Using an e-cigarette

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What the science says about the safety of e-cigarettes
Video: What the science says about the safety of e-cigarettes


E-cigarettes, also known as e-smokers, e-pens or e-cigars, are vaporizers that run on a lithium battery. They vaporize a liquid (the e-liquid) that either contains nicotine or is nicotine-free. The purpose of e-cigarettes is to give a similar feel to the traditional cigarette. In contrast to the traditional cigarette, however, with an e-cigarette, smoke is no longer inhaled, but a form of water vapor. The liquid in an e-cigarette contains nicotine, propylene glycol and other flavors, colors and chemicals. Currently, there is no e-cigarette legislation, making it impossible to determine whether the chemicals used are affecting your health. Although e-cigarettes can be used by smokers in an attempt to quit smoking, it is not recommended as an effective or safe way to overcome addiction.

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Part 1 of 2: Preparing the e-cigarette

  1. Purchase an e-cigarette kit. If you are just starting out with e-cigarettes, you start with an e-cigarette kit, which you can buy online. Many light to intermediate smokers opt for a rechargeable starter kit instead of a disposable e-cigarette. You can use the e-cigarette very often, making it more beneficial over time.
    • The starter e-cigarette kit has a rechargeable battery, a charger and a cartridge with nicotine liquid. The nicotine liquid is available in a wide variety of flavors. You can also choose from a different number of levels of nicotine content. If you are a smoker looking to end addiction, it is recommended that you opt for a cartridge with a low nicotine content. It is also best to select a cartridge with a taste that you like to reduce your nicotine intake. If you purchase a starter set with different types of flavors, you can easily choose your favorite flavor.
    • Most e-cigarette starter sets cost between 40 and 100 euros. If you plan to use the e-cigarette every day or at least several times a week, it is recommended that you buy better quality equipment.
  2. Charge the battery of the e-cigarette. Since the e-cigarette works on a lithium battery, it is essential to fully charge it before using the e-cigarette. Many e-cigarettes come with a battery that is partially or fully charged. Make sure the battery is fully charged by placing it in the charger. Then wait until the signal or light indicates that the battery is charged.
    • Most e-cigarette batteries are rechargeable and operate approximately 250 to 300 times. The batteries usually last longer if they are regularly charged and used.
    • If you charge an e-cigarette by means of USB, make sure you use the optimal type of adapter in the socket. Most e-cigarettes cannot be charged with a fast charger. Many phone chargers use a fast charger. It is therefore not applicable to an e-cigarette battery. Make sure to use an adapter that charges up to 1 amp, or 1000 mAh. Any micro USB cable can be used for this.
  3. Avoid placing the batteries in direct sunlight or heat. Also, make sure they don't get wet or fall on a hard surface. This will reduce battery life considerably.
  4. Make sure to charge the battery before it is completely empty and always store the batteries fully charged. Keeping the batteries less than half charged can make them unusable sooner.
  5. Screw the cartridge into the e-cigarette. Once the battery is fully charged for use, remove the battery from the charger. Then you take a cartridge with the liquid and screw it on the e-cigarette. You can purchase cartridges that are already completely filled with the correct liquid, or buy e-liquid that you then drip into the cartridge.
    • Which liquid suits you best depends on how you use the e-cigarette. Are you a traditional smoker and looking for an alternative? Some e-liquid brands specifically focus on tobacco flavors with often higher nicotine levels. In this way you can still meet your nicotine needs with the e-cigarette. However, there are also e-liquid brands that focus on nicotine-free liquids. This way you can smoke electrically without running the risk of becoming addicted. Therefore, take the time to research the different e-liquid brands.
    • How much liquid you need depends on how often you use the e-cigarette. There are various e-liquid brands on the market that profile themselves with affordable prices. This way you can order more liquid for the same price than other e-liquid brands. However, is quality and purity of the taste central to you? then the price probably doesn't matter much. In that case, it is advisable to order a high-end product for a better taste experience with the e-cigarette.
    • The PG / VG ratio plays an important role in the right choice for an e-liquid. PG stands for Propylene Glycol and VG for Vegetable Glycerine (Vegetable Glycerine translated from English). In Propylene Glycol, or PG, the nicotine and flavorings dissolve well. However, it also makes the throat feel sharper. The Vegetable Glycerine is more pleasant for the throat and provides more water vapor, but is also much more viscous than Propylene Glycol. The composition of the PG and VG indicates how viscous the liquid in the e-cigarette is. If an e-liquid contains more than fifty percent VG, the liquid is so viscous than with smaller e-cigarettes the coil will become dry. This then produces a burnt taste. However, some people are sensitive to Propylene Glycol. You will notice this by small red dots on your body or irritated skin. If you are allergic to Propylene Glycol, it is therefore important to purchase an e-cigarette with e-liquid that contains almost no PG.
    • In addition to PG and VG, the e-liquid contains flavors and nicotine. The flavors create the taste you want. The nicotine is indicated per e-liquid in milligrams of nicotine per milliliter, for example 3 mg / ml. The higher the number of milligrams, the stronger the nicotine. Often people start at 6 mg / ml. Because the e-liquids are available in different strengths, you can slowly reduce your addiction to nicotine. For example, if you now use an e-liquid of 12 mg / ml, you can then choose to use a strength of 6 mg / ml. It usually takes a week before you are used to the new strength. Then you can, for example, reduce to 3 mg / ml and finally to 0 mg / ml. At 0 mg / ml you are nicotine free.
  6. Pay close attention to the fluid in the cartridge so you know when it is running low and needs to be replaced. If you plan to use the e-cigarette regularly, it is wise to keep several spare fluid cartridges on hand. This way you always have access to an effective e-cigarette.

