Recognize a torn calf muscle

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Calf Tear or Strain. NEVER Do This! Do This Instead to Heal FAST!
Video: Calf Tear or Strain. NEVER Do This! Do This Instead to Heal FAST!


Pulled calf muscles and injuries are common, especially among athletes. One of the most debilitating and persistent sports injuries is the torn calf muscle. A major problem with this injury is that it is difficult to distinguish from a common stretched calf muscle. If you keep exercising with this muscle, it can tear. A torn calf muscle takes a long time to heal and is very susceptible to a new injury. There are other problems and injuries that can cause calf pain, but if the pain is severe, or if you hear a "popping" or "snapping" sound in your leg - see a doctor immediately.

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Method 1 of 3: Recognize a torn calf muscle

  1. Understand what can be injured in your calf muscles. Your calf muscles are actually made up of three muscles that are linked to the Achilles tendon in the back leg. These three muscles are the gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris. Most of the calf injuries are actually injuries to the gastrocnemius, the largest of the three.
    • The gastrocnemius crosses over your knee and ankle joints. It is also composed of many fast-contracting muscle fibers. This combination carries a high risk of overload and tearing, as the muscles are constantly subjected to rapid stretching and contraction.
    • Your soleus crosses over your ankle joint. It is mainly composed of slow muscle fibers. Because of this combination, this muscle is less prone to injury than your gastrocnemius. Treatment is often different for soleus injuries.
    • The plantar does not do much in your calf. It is considered a largely vestigial muscle. If the muscle is injured, the treatment is the same as for gastrocnemius injury.
    • Your Achilles tendon connects these calf muscles to the heel bone. This tendon can also be injured and cause calf pain. Common injuries to the Achilles tendon include tendonitis or a tendon rupture.
  2. Know what can cause a crack. Torn calf muscles usually occur during hard training. These often occur when you quickly change direction or accelerate while exercising. These injuries usually occur after explosive movements with increased stress on the muscles, such as in sports that require explosions of force (such as hurdling, jumping, basketball, football).
    • Contraction (sudden start). Sudden bursts of speed from a completely stationary position are a common cause of a calf muscle tear. Short track sprinters are very sensitive to torn calf muscles. Sudden changes in direction, such as those in basketball or tennis, can also lead to splits.
    • Prolonged breakdown. Overuse and overuse are other common factors that can eventually lead to a muscle tear. You often encounter this with runners and football players. Football players have to deal with both force explosions and long-term stress. Both factors combined make these athletes very prone to tearing of the calf muscles.
    • "Sunday athletes," or people who are very physically active only intermittently, often experience a tear of the calf muscles. Men are more likely to get these injuries than women.
  3. Recognize the symptoms of a torn muscle. The symptoms of a torn calf muscle are usually more immediate and obvious than the symptoms of a pulled muscle. They are often similar to the symptoms of a ruptured Achilles tendon. Symptoms are:
    • A feeling like you have been hit or kicked in the back of your leg
    • An audible "pop" or "snap" in your leg
    • Sudden, severe pain in the calf muscle (usually throbbing)
    • Tenderness and swelling in the lower leg
    • Bruises and / or color changes
    • Limited range of motion in the ankle
    • Difficulty walking or standing on your tiptoes
    • Difficulty walking
  4. Rest your legs. Sit down, lift your legs and get some rest. If your legs are very painful and you have swelling, you almost certainly have a calf injury that needs medical attention. You will likely bruise that area of ​​your calf, especially if the tissue has been torn because of bleeding under the skin.
    • If you hear a "pop" sound or see swelling in your calf, go straight to the ER. Your injury requires immediate medical attention.
    • Swelling or bleeding in an area can lead to a condition called compartment syndrome, in which increased pressure prevents enough oxygen or nutrients from reaching the muscles and nerves in the area. This can happen after a fracture or badly bruised muscle, so if you think the damage is serious, get medical attention as soon as possible. If acute compartment syndrome develops, you can end up in the operating room.
  5. Consult your doctor. It is important to be able to distinguish injuries to the specific muscles in your calf. You better not try this yourself. Your doctor will perform tests, such as a physical exam and an MRI, to determine the extent of your damage. If you think you have torn a calf muscle, see your doctor immediately.
    • If you try to diagnose and treat a torn calf muscle yourself, you can cause more serious injuries.
  6. Ask your doctor to examine your injury. Your doctor will likely request an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the affected area.
    • An MRI uses magnetic waves and computer images to create 2D and 3D images of an area. It is used for the diagnosis of internal injuries that simpler techniques such as X-rays cannot detect.
    • Your doctor may also request an MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) scan. This is a type of MRI that maps your blood vessels, often using a contrast agent to make them more visible. The MRA can help detect if there is damage or constriction of your blood vessels that could lead to conditions such as compartment syndrome.
  7. Follow your doctor's instructions. Treatment for a torn calf muscle does not usually require surgery. It is crucial to follow all your doctor's instructions during the recovery period. Failure to do so could cause serious additional injury or trauma. Be patient: it can take up to 8 weeks to see recovery, and several months for your calf to feel completely normal again.
    • Usually immediate treatment consists of rest, ice, pressure and immobilization (eg with a splint).
    • Recovery treatment will usually consist of physiotherapy, massage and the use of crutches.

