Getting in better shape

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The ONLY 3 Things You NEED to Get in Shape!
Video: The ONLY 3 Things You NEED to Get in Shape!


Being physically fit is more than just doing a few exercises. How your exercise is also important, as are your diet and lifestyle choices. Knowing the ins and outs of physical fitness is an essential part of getting and staying healthy.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Get moving

  1. Stretch before and after training. Stretching increases your flexibility, making it less likely that you will injure yourself. It also helps warm up your body before exercise and cool down after exercise.
    • For example, try doing push-ups before you exercise to get your body going. You can also do things like bend over to touch your toes. Another exercise is to stand with your arms above your head with your hands touching. Lean to one side and then lean to the other and straighten your arms as you move.
  2. Make sure you work on your fitness enough. To be physically fit, you should work on your fitness for at least 150 minutes a week, or 75 minutes if your aerobic exercise is more intense. Aerobic exercise helps your body absorb more oxygen, and it improves the function of your heart and lungs. You will also find that you have more energy and it can help with high blood pressure. This is true whether your goal is to lose fat, gain muscle, or both.
    • Examples of aerobic exercises are jogging, swimming, dancing and cycling.
  3. Integrate strength training. You should do strength training at least twice a week. This also applies if your goal is not to gain a lot of muscle mass. To lose weight, you have to replace some of that weight with muscle to get a toned look. Strength training helps you gradually build your muscles.
    • Do the chest press. Lie on your back on a flat surface. Bend your knees. Hold a weight in each hand. Start at chest level with your elbows bent, then push the dumbbells into the air. Bring them back to chest height. Repeat this for 6-8 reps, then pause before starting over.
    • Do bicep curls. Stand up straight, holding a dumbbell in one hand, palm up. Your arm should be bent at the elbow. Lift the barbell up to your shoulder by bending your arm up, then slowly lower the weight. Lift the weight again. Repeat this six or eight times and then take a break. Do the same with the other arm.
    • Practice knee extensions. Sit on a sturdy bench or table where your feet cannot touch the floor. Put on ankle weights. Lift your knee until it is fully extended and then bring it back down. Repeat this six to eight times and then rest. Work up to multiple sets of reps. Do the same with the other leg.
    • Do calf raises. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly push yourself up until you are on your toes, or at least the front of your feet. Lower yourself back down. Repeat this six to eight times and then rest. Gradually increase the number of sets. This exercise works your calf muscles.
  4. Do balance exercises. Balance exercises help improve your balance. Try to do balance exercises several times a week. An easy way to improve your balance is to try to balance on one leg. Switch legs after a while.
    • Balance and core exercises are some of the most neglected types of exercise. Remember that everything starts at your core - even your attitude in everyday life! Your core should be strong and so should your balance.
  5. Increase your flexibility. Flexibility helps protect you from injury as it is often tight muscles that get injured. It can also make your muscles thicker as it stretches your muscles.
    • To improve your flexibility, do activities such as pilates or yoga. Both rely on slow movements to stretch your muscles over time. They can also improve your balance. Find classes at a local gym.
    • Stretch every day or at least several times a week. Regular stretching helps your muscles to lengthen, increasing your flexibility the longer you do this. You can do some of the same stretches you did before the workout. However, you can also do exercises such as lying on your stomach and pushing your chest up by your shoulders and holding it for about 10 seconds. Another stretch is to sit on the floor with your legs straight. With both hands, pull one leg up and bend your foot back as you do so. Hold this position for a few seconds. Continue with the other leg.
  6. Don't be too fast. If you have not exercised much for a long time, do not immediately start with an intensive training program. Instead, you slowly expand the workout over time. If you do too much too soon, you can injure yourself.
    • As with anything new, the body needs time to adjust and gradually get up to speed. Adding too much exercise too soon can cause injury or illness. Listen to the limitations of your body.

