Reading women's body language when flirting

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hidden Body Language Signs SHE LIKES You! | How to Read a Women’s Body Language
Video: Hidden Body Language Signs SHE LIKES You! | How to Read a Women’s Body Language


Even in ancient times it was known that you can tell from the movements of a woman whether she is interested or not. Men only use 10 to 15 signs that show if they are interested, but women can choose from an arsenal of more than 50 gestures while flirting. In this article, you will learn the most important expressions of women's body language when flirting.

To step

Method 1 of 2: First impressions

  1. Watch her look. An interested woman will watch you and get caught watching! If there is repeated eye contact, she wants you to come over and talk, especially if she smiles.
  2. Watch her face. If a woman is interested, her expression will be bright. Watch her eyebrows, lips, and eyes to see how she reacts to the things you say. Here are some things to keep in mind:
    • Raised eyebrows. This can mean several things, but it is usually a good sign. Raised eyebrows coupled with a smile and a nod of the head means she agrees with what you're saying - even if it's only because you're the one saying it. Women also raise their eyebrows after eye contact to show that they like you.
    • Movable lips. If she keeps chewing her lips when she thinks or listens, she tries to draw attention to her lips, then she is interested. Also watch if she licks her lips.That too is an unconscious act of drawing attention to her lips, in addition, a woman's mouth becomes drier when she is a little tense.
    • Dilated pupils. In both men and women, the pupils dilate when they are interested in the person they are talking to. This is especially noticeable in a place where there is a lot of light, because dark spaces always cause larger pupils.
    • Overactive eyelids. If you keep seeing her lashes moving up and down she's most likely flirting. The movement is of course a cliché, but it does come from somewhere. If a woman is interested in you, she will blink faster than usual.
    • Tense nostrils. If a woman likes you, she will tighten her nostrils. It's the result of a certain amount of arousal, so just like dilated pupils, you can be sure it's a good sign.
  3. Pay attention to where she is in relation to you. Interested women will want to get close to you. If you are sitting across from her at a table, she may rest her head on one hand or both hands to be closer to you.
    • Notice crossed arms. If she sits back in her chair with her arms crossed, she is probably bored and not interested. Then try to spark some new interest by talking about her and her life. If that doesn't work either, you may have to give it up.
  4. Notice how she touches her hair. Tender movements, such as unwittingly curling some hair around a finger or slowly moving her fingers through her hair, indicate that she is very interested. Rapid, jerky movements indicate she's embarrassed or impatient, especially if she keeps looking around.
    • Fast, jerky movements don't have to mean you're in a hopeless situation. If you have shown yourself a bit, take a step back. Don't try to lead the conversation all the time and try not to give compliments all the time. If you're not sure what to do, read this article for some tips on how to redirect the conversation.
  5. Watch her fingers. An interested woman will move her fingers over erogenous zones on her body, fiddle with jewelry or play with her glass.
    • Touching erogenous zones. If a woman keeps feeling her lips, neck or collarbones, she sends you a signal that she wants more from you. It's an unconscious way of drawing attention to those areas of her body, reminding you that she's sexy.
    • Fiddling with jewelry. If a woman is around someone she has a crush on, her heart rate will speed up. That makes her a bit nervous. As an expression of that tension, she will turn her rings, play with her earrings or fiddle with her necklace. She may also wiggle her leg to get some energy off.
    • Playing with objects. A woman wants your attention when she strokes the stem of a wine glass or runs her fingers along the rim of a glass of water. If the movements are slow and controlled, it probably means she's interested. But if she taps the glass and purses her lips, it probably means she wants to leave as soon as possible.
  6. Look at her legs. Often an interested woman will cross her legs. It's an especially good sign if her top leg is facing you. If she wants to focus your attention on her legs even more, she might also run her hand over her thigh or smooth her pants with her fingers.

Method 2 of 2: On a date

  1. Pay attention to physical contact. Everyone unconsciously has an "intimate zone" of about 45 cm around them. If she moves within that distance or if she even touches you, then you can assume she has a crush on you. Be prepared for any "tests" she does, such as getting into your intimate area when someone wants to pass or putting her hand on your knee to emphasize that you are joking. These can all be attempts to get into your intimate zone to see how you react to this.
    • If you are also interested in her you can answer the tests with some of your own tests. She will then understand that the feeling is mutual and that will open the door to longer touch.
  2. Be aware of eye contact. A woman will let you know that you are the cutest guy in the room by staring at you for a long time. If you have just met, she may only stare a few seconds longer than usual, but once you get to know each other, she will feel more comfortable and look at you for longer periods of time.
    • Answer her attempts at eye contact. It is of no use to her to stare long if you look away too quickly. If you don't feel comfortable with her pick-up attempts, you can of course just look away. But if you are interested, you better keep looking at her a little longer before you (or she!) No longer dare.
  3. Note the giggle factor. Be aware of how often she laughs when she's around you compared to other people. If a woman is interested in you, she will find it difficult to stop laughing around you. That could happen during a conversation with you where she makes a lot of eye contact, smiles a lot and giggles or laughs at even the stupidest jokes, but it could also be that she is somewhere else in the same room. Pay close attention to whether she is overly noisy while having a conversation elsewhere in the room, as she may want you to watch her.
  4. Be aware of "sweet" gestures. There are several moves a woman will make to get you to take her in your arms. Shrugging your shoulders is one such movement. Open, turned-up palms is also a good sign.
  5. Watch her heartbeat. If you already feel comfortable enough to be cuddled, you can put your head on her chest. It's a good sign if she has a really fast heart rate. If it's a little too early to put your head in that spot, you can put a finger on her wrist to check her heart rate. It might be a tricky trick to master, but it can come in handy if you want to spot a racing heart.
    • You can also estimate her heart rate by watching her breathing. That's as hard to master as feeling her wrist, but at least you don't have to touch her for long. If she's sitting next to you while you're watching a movie, you can snuggle up to her a bit. If you feel she's breathing quickly, she probably has a crush on you. If she holds her breath, she may be trying to disguise the fact that she's breathing quickly.
  6. Watch for mirrored movements. Unconsciously, a woman who is interested in you will mirror your movements. In doing so, she shows that you are on the same wavelength and that it is time for some more intimacy in your relationship. That's why dancing is considered intimate - you are forced to mirror each other's movements!


  • If a girl looks at you from head to toe and then smiles, it means she likes you.
  • Tilting the head is also a sign of interest. Women often do this in conversations to show that they agree with you, showing their necks showing that they are comfortable.
  • You can also use the clock trick. Look abruptly at the clock and then at her again. If you notice that she is also suddenly looking at the clock, you can be sure that she was watching you. It doesn't have to be a clock, another object will work too.
  • Pay close attention to the tension of her facial muscles. This degree of stress is inversely related to the force of attraction. Pay special attention to the areas around her lips, her chin, and her forehead.
  • When she stares into space and smiles and then looks at you again, she's fantasizing she's flirting.


  • Never stare at her cleavage, even if there is a lot of nakedness to be seen. Many men cannot resist the temptation, but the staring will almost always be considered rude and impolite.
  • Don't assume that sexy moves just mean a girl wants more from you.
  • Not all women have the same body language!