Checking if a cat has a fever

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell If Your Dog or Cat Has A Fever
Video: How To Tell If Your Dog or Cat Has A Fever


Cats, like humans, get a fever when they are sick. Unfortunately, the methods used in humans don't work in cats. Feeling your cat's forehead is not a reliable method. The only accurate way to check your cat's temperature at home is with a thermometer in his rectum or ear. As you can understand, your cat will not like this procedure or being held against its will. To determine whether to take your cat's temperature, look for specific symptoms. After that, you will want to take his temperature with as little stress as possible. And finally, if your cat's temperature rises above 39.5 degrees Celsius, you should seek help from your vet.

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Method 1 of 4: Recognizing fever symptoms in your cat

  1. Watch for changes in behavior. If your cat is usually playful, active, and generally friendly, seclusion could be a sign that your cat is sick. If he sits under your bed, couch, table, or other unusual place out of reach, this could be a sign. Cats are instinctively cautious creatures, even if they seem playfully curious at some point. If your cat is sick, it will reduce its vulnerability by hiding from you.
  2. Watch your cat's appetite. If your cat is used to eating at regular intervals, or usually eats a certain amount of food per day, it can change this behavior when sick. Check your cat's food bowl during the day to see if it has eaten anything.
    • If so, try to entice your cat with slightly more "exciting" food choices. Even consider bringing his food bowl to him. If he's hiding because he's not feeling well, he may not be confident enough to get to his normal feeding place. If you put the bowl in its safe zone, it may be more willing to eat.
  3. Be on the lookout for vomiting or diarrhea. Many feline illnesses - ranging from the common cold to more serious illnesses or conditions - produce a fever, but can also cause other symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Check your cat's litter box. In some cases, your cat may try to bury it. If you have an outdoor cat, try to follow it. Check his resting places for disturbing dirt when he normally buries his trash.
  4. Check if your cat is extra lethargic. This is a tricky symptom to spot because cats are notoriously lazy creatures. If your cat refuses to get up when you shake a treat, it may be lethargic. If your cat normally follows you from room to room, but now sleeps all day in a room close to you, it may be lethargic. If you think your cat is showing signs of sloppy behavior, tell your vet.

Method 2 of 4: Measure your cat's temperature rectally

  1. Prepare the thermometer in advance. Shake the thermometer well if you are using one that contains mercury. You can also use a digital thermometer and usually gives a faster result. It is recommended that you use a disposable pouch with a digital thermometer.
  2. Slick the thermometer with petroleum jelly or other water-based lubricant. KY Jelly or Vaseline works well. Your goal is to make this process as stress-free for the cat as possible. Using lubricant reduces the risk of skin peeling, tearing and stinging.
  3. Hold the cat correctly. Hold the cat under one arm like a soccer ball, with its tail toward the front of your body. Make sure its legs are on a solid surface such as a table. By doing this you can reduce the chance of scratches.
    • It may be a good idea to have a friend help you hold the cat if possible. Some cats fidget a lot and it can be difficult to keep them still. Have your helper position the cat in such a way that you can easily insert the thermometer into his rectum.
    • You can also grab and hold your cat's scruff (the extra skin on the back of his neck). Since many cats associate this with their mother's protection, it can have a calming effect.
  4. Insert the thermometer into the cat's rectum. Make sure to insert the thermometer about an inch deep. Do not go deeper than 5 cm. Hold the thermometer at a 90 degree angle so that it goes straight into your cat's rectum. Do not insert it at a different angle as this will increase the risk of pain and discomfort.
  5. Hold the thermometer in place for about 2 minutes. A mercury thermometer may take a little longer to get a good reading. If you are using a digital thermometer, keep it in until it indicates it has completed its measurement. Most digital thermometers will beep when ready.
    • Hold your cat firmly during this process. He can scream, scratch or bite. Do your best to keep it still to avoid injury to your cat and yourself.
  6. Read the result. A temperature of 38.5 degrees Celsius is fine for a cat, but a cat's temperature can also range from 37.7 to 39.2 degrees Celsius and still be considered normal.
    • If your cat's temperature drops below 37.2 degrees Celsius, or above 40 degrees Celsius, you should seek immediate medical attention.
    • If your cat's temperature reaches 39.4 degrees or higher, and your cat is acting sick, seek medical attention as well.
  7. Clean the thermometer. Use warm water with soap or rubbing alcohol to rinse and wipe the thermometer. If you used a cover for the thermometer, take it off and wash the thermometer as directed. Make sure it is completely disinfected before cleaning it up.

Method 3 of 4: Measure your cat's temperature in its ear

  1. Use an ear thermometer designed specifically for cats and dogs. These have longer protuberances that reach better into the pet's ear canal. These thermometers can be purchased at a pet store or from the veterinarian. In general, these thermometers are not as effective as rectal thermometers. If your cat is spunky, he may be better off sitting still in front of an ear thermometer than a rectal thermometer.
  2. Hold your cat. Hold his body firmly with his legs on a surface (try to use the floor). Make sure you hold his head firmly in your arm. You don't want your cat to chuck or pull its head away while you measure its temperature. Have a friend help you with this too if you have the option.
  3. Insert the thermometer deep into the animal's ear canal. Follow the manufacturer's directions to determine when the reading is complete. Ear thermometers take roughly the same time to register a temperature as a rectal thermometer. It will take a few minutes.
  4. Clean and tidy up the thermometer. As with any thermometer, you should clean it thoroughly with soap and water or rubbing alcohol after use. After doing this, put the thermometer away in the right place.

Method 4 of 4: Visit the vet

  1. See the vet if your cat has a temperature of less than 37.2 degrees Celsius or more than 39.1 degrees Celsius. In many cases, your cat will be able to overcome a fever on its own, but it is always wise to consult your vet. If your cat is sick for several days or you suspect a chronic condition, it's even more important to see the vet.
  2. Explain your cat's symptoms. In addition to telling the vet that your cat has a fever, make sure to tell them any other symptoms your cat is showing. This is important information that your vet can use to make a diagnosis.
  3. Follow your vet's instructions explicitly. Depending on your vet's diagnosis, you may just need to keep your cat hydrated and comfortable. If your vet suspects an infection or something else, you may need to administer medication.


  • Do not try to give your cat fever suppressant medications or sponge baths to lower the fever. Always consult a veterinarian before attempting to treat a cat disease.
  • It is recommended that you take both rectal and ear measurements the first few times to determine the accuracy of the ear thermometer.