Using a hopper in Minecraft

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Finally Explained: Minecraft Hoppers Tutorial
Video: Finally Explained: Minecraft Hoppers Tutorial


Hoppers are useful blocks in Minecraft. A hopper collects items that have fallen to the ground around it, or from a container above it, and holds or places them in a container underneath, or tethered to the side. They can be used to automatically collect items dropped to the ground by monsters killed in a trap, to create automatic cooking machines, or just about anything else you can think of. To use a hopper you need items to put in it, 2 containers (e.g., a chest or a stove), and a redstone power cable to deactivate it.

To step

  1. Make a hopper.
  2. Decide what you want to make with it and where it should go.
  3. Place the hopper next to or above the container you want to put the items in by clicking on that container.
    • If you place the hopper next to the container and it opens instead of placing the hopper, hold down Shift and then click.
  4. Place the container from which the hopper is to take items above it.
  5. Lay a line of redstone or place a lever on a block next to the hopper.
  6. Turn the redstone on or pull the lever to deactivate it.
  7. Place items at the top of the machine.
  8. Turn the lever back off to start the machine.

Method 1 of 1: Example: Automatic cooking pot for fish

  1. Place the box on the floor.
  2. Walk to the left side of the chest and hold the hopper.
  3. Shift-click on the box to place the hopper attached to the box.
  4. Place a stove on top of the hopper using Shift-click.
  5. Place another hopper on top of the cooker using Shift-click.
  6. Fill the stove with a pile of coal.
  7. Place a raw fish in the top hopper.
  8. Collect the cooked fish in the bottom box.


  • You don't need a redstone attached to the hopper unless you want to turn it off.
  • Remember you don't need a container on top. If you drop an item into a spinning hopper it will be sucked up!
  • If a hopper is linked to an object next to it, but there is also a container underneath, then objects are sent to the different containers in turn.
  • You can determine where a hopper is sending items by noting the position of the funnel at the bottom.