Making a roller coaster in Minecraft

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 4 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Minecraft: 15+ Roller Coaster Build Hacks!
Video: Minecraft: 15+ Roller Coaster Build Hacks!


One of the more fun things to do in Minecraft is to build a roller coaster. The mining rails and mining carts are excellent for building roller coasters. In addition, there are many unique things you can add! This wikiHow teaches you how to build a roller coaster in Minecraft.

To step

  1. Find a nice place to build your roller coaster. You can build a track around a mountainous area, but also in a forest, cave, or temple in the jungle.
    • If you have trouble building a roller coaster on the standard terrain in Minecraft, you need to create a new game where the world is flat. When creating a new world from the main menu, you just need to More world settings (Java edition only) and then Flat (Bedrock edition) or Super flat (Java edition) before opening your world.
  2. Think about what you want your roller coaster to look like. You can't recreate everything on a real roller coaster with the rails in Minecraft. For example, you can't add loops, braids, or inversions to a Minecraft roller coaster. On the other hand, you can create slopes, sharp bends, drive tracks and even descents. You can also create a creative view around the track. Think about how you want your roller coaster to look and how the track should run.
  3. Gather the necessary materials (Survival mode only). To build a roller coaster, you need a lot of wood, iron, gold and redstone dust. It is worth considering building a roller coaster in Creative mode as all the necessary materials will be available in the creation menu. This allows you to build your roller coaster much faster. When playing in Survival mode, you will need the following resources:
    • Wood you can get from trees in the upper world. Hit the trees or chop them with an ax to collect wood.
    • Iron ore can be found underground and mined with a stone, iron or diamond pickaxe. It looks like yellow-dotted stone blocks. You can then melt iron ore in a furnace to make iron ingots.
    • You can find redstone ore deep underground. It looks like red-dotted stone blocks. Mine redstone ore with an iron or diamond pickaxe to collect redstone dust.
    • Gold ore can be found underground and mined with an iron or diamond pickaxe. You can melt the gold ore in a furnace to make gold bars.
  4. Make the parts you need. If you are making a roller coaster in Survival mode, you will need to make the following parts for your roller coaster. You can use even more things, but what follows are the basic parts.
    • Workbench. You need a workbench to make most of the items in Minecraft. You make one in the creation menu with four logs.
    • Wood boards: You can use this to make a frame for your roller coaster. You make wooden planks from two wooden blocks, in the creation menu. You don't need a workbench to make wooden planks.
    • Sticks: You will need, among other things, sticks to make the rails for the track of your roller coaster. You can also use them to make posts for scaffolding.
    • Button: You can use a button to start the roller coaster in the charging station. You make a knob from one wooden plank or block of stone, with a workbench. You can also use a lever.
    • Rails: You can make 16 rails of six iron bars and one stick with a workbench. You use this for laying your track.
    • Stone pressure plates: You can make a stone pressure plate with two stone blocks using a workbench. You use these to make detector rails.
    • Detector rails: Detector Tracks are track components that detect when a minecart travels over them and activate redstone circuits. You can use them to activate roller coaster drive tracks. With a workbench you can make six detector rails from six iron bars, one serving of redstone dust and one stone pressure plate.
    • Driving tracks: Drive tracks give your roller coaster extra speed. You can make six drive tracks with a workbench of 6 gold bars, a stick and some redstone.
    • Mining Cart: You ride your rollercoaster with a minecart. Make one of five iron bars on a workbench.
    • Fence (Optional). With wooden fences you can make scaffolds for your roller coaster. This only has a decorative function and is completely optional.
  5. Build a charging station. This is the point where your roller coaster starts. You can build on a platform or on the ground. Follow the steps below to create a launcher.
    • Dig a trench that is three blocks wide and one block deep.
    • Place two drive tracks in the trench. One in the back of the trench and the other in the middle.
    • Place a block with a button next to the trench. You must be able to reach the button when you are in the channel.
    • Use redstone fabric to connect the button to the drive tracks. Redstone dust can be placed under the button block and under any drive track.
    • Place a minecart on the first drive track.
  6. Build the frame of your roller coaster. Use wooden plank blocks to build the frame on which the track of your roller coaster will rest. The frame should lead out of the charging station. Place your rails on top of the wooden plank blocks. Minecraft tracks can be laid north, south, east or west and make 90 degree angles if you place a rail as a corner piece between two rails that are perpendicular to each other.
  7. Build a diagonal track. You can lay a track not only to the north, south, east or west, but also diagonally (e.g. to the southeast or northwest), by laying tracks in a zigzag pattern. The track may look like a series of sharp curves, but when you ride it, the mining cart will move smoothly in a diagonal direction.
  8. Build accelerators with traction tracks. To build an accelerator, you need to place a detector rail on the frame, followed immediately by a drive track. The detector rail will activate the drive track, which accelerates your mining cart. You can also place two drive tracks after the detector rail for greater acceleration.
    • Accelerators operate on a straight, level track. They do not work on descents or diagonal tracks.
    • If drivetrain tracks aren't powered by Redstone themselves, they brake and stop the mining cart. Placing more than two drive tracks after the detector rail will slow your mining cart.
  9. Build a hill. Minecraft tracks can go uphill and downhill at an angle of 45 degrees. Stack the blocks of your frame gradually and then place the rails on top of the frame. The track will run across the frame at a 45 degree angle. Make sure your roller coaster can give the minecart enough speed to get over the top of the hill.
    • If your minecart doesn't have enough speed to get over the top of the hill, you can add more accelerators before the hill, or you can make the previous hill higher so you gather more momentum on the way down.
    • To make the "celestial arches" more credible, you need to add support posts to your track.
  10. Make a sharp descent. To make a sharp descent, you have to make an elevated trail that suddenly ends. Build a continuous second track under the elevated track. This track will catch the mine cart as it flies off the elevated track.
  11. Test your job. Test your job frequently so that you know how it feels and can make adjustments to your design where necessary. Make sure it is exciting. If you're bored, chances are you won't finish the roller coaster. Finish with an elegant finish and make the track curvy and steep, not angular with low slopes.
    • Use the natural terrain to your advantage. For example, let the trail go into a cave, dive into a ravine, or go over a mountain. It makes the ride a lot more interesting.
  12. Decorate the outside. If you have chosen a particular theme for your roller coaster, you should also decorate it based on that theme. A Halloween roller coaster may have lanterns and caged skeletons hanging along the track. You can decorate an underwater roller coaster with sea-themed blocks, such as sea lanterns and prismaries.
    • Make sure the track is well lit so Mobs can't get too close to the roller coaster.
  13. Complete the track. Make sure that the roller coaster eventually describes a circle and connects with the track in the charging station. The drive rails in the charging station should stop the mining cart when it reaches the charging point. Press the power button to take another ride.
    • You don't have to stick to just one charging station. You can build several, spread around the map, with a system of roller coaster tracks in between that makes it a lot of fun to go to different points on the map.


  • Have a friend try out the trail. Then he can give you feedback and help you improve your roller coaster.
  • Make a great station.
  • Add a spot for the customer row.
  • Make sure the roller coaster doesn't throw you out of the minecart and injure or kill you.
  • What's really cool is a stretch where you almost fall into the lava, but deflect just in time!
  • You can also make a long hall with lava walls. Lava, on the whole, is a scary and thrilling addition to the ride!