Remove an ink stain from your clothing

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO REMOVE INK STAINS from CLOTHES & FABRIC!! (Laundry Hacks) |  Andrea Jean
Video: HOW TO REMOVE INK STAINS from CLOTHES & FABRIC!! (Laundry Hacks) | Andrea Jean


It's frustrating to discover an ink stain in your favorite blouse or brand new jeans. The good news is that you can just get rid of the stain, even if it won't be easy. The important thing is to get started quickly, don't rub the stain deeper into the fabric, and don't put the stained garment in the dryer. By following these rules and using a stain remover such as rubbing alcohol or laundry detergent, your clothes will be clean and look like new again.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Using a stain remover

  1. Buy a stain remover designed for ink stains. Check the detergent shelves at the grocery store or drug store and see if you can find a stain remover that removes ink and pen stains. Well-known brands of stain removers include Dr. Beckmann and HG Vlekweg.
  2. Blot the ink stain with a damp cloth before applying the stain remover. Try to remove as much ink as possible from the fabric using only the cloth.
  3. Apply the stain remover to the ink stain. If you bought a liquid stain remover in an aerosol or atomizer, spray it on the stain itself. If you are using a stain pen, draw on the stain with the tip of the pen until the entire stain is covered with stain remover. EXPERT TIP

    Let the stain remover soak into the stain. Read the directions on the stain remover package to find out how long to let it sit in the garment. If you are unsure, let it sit for about ten minutes.

  4. Blot the stain with a cloth. You should now see more ink from the stained garment getting onto the cloth. This is a sign that the stain remover is working.
  5. Place the stained garment in the washing machine and wash it separately. This prevents the ink from transferring to other garments during washing. Wash the stained garment with the washing program you normally use.
  6. After washing, check if the ink stain has been removed. If you can still see the stain, repeat the process by applying stain remover to the stain first.
  7. Make sure the stain is completely removed before putting the garment in the dryer. Never put stained clothes in the dryer as the heat will set the stains into the fabric and make them much harder to remove.

Method 2 of 4: Using rubbing alcohol

  1. Use isopropyl alcohol, also called rubbing alcohol. You can buy rubbing alcohol at the drugstore and pharmacy.
  2. Apply the rubbing alcohol to the stain with a cloth or cotton ball. Gently dab the product on the stain and leave it on for two minutes.
    • Never rub anything into an ink stain, as rubbing can cause the stain to sink deeper into the fabric and enlarge. Always dab the product you are using on the stain.
  3. Blot the ink stain several times with a damp cloth. Apply pressure with your hand so that more ink comes out of the stained garment. Periodically check the fabric for ink to see if the rubbing alcohol is working. You should now see some of the ink from the garment getting onto the cloth.
  4. Rinse the garment with cold water. Make sure to use the cloth to remove as much ink as possible.
  5. Wash the garment with hot water. You can hand wash the garment in the sink or put it in the washing machine. When the garment has been washed, check if the stain has disappeared.
  6. If the stain has not disappeared, repeat the process. Try removing more ink from the garment using rubbing alcohol and a cloth. If the rubbing alcohol stops working, you may need to try another method to remove the stain.

Method 3 of 4: Using glycerine

  1. Buy a bottle of pure, liquid glycerine. You can buy liquid glycerine at the drugstore or pharmacy.
  2. Apply the glycerine to the ink stain with a cotton swab. Dab the glycerin on the stained garment so that it covers the entire stain. Let the glycerine soak into the stain.
  3. Put a few drops of detergent in a bowl of water. Mix the detergent with the water in the bowl.
  4. Apply the detergent and water mixture to the stain with a cotton swab. Gently rub the stain with the cotton swab to cause the mixture to foam.
  5. Wash the garment in the washing machine with cold water. After washing, check if the stain has disappeared. If the stain is still in the garment, repeat the process.

Method 4 of 4: Using hairspray

  1. Use hairspray with alcohol. Do not use a hairspray that has added fragrances, oils, and moisturisers, as this can stain your clothes and damage them. Check the ingredients list on the bottle before using the hairspray.
  2. Dampen the ink stain with a wet cloth or sponge. This will prevent the hairspray from drying out the stain.
  3. Spray the hairspray on the ink stain. While spraying, hold the aerosol can of hairspray about two inches away from the stain. Make sure the stain is completely drenched with hairspray.
  4. Using a scrub brush, scrub the hairspray into the ink stain. For smaller stains, use a toothbrush.
  5. Wash the stained garment according to the washing program you normally use. Make sure the ink stain is gone before putting the garment in the dryer. If you can still see the stain, spray more hairspray or try using a different stain remover.


  • Always test a stain remover on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the garment before using it to remove a stain.
  • Never try to rub a stain from the fabric. Rubbing will push the stain deeper into the fabric, making it more difficult to remove.
  • The sooner you try to tackle a stain, the easier it is to remove it. Do not leave stains on a garment for a long time.


  • Stain remover
  • Cloth
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Liquid glycerine
  • Scrub brush
  • Hairspray
  • Laundry detergent
  • Cotton swab
  • Washing machine