Getting an egg in a bottle

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Air Pressure_The Egg and Bottle
Video: Air Pressure_The Egg and Bottle


It may seem impossible to get an egg in a milk bottle, but with a little scientific knowledge and some basic household items, you can do just fine. This is a fun and well-known scientific experiment.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Boiling an egg

  1. Put an egg in a pan of water. Put an egg in a pan that is completely filled with water. Use warm water for it to boil faster.
    • It may be a good idea to boil several eggs in case something happens to your first egg. You can also try the trick several times.
  2. Place the bottle properly. Place the glass bottle upright with the opening facing up. The bottle must be placed this way to perform the trick.
    • Make sure to use a glass bottle. It can be very dangerous to use a plastic bottle or a bottle made of a material other than glass.
    • Use a bottle with a small opening that is at least half the diameter of the egg (such as a milk bottle).
  3. Tell your friends how it works. This trick works because the burning matches heat up the air in the bottle and give off steam (water) as part of the combustion reaction. This will cause the air in the bottle to expand, pushing some air out of the bottle.
    • When the egg closes the opening of the bottle, the matches soon run out of oxygen and go out. As the air in the bottle cools, the volume of the air in the bottle decreases due to the condensation of water vapor (notice the small "cloud" in the bottle when the match goes out) and the cooling of dry air.
    • When the volume of the air decreases, less pressure is exerted on the egg, while the air pressure outside the bottle remains the same. The egg is pushed into the bottle when there is enough difference between the forces to deform the egg and ensure that there is no friction with the neck of the bottle.


  • To get the egg out of the bottle, you can use baking soda and vinegar, or cut the egg into pieces.
  • Usually the egg stays intact when it is sucked into the bottle, but this is not always the case.
  • Do you want to leave the eggshell in place? Simply soak the egg in vinegar for 24 hours until the shell is soft, then follow the same steps. Then wait another 24 hours for the shell to harden again. You can even do this with a raw egg.
  • You can also do this with a balloon. Stretch the opening of a balloon over the opening of the bottle and the balloon will be inflated by the bottle.
  • Don't wait too long after you light the matches. They will burn out.
  • Wet the egg with oil to make it slide into the bottle more easily.


  • Do not try to do this over a rug or similar.
  • Don't do this project if you don't know how to use matches or a lighter.
  • Make a ponytail if you have long hair as your hair can catch fire.
  • Do NOT do this without adult supervision if you are under 18. Have an adult light the matches if you've never done this before.


  • A glass bottle with an opening large enough for an egg (see "Tips")
  • 3 matches / lighter
  • Birthday candles
  • A shelled hard-boiled egg
  • Safety glasses