Method 2 of 3: Check for other causes of calf pain

  1. Recognize the symptoms of muscle cramps. Muscle cramps can cause severe pain in your lower legs due to a sudden contraction of your muscles.A sudden, severe cramp or spasm in your lower leg is also known as a "calf spasm." Although these spasms can be very painful, they usually go away on their own with minimal treatment. The symptoms of calf cramps are:
    • Hard, tight calf muscles
    • Sudden, sharp pain in the calf muscles
    • A swelling or lump in the muscles
  2. Treat one muscle cramps. Muscle cramps and spasms tend to go away pretty quickly. You can increase the speed of this recovery process by stretching the muscles and applying heat (or cold).
    • Stretch the affected calf muscle. You can do this by shifting your weight to the leg with the cramp. Bend your knee slightly. You can also sit in front of you with your affected leg extended. Use a towel to gently pull the top of your foot towards you.
    • Apply heat. Use a hot pack, a bottle of warm water or a warm towel to relax the cramped calf muscle. A warm bath or shower can also help.
    • Apply ice. Massaging your calf with an ice pack can help relieve the cramping. Do not apply the ice for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time, and wrap the ice pack in a towel to prevent freezing.
  3. Recognize the symptoms of tendonitis. Tendonitis is caused by inflammation of a tendon, one of the thick, rope-like "cords" that connect your muscles to your bones. Tendonitis can occur anywhere you have tendons, but it usually occurs in the elbows, knees, and heels. Tendonitis can cause pain in your lower calf or heel. The symptoms of tendonitis are:
    • Dull, nagging pain that gets worse when you move the joint
    • A "cracking" or "grinding" feeling when you move the joint
    • Sensitivity or redness
    • Swelling or hard lumps
  4. The treatment of tendonitis. Treatment for tendonitis is usually simple: rest, regular painkillers, an ice pack for the affected area, compression patches, and raising the affected joint.
  5. Recognize the symptoms of a tense soleus. A tense soleus muscle is less severe than a tense or ruptured gastrocnemius. This injury often occurs among athletes who run daily or long distance runners. Usually, strains of this muscle meet the following symptoms:
    • Tight or stiff calf muscles
    • Pain that gets worse after a few days or even weeks
    • Pain that gets worse after walking or jogging
    • Slight swellings
  6. Recognize the symptoms of an Achilles tendon tear. Because it attaches the calf muscles to the heel bone, an injured Achilles tendon can cause pain in the calf. Damage to this tendon can occur when you exercise exhaustively, fall, step into a hole, or jump incorrectly. You should immediately Get medical attention if you think your Achilles tendon has ruptured because of a serious injury. Symptoms of a ruptured tendon include:
    • Often (but not always) an audible "pop" or "handsome" in your heel
    • Often severe pain around the heel that can spread to the calf
    • Swellings
    • Inability to bend your foot down
    • Inability to "push" off with the injured leg while walking
    • Inability to stand with the injured leg on your toes
  7. Recognize risk factors for an Achilles tendon sprain or rupture. Knowing which people are most at risk for an Achilles tendon rupture may help you determine whether that is the cause of your pain. People most at risk for tearing or spraining the Achilles tendon include:
    • People between 30-40 years old
    • Men (5 times more likely than women)
    • Those who experience running, jumping, and sudden movements while exercising
    • Those who use steroid injections
    • Those who use fluoroquinolone antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin (Cipro) or Levofloxacin (Levaquin)

Method 3 of 3: Preventing calf muscle injuries

  1. Stretch your muscles. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, you should stretch your muscles at least twice a week. You don't have to stretch before you exercise. However, experts recommend that you stretch after you have trained. Exercises that increase your flexibility, such as yoga, can help prevent muscle injuries.
    • Use a towel to gently stretch your calf muscles. Sit upright with your leg extended in front of you. Place a towel around your foot and hold the ends. Gently pull your toes towards your body until you feel the calf muscle stretch. Hold this for 5 seconds. Relax. Repeat this 10 times. Repeat for the other leg.
    • Use a resistance band to strengthen your calf muscles. Sit up straight with one leg extended in front of you. Point your toes up to your head. Wrap a resistance band around your foot and hold the ends. Keep the tension on the band and push it toward the floor with the top of your foot. You should feel your calf muscles tightening. Return to the starting position. Repeat this 10-20 times for each leg.
  2. Warm up before training. Use dynamic stretching exercises to warm up your body before a workout. Unlike the static stretches, where you usually hold the same position for a minute or more, dynamic stretching is similar to the movements of your workout. However, they are usually less intense.
    • Take a brisk walk, either outside or on a treadmill.
    • Walking lunges, leg swings and other movements that start the blood flow are a good warm-up.
    • You can also do some exercises on an exercise ball, such as light stretches.
  3. Take breaks. Overexertion or repetitive exertion can create the conditions for an injury to the calf muscles. Consider taking a break from your usual sports or activities and trying new exercises.


  • Do not try to treat a torn calf muscle yourself! Seek immediate medical attention.