Write a diary

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Write & Hide A Diary
Video: How to Write & Hide A Diary


A diary is a great object that gives you the space to explore your feelings in a safe, private way, to record dreams and ideas and to reflect on daily life. There are no rules for keeping a journal, but there are some simple tricks that can help you get the most out of your writing. If you don't know what to write about, use inspirational quotes as a starting point for new diary entries, for example.

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Part 1 of 3: Brainstorming on topics

  1. Write about the things you experienced during your day. Think about everything you went through during your day and record all the highlights and feelings that come to you. Even if you've had a fairly ordinary day, you may be surprised by the deeper thoughts and feelings that come up as you review your day in great detail.
    • Feel free to write about any other topics that come to mind as you write about your day.
    • For example, you could write about the test in English you took. Do you have a good feeling about the test? Do you wish you had prepared yourself better? Are you afraid of the grade?
  2. Think about your goals for the future and how you can achieve them. List your short-term and long-term goals. Then go through all the goals on your list and write down in detail how you think you can achieve them. Dividing all goals into smaller tasks that you can work on can make your goals seem more attainable.
    • For example, you can write about short-term goals like studying for your math test or going to the gym to do cardio exercises.
    • Long-term goals include things like choosing a university or college and applying for it, or saving money for a car.
  3. Write down how you feel or what mood you are in. You don't have to put your emotions in context, just focus on accurately describing what you are feeling. You can then use those feelings and thoughts as a starting point for writing detailed diary entries. Treat one thought or emotion at the same time and explore it as thoroughly as possible.
    • For example, if you are sad, you can write in your journal why you feel this way and what events contributed to that feeling.
  4. Write down inspirational quotes and what they mean to you. Inspirational quotes can come from anywhere - from a famous person, from your favorite book or movie, or even from a friend or family member. Any quote that makes you think is a good starting point. Write the quote in your journal and indicate where you got it. Then write in your own words what the quote means to you.
    • For example, you could write a quote like "Friends are unrelated relatives," which is a quote from Ronald Giphart. Write a journal entry about what this means to you and why your friends are so important to you.
  5. Write in detail about your favorite things or hobbies. Make a list of the things you love or your favorite hobbies. Maybe you like movies, sports, food, travel, art or fashion. You can choose any topics, as long as they interest and inspire you. Then choose one thing from the list and write a diary entry on it.
    • For example, if you enjoy sports, write down why you like a particular sport so much, what your favorite teams are, and what your personal goals are if you participate in sports yourself.
    • If you like to paint, you could write about your favorite painters, the painting styles that appeal to you most, paintings you have recently made, and ideas for paintings you still want to make.

Part 2 of 3: Write personal diary entries

  1. Write the date in the corner or on the first line. You may not be writing in your diary every day, so by writing down the date you can keep track of when certain things happened. Because you keep a diary for a long time, dates also help you to work in order and provide context when rereading old diary entries.
    • You can also write the time, day and location next to the date if you wish.
  2. Start each journal entry with a topic in mind. Most people pick up their diary when there is something they want to write or think about. This could be anything - something that happened during your day, a dream you had, future plans, an event or a strong emotion or mood that you feel or have.
    • Once you have started writing, you can safely wander to any subject. However, having something in mind when you start writing can help get the writing process started.
  3. Start with "Dear Diary," if you wish. However, this is a completely personal choice, so choose what works and feels best for you. When you address your journal, it can almost feel like you're talking to a friend instead of just talking to yourself or writing to yourself. This may be helpful if you are new to journal keeping.
  4. Write in the first person using I phrases. A journal is very personal and it usually works best if you write in the first person. It's your diary, so it's okay if everything revolves around you. Many people find this aspect very liberating, especially when it comes to examining personal thoughts, emotions and reactions.
    • For example, you could write something like, "I'm nervous about this week's volleyball game. I've been practicing a lot and I think I'm ready, but I'm so nervous I can barely eat. "
  5. Be honest in your writing. Many people find that writing in a diary is liberating because they can let go of all inhibitions and really be themselves. Feel free to write about all your emotions, whether they are positive or negative. Remember, no one will ever see what you've written, so you can write about anything honestly. This is for your eyes only.
    • For example, you could write something like "I'm jealous of Rob's new scooter. I am happy for him, but it is so unfair that his parents bought him a new scooter. I work every day after school to save up for a second-hand scooter. "
    • If you are concerned that someone will find and read your journal, there are things you can do to prevent it. A physical journal with a lock and a digital journal that is password protected are two of the most popular ways to keep what you write private.
    • Many people get promptings about themselves and their relationships by writing honestly in their journals. Be open to learning new things about yourself as you write.
  6. Don't worry too much about spelling and grammar. Your journal is a safe place to let off steam and be open without being accountable to anyone. Write freely and without inhibitions. Correct grammar, spelling, and perfect sentences aren't nearly as important as writing down your feelings and thoughts. Write down what comes to mind first when you think about your day, your mood, and the feelings you are struggling with.
    • For some people, it helps to write a few minutes off at the beginning of a diary entry.
  7. Use lots of details to capture memories. A journal also helps you record thoughts and feelings as they come to you. You can also write down events immediately afterwards when you can still remember all the details. Over time, your memories can become more unreliable, so capturing the precise details when everything is still fresh in your mind can help you capture events precisely.
    • Not everyone is good at detailed writing, so don't feel like you have to use long, wordy sentences. If it is easier for you to express your emotions in short sentences or even lists, feel free to do so.

Part 3 of 3: Building a routine

  1. Choose a specific time to write in your diary every day. Many people have a hard time finding time to write in their diary, while others simply forget to write. It helps to choose a specific time when you write in your journal each day so that you can make it a habit. Eventually it will become a completely natural part of your day, but it can help to set a reminder on your phone every day until then.
    • For example, you can choose to write in your diary every day before going to sleep.
    • Don't have unrealistic expectations of yourself. If you think you are unable to write every day, schedule three writing sessions per week.
  2. When you are just starting out, keep your writing sessions short. You really don't have to schedule hours a day to write in your diary. 10-15 minutes per writing session is fine if you're just starting out with your journal. Write down the feelings and thoughts that are most urgent and urgent. You can always write more later in the week when you have the time.
    • For example, you can make a list with some points in your diary if you have little time.
    • Coming up with a tight schedule for yourself can be counterproductive. Writing in your diary should be an outlet for you and not a chore, so don't be too hard on yourself.
    • Choose a time for writing when you have no other obligations and you are not under time pressure.
  3. Draw in your journal if you prefer to write. For some people, it's easier to capture their thoughts and emotions by drawing instead of writing. If you think keeping a journal is easier for you when you can draw and sketch, feel free to do so.
    • Quick drawings can also help you capture something you want to remember when you don't have the time to write.


  • Keeping a journal should be liberating and not a chore. Allow yourself to enjoy the writing process.
  • To disguise your journal, write something like "math notes" or "homework notebook" on the front cover.