Put an arm around your girl

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ways to put your arm around a girl.
Video: Ways to put your arm around a girl.


Putting your arm around a girl can be intimidating, especially for the first time. Often the most difficult is determining where and when to do this best. As long as you pay attention to the signals it sends out and choose scenarios that allow you to deal with it smoothly, rather than clumsily, you can take this important step in your relationship with ease and confidence.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Work towards it

  1. Look for signals. If you want to successfully wrap your arm around a girl, the most important thing is to make sure she wants to. Have you two done things together at least a few times more than just as friends? Was she the one who asked you to do something together? When you see her, does she smile, look you in the eye and seem happy to see you? Do you text and talk to each other every day? If so, she probably won't mind if you put an arm around her.
    • If she seems to take every opportunity to "accidentally" lean against you or otherwise make physical contact, then she likes you. It's quite likely she'll like it if you put your arm around her.
    • If you've just met her, or if you don't know her well, hold on.
    • If she's flirting with you, but no more than that, then you should probably wait until you get some clearer signals from her.
  2. Make sure she looks happy and comfortable. If you're hanging out and you feel like this could be your moment, take a look at her. What is her facial expression? Is she relaxed and happy? Does she look comfortable when she's with you? Is she leaning towards you? These are all good signs that it is time to take action.
    • If she looks uncomfortable, stressed, or unhappy, it's probably not a good time to put your arm around her, especially if you've never done that before.
    • Make her present in the moment.
    • For example, if she's all occupied with her phone, and not at all with you, and not close to you, then it's not the right time.
  3. Try to touch her arm. If you are having a nice conversation or having a good laugh together, test the situation by touching her briefly and lightly on the forearm. How does she react? If she cringes or suddenly pulls back, putting your arm around her is a bad idea.
    • But if she looks into your eyes, smiles, or gets closer to you when you touch her forearm, go for it!
    • By touching her forearm first, you give her a subtle clue that you are thinking of something more intimate.
    • She will likely appreciate this gesture regardless of whether she wants you to put your arm around her or not. It is usually better to anticipate it than to have no idea at all.
  4. Be close enough to her physically. It may sound logical, but before you go for it, make sure you can put your arm around her easily and smoothly. If you're not close enough to make the movement smooth, the gesture will likely be very awkward for both of you.
    • When you finally put your arm around her, you want it to look effortless and comfortable.
    • If getting your arm around her is more like a stretch because of the distance, stand or sit a little closer to her and see how she reacts.

Method 2 of 3: Try it when you watch a movie

  1. Go on a Friday or Saturday night. Most dates are in the evening, so opt for a night out instead of a matinee. In addition, opt for a Friday or Saturday evening to watch the film, as those evenings are considered by most to be nights out. You want to make it clear to her that you definitely consider this a date.
    • If she agrees to go to a movie with you on a Friday or Saturday night, it's a good sign that she definitely likes you as more than a friend.
    • Her presence alone should inspire you!
  2. Choose a romantic or scary movie. One of these films creates an atmosphere conducive to wrapping an arm around a girl. On the other hand, a vulgar comedy or raw documentary may not create the most romantic mood.
    • Scary films work especially well, because when people experience terrifying things together, even if it is only a film and not "real", it gives a sense of connection.
    • Make sure she likes horror movies before choosing one. You want the experience to be fun for her, not literally terrifying.
  3. Make sure the seating is suitable for what you want. Once the two of you sit down at the cinema, take a look at the situation. Are the seats close enough to each other? Are they comfortable? When you shift your weight, do the seats make strange or awkward noises? Is there an armrest between your seats and can it get in your way? These are all things to consider.
    • If any of the above scenarios seem to get in your way or cause an awkward moment, wait for a better time.
    • If your shoulders touch when you sit in your chair, you can put your arm around her without any problem.
  4. Choose the right time. The best time to do this is during a romantic scene or a scary scene where she might appreciate a little reassurance. Don't try to put your arm around her during a sex scene, as that can be very clumsy and get her the wrong message.
    • Another bad time to try is during a plot twist or climactic scene, as your move may be more of a distraction to her than a romantic gesture while she's just getting into the movie.
    • Don't worry so much about the timing that in the end you don't dare!
  5. Be calm and casual. You will probably feel quite nervous, but try not to show it. If you're visibly stressed, your date will likely start to feel the same, which isn't an ideal situation for the moment. Try to breathe slowly and evenly and keep your posture calm. Mentally remind yourself to relax every now and then, if necessary.
    • Avoid fidgeting, as this indicates that you are nervous.
    • To make this go smoothly, you should also try to make the movement seem spontaneous to her (even if you've planned every detail).
    • If it feels planned and forced when you put your arm around her, she will notice and it will likely create an uncomfortable, uncomfortable atmosphere.

Method 3 of 3: Create other occasions

  1. Go for a walk together. When you take a walk, it is an opportunity to spend a moment together. It's also a natural time for a meaningful or sweet conversation with her, and since you're already walking next to her, it's a perfect scenario for you to put your arm around her.
    • Avoid discussing anything heavy or negative. Walk slowly and keep your body language relaxed.
    • On a nice afternoon, set out for a walk with her in a nearby park.
    • Another great excuse for a walk is to go shopping or run an errand.
  2. Stay close to her. Wherever you happen to hang out or whatever you do, always try to sit or stand close to her if it makes sense to do so. Of course, don't follow her to the bathroom or the like, but by generally staying with her, you will create a "couples" atmosphere and you will have plenty of opportunities to put your arm around her.
    • If she's uncomfortable with your proximity or makes excuses to get away, drop the idea. You want to radiate love without coming across as a stalker.
  3. Offer her your coat. If she looks like she's cold or if you happen to be outside together on a windy or cloudy day, be a gentleman and offer her your coat. Not only will she think you are romantic, but putting your coat around her shoulders provides an excellent opportunity to put your arm around her unnoticed.
    • Place the jacket carefully around her shoulders and then let your arm stay around it naturally.
    • Smile at her and give her shoulder a small squeeze after putting your arm around her.
    • She will likely look up to you when you do this and the two of you will share a real moment of closeness.
  4. Use the classic stretch and yawn motion. If all else doesn't work, get this classic out of the closet again! Yawn a little and naturally raise your arms, as if you were stretching, as casually as you can. As you bring your arms down, rest one of your arms around her shoulders. If this comes across as a bit transparent, you can always make the movement overly striking, in a playful way.
    • This will probably make her laugh, and you should too!
    • Laughing about something together will break the ice and create a sense of ease and tranquility between the two of you - and before you know it, you'll have an arm snuggled around her.