Write a policy note

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to write a policy briefing note
Video: How to write a policy briefing note


A policy note is a short document that either advocates a particular position or provides an objective description of a policy issue and the options available. You may need to write a policy statement for a classroom assignment, or while working for a company or non-profit organization. A policy note is usually less than 1000 words and uses facts and figures to present the matter to readers who want to get a quick sense of it.

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Part 1 of 3: Framing the issue

  1. Know your audience. Policy papers are usually not read by experts in the field. Instead, your audience is likely to be people with a higher than average understanding of the issue who want to understand the effects of a particular policy.
    • For example, if you are writing for a non-profit organization, your audience may be advocates of your organization. On the other hand, your audience can also include government officials who may be opposed to your message.
    • If you are writing your policy paper for a teaching assignment, ask your teacher to indicate the audience for the policy paper, if this information is not included in the assignment information.
  2. Make a work survey. As with any research report, your research will organize your writing. No matter how short a policy note, each paragraph should relate to your research in some way.
    • Due to its nature, a policy document usually does not contain much background information. Your thesis must relate to a current topic or situation.
    • Before a plea, your thesis will present a way to solve the problem addressed in the paper. The thesis for an objective note will present the problem itself and describe the motivation for different approaches to the problem.
  3. Find the information you need to support your thesis. Policy papers are well researched and well planned. Any fact that you mention in your note must be backed up by a reliable reference.
    • Use reliable sources, preferably objective academic studies or government data and statistics. These make your policy document more reliable.
    • Make sure the data and information you find are directly related to your thesis. With just a few hundred words, you don't have much room to go into detail about research in the field.
  4. Write a working document based on your thesis. A draft of your policy brief gives you something to work with in later stages of the writing process. Don't worry too much about the structure at this point. You place your design later in a neater frame.
    • Now don't worry about the length either. Write what you think you should include in it. It is easier to remove pieces than to add.
  5. Use an inverted sketch to focus your design. Once you have your initial draft, review it and make a note of the main point of each paragraph. Use your notes to sketch, and adjust the focus as needed. An outline makes it easier to spot paragraphs that don't fit the rest of your note.
    • View your reverse outline and move paragraphs as needed. Your story should flow logically from one paragraph to another.
    • Use transitions as needed to make your note cohesive, rather than just a collection of paragraphs or paragraphs.

    Tip: If you find it difficult to focus your design, talk to someone whose opinion you respect. It doesn't matter whether they know anything about your topic or not - you're just looking for a way to focus your writing on the point you want to make.

Part 2 of 3: Building the structure

  1. Write a summary statement to introduce your note. The summary appears on the cover of your note, or at the top of the first page if you do not have a cover. Use it to summarize your thesis and the position you take in your summary.
    • For example, suppose you write a letter about voluntary euthanasia and take the position that it should be legal. Before your summary, you could write: "People who are terminally ill want to die in a way that respects their dignity and autonomy. Voluntary euthanasia offers them the opportunity to be in control of their death. "
  2. State why the topic is important to your readers. Use the introduction to your note to let your readers know why they should be concerned about the matter. Keep your audience in mind, especially if you're writing for an antagonistic audience.
    • For example, suppose you write a paper on voluntary euthanasia that will be distributed to policymakers who are against legalization of euthanasia. Before your introduction, you could write, "All people deserve to die with dignity. For people with terminal illnesses, this is only possible if assistance with euthanasia becomes legal. Support for this is support for one's autonomy in his or her final moments. "
  3. Create titles for your rubrics. The headings of the rubrics break down the text and allow your readers to skim through the note and read the headings that are important to them. Use short, active sentences of two or three words that accurately summarize the content of each section.
    • For example, if you are writing a policy paper on voluntary euthanasia, you could have headings such as "Respect for Autonomy", "Preservation of Dignity" and "Cost Control".
    • For a policy note, section headings allow for multiple points to start reading. Rather than reading the note from start to finish, the reader can first focus on things he / she is interested in.
  4. End with a summary and a call to action. For the advocacy papers in particular, you want to encourage your readers to take action to support your proposed solution. Summarize what your readers have learned from the information you provided in your note, then encourage them to take action. Take your audience into account.
    • For example, if you write a policy paper on voluntary euthanasia that is distributed to government officials, you can encourage them to write or promote legislation to legalize voluntary euthanasia. On the other hand, if your readers are voters, you would want them to vote for representatives who support the legalization of voluntary euthanasia.

    Tip: Word processors have templates you can use to streamline your policy. These templates ensure that your design is visually appealing, clean and uncluttered.

Part 3 of 3: Effective writing

  1. Focus on results and conclusions rather than methods. Because a policy document is relatively short, you do not have the space to elaborate on the methodology used in studies. Rather than include details about raw data, mark the conclusions of studies or statistics that you use.
    • Use sentences such as "a study has revealed" or "show statistics" to introduce conclusions. Add your sources to the end of your assignment. Your readers can look up the actual studies if they want to learn more about the methodology.
  2. Use clear and simple language. The best policy papers use active language and lay terms to convey their points. Keep your sentences relatively short and discuss key concepts using words that anyone would understand.
    • Avoid technical terminology where possible. If unavoidable, provide a brief description or definition after the word or phrase.
  3. Add charts and images to easily skim your note. Charts, diagrams and tables to make your note more attractive to your readers. These numbers allow your readers to understand the point of your policy at a glance, without having to read the text.
    • All grades must explicitly relate to your thesis statement. Imagine that someone who read nothing but the title and the headings could understand your assignment from the diagrams alone.
  4. Relate your findings to the world in general. A policy note is only valuable if it is relevant on a broader scale. Show how the issue you are discussing in your paper has broader implications that may relate to other areas or affect other issues.
    • For example, if you write a policy paper on support for euthanasia, you could mention that terminal patients sometimes suffer unnecessarily for years, something where the patient's self-determination over their own life could offer a way out.
  5. Read the completed letter carefully. Read your letter back and forth to proofread, looking for spelling and grammatical errors. You could also read your letter out loud. You can edit all passages that you stumble over to make the piece easier to read.
    • A policy note is short in nature, which means that any errors will be noticed. Spelling and grammar mistakes make your policy much less reliable.

    Tip: There are apps that you can download for free to help you proofread. "Grammarly" can help you pay attention to the use of the active voice in your piece. The "Hemingway" app also helps you with the active voice and allows you to adjust your feedback based on a specific reading level.