Lose weight within ten days

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Lose Weight Fast 10 kgs in 10 Days  - Full Day Indian Diet/Meal Plan For Weight Loss
Video: How To Lose Weight Fast 10 kgs in 10 Days - Full Day Indian Diet/Meal Plan For Weight Loss


10 days. If you can get rid of a guy in 10 days, you can lose weight in 10 days too. But how do you really lose weight, and not a few pounds. That new dress doesn't stretch by itself. It's time to get serious. We'll tell you everything you need to know, from cutting calories to exercising, to fooling your brain into wanting to eat less. 240 hours to go… from now on!

To step

Part 1 of 4: Drawing up a ten-day plan

  1. Set your goals. How much should it take off? Three pounds, five pounds? One, two pounds a week is a healthy amount, but the former should allow you to lose a lot more (especially moisture). So we will not immediately refer your daydreams to the realm of fables. Determine how much weight you want to lose in the next 240 hours.
    • Suppose you want to lose 2.5 kilos in the next 10 days. That is half a kilo every two days. One pound is approximately 3500 calories. So you have to burn 1750 calories per day. How many do you need?
  2. Determine what you need. Let's continue that same example, at 2.5 kilograms. To lose half a pound per day, you have to cut daily calorie intake by 1750. Here's how you can do it:
    • Calculate your BMR (body metabolism rate) and how many calories you can eat per day on the internet.
    • Once you know how many calories you can eat per day, subtract 1750 from that. You start working with that number. It goes without saying that the more you move, the more calories you can consume.
  3. Keep a food diary. You want to do your best, right? So grab a notepad or download an app (there are dozens of free apps available). When you see what you eat, it is a lot easier to identify where you are going wrong. You can also keep track of how much progress you are making. Many apps also have features that you can mess around with, which provide extra motivation.
    • You can count and keep track of your calories in your diary. For example, if you've done your best one day, you can smuggle something the next. Or vice versa.
  4. Determine an exercise schedule. If you were planning to change your lifestyle forever and ever, it is probably a bit too much of a good thing to create an exercise schedule. But since we're only talking a week and a half, we might as well do it! You will have to look at your next week, select times, and stick to it. After all, you know that you have time and that you are available!
    • Try to get some exercise every day. An hour is good, but half an hour is enough. If you have to divide that half hour into small pieces, that's no problem. And if you "don't have time", then you just make time. There is always room for health.
  5. Get rid of all the junk. You have drawn up a plan. You have found the motivation. Now all you have to do is make sure you will succeed. It may sound a bit disgusting, and your wallet won't be too happy about it, but go straight to your kitchen. Get rid of all your junk food and prepackaged foods that you don't need. If you really want to do your best to lose weight in 10 days, then you have to sacrifice something. It's the only way to resist temptation.
    • Okay, easier said than done. Your family is probably going to get pretty angry about it too, isn't it? Make a compromise: Make sure your roommates hide the foods where you can't find them. Don't let them tell you where they are!

Part 2 of 4: Mastering the ten-day lifestyle

  1. Know how you have to eat. We have to hit nails with buying. We only have 10 days, so it is high time to start eating well. And you just think that after all these years you knew how to eat. Not so. Your mother didn't take into account that you wanted to lose weight when she taught you. Here's how to eat, and keep a slimmer waist in mind:
    • Eat often. We're not talking about the six small meals a day you may have heard about. We're talking three reasonable meals and two snacks. If you eat six small meals a day, your body produces insulin continuously. You never shift gears, and you never really feel full. So add some snacks to your diet. You will eventually be there less continue to eat.
    • Eat slowly. Chew your food. Put your fork down in between bites. If you eat too fast, your body will scream that it is full. You have to give your body time to really process what is useful to you.
    • Eat from a small plate. This is an optical illusion. Whatever is in front of you, your brain wants to eat it all. So opt for a smaller plate, and you'll miraculously eat less.
    • Don't multitask. If you shoot your food near the fridge, your brain doesn't see it as a meal. So take a seat. Concentrate. Consider the texture and the taste. And go only after that continue your super busy day.
    • Blue reduces the appetite. So choose a blue (small) plate, a blue tablecloth, and wear a blue shirt to be on the safe side. Ever wondered why restaurants are never blue?
  2. Consider calorie cycling. Recent research has shown that every now and then a day with more calories can cause you to lose weight more lose weight. Yeah ... Crazy, huh? The reason for this is that if you restrict your body, your metabolism slows down. This will make your body cling more strongly than ever to the nutrients it is still taking in. By consuming more calories every now and then a day, your body gets a proverbial breath of fresh air, it can relax for a while, and get rid of some fat reserves. Your metabolism can take its divine course for a while. During these ten days, consider fitting in a day once or twice when you spend more time than usual.
    • A variant of calorie cycling is carbohydrate cycling. If you mainly eat non-starchy vegetables and proteins (read: not many carbohydrates), then you would do well to choose one day when you do take carbohydrates. Your body would rather burn carbohydrates than fats and proteins. So adding them to your diet does the same thing - it boosts your bodily functions, making you lose weight faster.
  3. De-stress. Think about how stressed you are. It turns out that a higher stress level results in a higher level of cortisol. That makes you want to eat more. When you are under stress, there is little sleep, there is emotion eating, and less mindfulness in general. So relax! Your waist needs it.
    • A good place to start? Meditate or yoga. Yoga also burns calories, so you kill two birds with one stone. Otherwise, take 15 minutes a day to relax and get zen. There are too many days when you pass yourself by.
  4. Sleep. Even more science! It turns out that people who sleep more weigh less. And that makes sense - you feel good, your body functions fine, and you have less time to eat. So try to sleep at least eight hours a night. It will make you feel a lot better.
    • This has to do with the hormones leptin and ghrelin. Your values ​​are disturbed and cause your body to think you are hungry. And that while you are actually just tired. As icing on the cake, when you are tired, you quickly reach for sugar. Or do you opt for a takeaway because you are tired. Also, you don't go to the gym for the same reason. One, two, three reasons to sleep well!
  5. Be careful with trend diets. Let's get it right: if you drink nothing but water and spicy chili sauce for the next few days, you will lose a lot of weight. You will feel awful, and you will gain weight right away when you return to normal eating. It disrupts your metabolism and, if you're looking for a long-term solution, this isn't going to be him. But if you really have to fit in that one dress. Well, maybe it is. Just be careful. And don't tell your mom we recommended it to you.

