Choose an email address

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Question: How Do You Choose an Email Address to Use Professionally?
Video: Question: How Do You Choose an Email Address to Use Professionally?


Are you looking for a new email address or planning to change your current address? The possibilities are endless and so it may just be that you can no longer see the forest for the trees! In this article, we will therefore give you some tips that may help you choose a new email address.

To step

  1. Consider basing your email address on your name. If you're looking for a professional email address that you can use for years to come, it's best to create an address based on your name. An advantage of an address based on your name is that you can easily remember it and that you probably won't have to be ashamed of it in ten years.However, if you have a name that is common, it can happen that the email address you have in mind is already taken. In that case you will have to think of something else or add numbers, underscores, your middle name or an extra initial. Examples of possible variations are:
  2. If you don't want to use your name for your email address, you'll have to be a little more creative. In that case, it is best to base your email address on your favorite sport, hobby, pet, TV series, country, color, season or of course something else. Once you know what you want to base your email address on, you can decide exactly how you want to do this. Maybe you can also combine several things to compile your email address. Examples of email addresses based on this method are:
  3. Consider creating an email address for the whole family. If the whole family is going to use your email address and you expect to receive messages for multiple people, you may want to base this address on your family. For example, use your last name, the number of people in your family, the word "family" and so on. For example, if your last name is Jansen and your family consists of four people, you can compose your e-mail address like this:
  4. Be prepared to play around with spelling, punctuation, and numbers. Because almost everyone nowadays has an e-mail address, many addresses are already taken. In order to create an address for yourself, you will probably have to settle for an address that does not meet all your requirements. You can do this, for example, by adding a letter, number, period or underscore to your e-mail address. Examples of ways in which you can change your e-mail address are:


  • If you don't want to base your email address on your name, it's best to choose a base word that will keep you moving forward for a while. This way you avoid feeling ashamed in a few years and having to create a new address again.


  • If you want to add numbers to your e-mail address, do not use your date of birth - hackers could still get away with this.
  • Keep in mind that many people will judge you based on your email address and employers in particular pay a lot of attention to this. For example, an email address with the name of your favorite band or color in it won't seem very professional and maybe even childish.