay attention to the girl's reaction to determine her interest in doing something together. Schedule the invitation around a group activity if you are still unsure whether you want to move beyond a regular friendship.
    • Say something like, "Would you like to go out for lunch?"
    • Say something like (in a group setting): "We should meet up soon."
  4. Be cheerful when you try to make plans. People like to hang out with happy people they find fun, because who wants to hang out and not have fun? Smile when you ask the girl you want to hang out with to do something. Talk about positive things and keep the conversation light.

Part 2 of 3: Undertake a group activity

  1. Invite her to do something with you and your friends. An easy way to start something with a girl is to introduce her to your existing group of friends. Notice if she has things in common with you and your friends by chatting and asking about her interests. If you seem to get along, invite her to join the next group outing. Say something like:
    • "We're all going out tonight - if you feel like coming ..."
    • "I'm going to see that new movie with some friends." We like it if you come along. "
    • "Hey, we're going out for dinner tomorrow. Would you like to come by? "
  2. Find something you both have in common. Plan something that the girl likes too so it's more likely she'll want to go. Have a chat and be attentive when talking to her to find out what she likes. If you both love basketball, invite her and at least 3-4 other friends over to watch the next big game. Start a conversation about some of the things you enjoy doing to ask her what she likes.
    • Say something like, "I can't wait to get back on the boat! Have you been up all the lake? "
    • Say something like, "My video game skills are a little rusty. I need to practice. Do you ever play games? "
    • Say something like, "Basketball is a fast sport. Do you like to watch it? "
  3. Invite her to a suitable place. Whatever girl you want to hang out with, you will have to find a place that is convenient for her. Discover the places she visits and ask her to hang out if you are in the area with mutual friends or acquaintances. Ask her what she likes to do on the weekend to find out more about where she hangs out. You can also ask something like this:
    • "There are such cool shops and restaurants in the center. Have you ever been there?'
    • Have you been in town lately? They have some really good bands playing on the weekends. "
    • "I did a hike a while ago and had this muscle pain afterwards. Have you ever been to the Veluwe? "

Part 3 of 3: Doing something together

  1. Make specific plans. Once you discover how interested a girl is in getting together through your open invitations, you may be ready to make specific plans. Ask her to do a particular activity at a particular time. Never pressure her to make a decision, try to make specific plans. Say something like:
    • "Do you want to go to this concert next weekend?"
    • "Want to have lunch tomorrow?"
    • "Would you like to go to that game on Wednesday?"
  2. Make spontaneous plans. Spontaneous plans can add pressure, but because they are so sudden, rejection can be less stressful. It's completely understandable if someone can't drop what he or she is doing to hang out with you. Start a conversation with the girl you like and then say something like:
    • 'Do you want coffee?'
    • "Hey, are you hungry? I was about to grab a bite to eat. Want to come along? "
    • "The weather is great! Let's go for a bike ride! "
  3. Give her options for times and activities. If you really want to go out with a girl, then you have to make it as simple as possible for her. She can have a busy schedule, so give her choices for times, days, and things to do. Tell her about something you'd like to do that sounds cool and talk about different days when both of you can. Vary the activities you suggest in case she likes one more than the other. Say something like:
    • "This new movie seems comical. Do you have time on Thursday or Saturday? There is also another good movie coming out, I think. "
    • "There will be a street festival next weekend, and this weekend there will be a few" food trucks "in the arts district."
    • "My favorite band is coming to town next month!" A new sushi place will also be opening soon. "


  • If a girl always has an excuse for why she can't, it means she probably isn't interested.
  • If a girl turns you down three times, don't keep asking her to do something together.