Part 2 of 4: Choosing the right food

  1. Include enough protein in your diet. Your body needs protein to rebuild many parts of your body, from your muscles to your blood. They also provide essential nutrients that your body needs for survival. Protein-rich food, for example, often contains a lot of iron, which transports oxygen in your blood.
    • The US government recommends that women aged 19-30 get the equivalent of 165 grams of protein per day, while women 30 and older should limit themselves to 150 grams of protein per day based on a moderate lifestyle. Men aged 19-30 should get the equivalent of 195 grams of protein per day, while men aged 30-50 should get 180 grams of protein per day through their diet; men over 50 should limit themselves to 165 grams.
  2. Choose lean protein. It is important to choose lean proteins, as proteins with a high content of saturated fat can be harmful to your health over time.
    • Some good sources are chicken, fish, and turkey. However, you can also eat beef, especially if you buy lean varieties. For example, choose ground beef that contains less than 10% fat.
    • Beans, nuts and seeds can provide the protein you need if you are a vegetarian. Eggs are also a great source of protein if you choose to include them in your diet.
    • One way to make protein leaner is to cut off any fat before you start cooking, such as cutting the fatty edge of a pork chop.
  3. Eat enough vegetables. Vegetables help you get the right vitamins and minerals in your diet. They also give you fiber to keep your digestive tract healthy. They should be a big part of your diet, especially since they keep you feeling fuller for longer, with fewer calories than many other foods.
    • Women 19-50 years old should eat 2 1/2 cups of vegetables daily. Over the age of 50, they should reduce this to two cups, based on a moderate exercise level.
    • Men aged 19-50 should eat three cups of vegetables a day. After 50, they can cut this down to 2 1/2 cups a day, based on a moderate exercise level.
  4. Eat plenty of fruit. Fruits should be an important part of your diet as they provide important nutrients and fiber. Some also help you get enough fluids.
    • The government recommends that both men and women aged 19 to 30 eat two cups of fruit a day. Men over 30 should still eat two cups of fruit, while women that age should eat one and a half cups, based on a moderate to light exercise level.
    • To put it more simply, half of your plate should always consist of fruits and vegetables.
  5. Choose whole grains. When eating bread or pasta, it is better to choose only whole grain bread or pasta. Include other whole grains in your diet, such as oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice. The government recommends that 50 percent of your grains should be whole grain.
    • Adult women under 50 should eat 180 grams of grains per day, after which they should switch to 150 grams. Adult men under 30 should eat 240 grams of grains, 210 grams until they are 50, and 180 grams per day after that.
    • In principle, 30 grams is equal to one serving. For example: A slice of bread is 30 grams. Likewise, a cup of cereal is 30 grams, while 1/2 cup counts as 30 grams for cooked pasta and rice.
  6. Eat and drink dairy. While the government doesn't recommend how much dairy an adult should eat, dairy can include calcium and other nutrients in your diet. Choose low-fat versions of your favorite dairy products to cut down on fat.
    • If you don't eat dairy products, canned fish, such as salmon with the bones still in them, is a good option for getting calcium.
    • If you are a vegetarian, you can also consider fortified foods. Fortified grains and juices, for example, contain calcium. You can find calcium in alternatives to milk, such as rice or almond milk. You can also eat certain beans, soy products (such as tofu), and dark green leafy vegetables to get your calcium (such as kale, other cabbages, or paksoy).
  7. Limit your fat intake. Fats are an important part of your diet. They provide all kinds of nutrients you need. However, they are also high in calories, so you should limit your daily intake. Women from 19 to 30 years old should limit themselves to tablespoons. Above that age, they should only eat five tablespoons a day. Men need seven tablespoons until their thirties, but then limit themselves to six tablespoons.
    • While you do need some fat, it is better to limit certain types of fats, as solid fats are generally worse for you. They tend to increase your bad cholesterol because they contain more trans fat and saturated fat.

