Cleaning your toilet's cistern

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Clean your TOILET TANK WITHOUT SCRUBBING!! (GENIUS) 2 Tests | Andrea Jean
Video: Clean your TOILET TANK WITHOUT SCRUBBING!! (GENIUS) 2 Tests | Andrea Jean


Your toilet's cistern should be cleaned from time to time to prevent bad smells and mold growth. You can clean the cistern by using commercially available all-purpose cleaner and scrubbing lightly. If your cistern is very dirty, you may need to use bleach. Clean your cistern regularly to keep your toilet clean and your bathroom smelling fresh.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Applying the cleaner

  1. Drain the cistern. To empty the cistern, turn off the tap for the water supply. You can find this tap near the wall behind your toilet. When you have turned off the water supply, flush the toilet. All water will now flush away and the cistern will not be refilled.
  2. Find out what the right cleaner is. Check how dirty the cistern is. If it seems relatively clean, all you need is a simple sanitizer. You can use the same cleaner or spray that you normally use in the bathroom. However, if there is caked on dirt, then you need something stronger.
    • Choose white vinegar if you see limescale deposits in the cistern.
    • If there is a lot of dirt and mold in the cistern, clean it with bleach instead of a commercially available cleaner.
  3. Apply the cleaner correctly. If you're using bleach or a commercially available cleaner, you can squirt or pour it into the cistern. Focus on the bottom and sides of the cistern, and especially treat the areas of caked on dirt. Make sure to wear gloves when using bleach.
  4. Allow vinegar to soak in to treat limescale build-up. If you want to remove limescale, the procedure is a bit different. Pour white vinegar into the cistern up to the float tap. Let the vinegar sit in the cistern for 12 hours and then flush the toilet. After flushing, clean the cistern in the normal way.

Part 2 of 3: Cleaning the cistern

  1. Put on gloves. There are generally a lot of bacteria in the toilet and bathroom. Before cleaning the cistern, put on gloves. Rubber gloves help protect you from bacteria and germs.
    • If you're using bleach, gloves are indispensable to protect your skin.
  2. Leave the cleaner in the cistern. Let the cleaner soak in the cistern for a certain amount of time. Most cleansers should be left on for 10-15 minutes. However, it is always a good idea to read the directions on the cleaner packaging.
    • Remember to let vinegar soak for 12 hours before you can start cleaning the cistern.
  3. Scrub the cleaner in the cistern. Use a scrub brush, old toothbrush, or scouring pad to scrub the cleaner in the cistern. Scrub the sides and bottom of the cistern until it smells fresh and you don't see any dirt and mold.
    • Also clean the moving parts in the cistern, such as the float and the float valve.
  4. Empty the cistern. When you have cleaned the cistern, you can open the water supply tap again and flush the toilet to flush the cistern. If you used bleach, put four liters of cold tap water in the cistern and flush the toilet.
    • It may be a good idea to wear safety glasses to protect your eyes when you put water in a cistern that has bleach in it.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping the cistern clean

  1. Regularly remove all limescale deposits. Limescale builds up gradually in every cistern. Check the cistern once a week and clean it with white vinegar if you see limescale build-up. Fill the cistern with vinegar, let the vinegar soak for 12 hours, then flush the toilet and clean the cistern.
  2. Be careful with cistern cleaning tablets. Stores often sell cistern cleaning tablets that you should put in your cistern to keep it smelling fresh. However, do not use tablets that contain bleach, as they can corrode and damage the inside of the cistern.
    • If you regularly clean your cistern, you probably won't need to use tablets.
  3. Come up with a cleaning routine. Many people remember to clean their toilet regularly, but skip the cistern. Make sure you don't make this mistake. Clean the cistern at least once a month. This way your bathroom will keep smelling fresh and clean.