Part 2 of 2: Getting vapor out of the e-cigarette

  1. Be aware that there is a difference between smoking a regular cigarette and an e-cigarette. If you are used to smoking traditional cigarettes, you often inhale with small and short puffs. As a chain smoker you also smoke several cigarettes in a row. Once you smoke an e-cigarette, you will have to learn to inhale slowly and slowly so that the vapor fills your mouth. It is also important to avoid chain smoking with an e-cigarette. Only inhale three to seven times in a row, then take a break. This gives the e-cigarette a few minutes to cool down and gives your throat the opportunity to recover.
    • If you use an e-cigarette too much at one time or use the e-cigarette for too long, you will get an irritated and sore throat. You also don't taste anything for a while, which is also called the "vapers tongue". Give your mouth and throat the necessary rest between e-cigarettes sessions to prevent irritation and to preserve taste.
  2. Take the first puff. To heat up the e-cigarette, take your first puff. This is a short inhalation through the mouth, so that you can warm up properly. At this point, you should not get any flavor smoke from the e-cigarette, the point is that the e-cigarette is ready and heated up for your first puff. This heating up is done with a coil. The coil is a part of filament, with cotton wrapped around it. The rechargeable battery heats up the filament in the coil. This ensures that the liquid in the cotton is then evaporated. New liquid is then led from the cartridge to the cotton.
  3. Inhale slowly and steadily on the e-cigarette. When you inhale, take a slow but steady draw until the water vapor is completely filled in your mouth. Do not inhale the water vapor into your lungs or swallow the water vapor until your mouth is first filled.
  4. Hold the water vapor in your mouth for about three to five seconds. Once you've had the vapor in your mouth during that time, you can inhale it into your lungs. Then you can slowly let the vapor flow out of your nose or mouth.
    • Unlike traditional cigarettes, you can get the nicotine from e-cigarettes into your body through the mucous membranes in your mouth, as well as your lungs and nose.
  5. Wait at least 30 seconds to feel the effects of the nicotine. When smoking traditional cigarettes you will feel the effect of the nicotine after about eight seconds. With e-cigarettes, the absorption of nicotine takes place more slowly through the mucous membranes. As a result, it can take up to thirty seconds before you feel the nicotine. Although you probably have to get used to the longer term within which you get your nicotine, you do get used to it after a few times.
    • Some smokers have a craving for nicotine in the back of their throat. They may therefore feel that the e-cigarette is not giving them enough nicotine. Usually, the longer you pull off an e-cigarette and the more vapor that is produced in your mouth, the stronger the nicotine content in the throat will be.
    • The taste of the liquid you use often has an effect on the water vapor content that is produced. If you are looking for a stronger nicotine content in the throat, you can, for example, opt for a flavor that is more tobacco-based. You can also opt for a liquid with a higher nicotine content. However, keep in mind that higher nicotine levels lead to long-term smoking and health problems, such as cancer and respiratory diseases.