Part 3 of 4: Taking care of your moisture balance

  1. Make sure you drink enough water. Water is essential for the functioning of your body; you are actually about 60 percent water. Your body cannot function properly if you do not drink enough water every day.
    • Although the standard recommendation is eight glasses of water a day, the American Institute of Medicine is shifting that recommendation slightly higher: nine glasses a day for women and 13 for men.
    • During exercise, the body sweats more, and more water is needed to replenish those stores.
  2. Drink when you lose water. When you exercise, you should drink more water. Even if you are doing any other activity that causes you to sweat a lot, you should drink more water. With a small amount of exercise, you may only need a few glasses of water. However, if you do heavy work for more than an hour, you need even more.
    • You also need extra water at other times, for example when it is particularly hot outside. You should also drink more water when you are sick or breastfeeding as you will lose more fluids at those times.
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables. Getting enough fruits and vegetables can help keep your moisture levels up, especially if you choose fruits and vegetables that are high in moisture. Examples of fruits and vegetables with a high moisture content include leafy greens, watermelon and cucumber.
  4. Choose hydrating drinks. Your water intake doesn't have to consist only of water; other drinks count towards your total. However, you should skip drinks that dehydrate you rather than hydrate you better.
    • For example, juice hydrates but adds extra calories. However, you can dilute it with water to keep the calorie count lower. Milk also falls into this category.
    • Drinks with caffeine can provide hydration, but are often diuretic as well. That is why they can be part of your daily total, but you have to limit them.
    • Alcoholic drinks generally tend to dry you out.
  5. Season your water. If you don't like the taste of plain water, you can do something about it. Add a few slices of citrus fruit to give the water a little more flavor. You can also add other fruits and even vegetables to your water for better taste. Try some crushed berries or cucumber.

Part 4 of 4: Making healthy choices

  1. Get plenty of rest. While it may be tempting to stay up late to finish a good book, getting enough sleep is essential for a healthy life. It also keeps you happier and more alert. Get the necessary eight hours of sleep per night.
    • To help yourself get enough sleep, make sure you stick to a schedule. Always go to bed at the same time. If you're having a hard time sticking to this, set an alarm to remind yourself to go to bed. Your body likes a routine, and once you're on a schedule it will know it's time to get sleepy when it's bedtime.
    • Also take 30 minutes to 1 hour before bed to relax. Turn off all electronic screens and get ready to go to bed. By giving yourself time to relax before bed, you can be sure to fall asleep when you need to, rather than just going to bed at that time.
    • It is interesting to note that a sleep-deprived body tends to want more carbohydrates and craves more carbohydrates throughout the day. This is how your body can get more energy, which it should have gotten through a good night's sleep.
  2. Have your doctor check you periodically. It is important to get yourself checked by a doctor at least once a year.That way, the doctor can check you for any conditions you might develop, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, and start early on any needed treatment.
    • Don't forget to ask your doctor about the right level of exercise for you. Your doctor may also be able to advise you on the correct diet.
  3. Drink alcohol only in moderation. Recent research has shown that a little alcohol can be helpful, especially when it comes to wine. It can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. However, too much drink can lead to a host of health problems, from a higher risk of cancer to liver disease and high blood pressure.
    • Moderate drinking for women means just one drink a day. For men, two drinks are considered moderate, up to the age of 65, when they have to switch to one drink a day.
  4. Stop smoking. Smoking negatively affects all parts of your body. It decreases your lung capacity, making it more difficult to exercise. It increases your blood pressure, which puts you at risk for cardiovascular disease. It can also make it more difficult to increase muscle mass because not as much oxygen can get to the muscles.
    • Involve loved ones. They can help prevent you from smoking, as long as you tell them how you want them to help you. For example, maybe you could ask them not to smoke near you for a month or two.
    • Stay active. The more active you are, the less you think about smoking. Try to think about activities that will get you away from cigarette smoke, such as going for a walk or going to the movies, rather than going to a club or bar.
    • Avoid triggers. If you always smoke while doing a certain activity, try not to do that for a while so you aren't tempted.
  5. Incorporate movement into your daily life. If you exercise more, you will get fitter, even if it is not aerobic exercise. For example, park your car further away in the parking lot if you are going somewhere; you have to walk further to get to the destination. Choose to take the stairs and skip the elevator. Instead of sitting on the phone, you walk around. All the little things will add up to become a healthier person.