Part 3 of 4: Mastering the ten-day diet

  1. Remember this one word: water. You won't get any closer to a miracle. If you drink enough of it, then some wonderful things can take place. This list should convince you that it is worth bringing a bottle with you:
    • You get full of it. The more you drink of it, the less you want to eat.
    • You still eat something. The more you drink it, the less often you eat something else.
    • It cleanses your body of toxins (keeps your poop normal).
    • It's super good for your hair and skin.
    • It keeps your muscles and organs hydrated and healthy.
  2. Go green. If you want to lose weight quickly, the easiest way to do that is to eat lots of green vegetables. Okay, all vegetables are "good" for you, but some are better. And those are the green ones. They are rich in nutrients and low in calories. You get very full of it, and are packed with vitamins and minerals.
    • All leafy greens are fantastic. Kale, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, Swiss chard, lettuce, white cabbage, etc. You can eat a lot of it, and still have enough calories for the rest of the day.
  3. Stop for white. Not for red, for white. If it's white, it probably contains processed or refined carbohydrates. That means that the fiber is out, and that there are not many nutrients in it. White bread, white rice, and even white potatoes should therefore be kept to a minimum. Or rather avoid it altogether in these ten days.
    • Just so you know, your body needs carbohydrates. You can find them in whole grain products and vegetables. Those are the best sources of carbohydrates. But they are complex and unrefined; it's the processed, high-sugar carbohydrates you want to avoid.
      • You have probably heard about Atkins (carbohydrate free). That diet can be quite effective in ten days. By the way, that's the case with most trend diets - it will probably work for about ten days ... But when you quit, prepare to clean up the mess you made. Avoid the carbs if you can keep them up, but know that it can have long-term consequences.
  4. Opt for lean proteins. Your diet should consist of at least 10% protein. If you want to lose weight, it is wise to increase that percentage a little more. It makes you build muscle and makes you sit super full - both of which help you lose weight. So take extra fish, white meat, soy and beans.
    • It has become so fashionable that even a diet consisting of 30% lean protein is considered normal. Research has shown that a high-protein diet, in combination with exercise, can reduce blood lipids. Proteins also ensure that you produce less insulin, and thus get less appetite. Win, win, win. Win, win, win.
  5. Know what the good fats are. Because your body needs them! It is not wise to cut them out of your diet altogether. So focus on the good fats, the unsaturated. These are found in avocados, olive oil, nuts, fish (salmon and trout), and low-fat dairy products. Adding these healthy fats (in moderation) to your diet can reduce cholesterol to lower, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
    • People need to make at least 10% of their diet fat. About 25% is normal and healthy, but only 7% of the saturated fats (the rogues) should come from that. You'll find it in red meat, whole dairy products, eggs, and poultry skins.
      • Eggs, on the other hand, are high in protein. It is therefore fine to eat an egg every day. Just don't overdo it!
  6. Limit how much sodium you take in. Sodium not only causes your blood vessels to constrict - forcing your heart to pump harder - but also binds to water, causing your waist to inflate. So if you don't even do it for your heart, do it for your pants size! So if you're not doing it for your heart's health, do it for your pants size!
    • One teaspoon of salt contains 2300 mg of sodium. We only need 200mg per day. However, that is almost impossible to do. The recommended daily amount is therefore 1500 mg. Not more than 2300!
  7. Do not eat in the evening. This is less about science and more about psychology: people tend to eat the worst (and most) at night. So if you commit to not eating after eight o'clock in the evening, you will no longer run to the shawarma farmer in the evening. And if you do get hungry in the evening, but instead of a kebab sandwich choose a glass of water, you will immediately lose weight. It's socially difficult, but it's worth it.
    • This is probably the hardest part. You go out with your friends, there is alcohol involved, and then you get hungry. And you want nothing more than to participate. Keep two things in mind. You can go with your friends, if you can resist the temptation. On the other hand, it's only for ten days. You can keep everything up for ten days, right?

Part 4 of 4: Mastering the 10-day workout

  1. Do cardio and weightlifting. Here are the facts: Cardio burns calories faster than weightlifting. A combination of both, however, burns even more. There is nothing better for your body than exercising all your muscle groups in different ways. Cardio and weight lifting does just that. So do them both.
    • In these ten days you actually want to do cardio every day. You can use the weights every other day. If you want to lift weight more often, make sure you engage different muscle groups: your body needs a day to recover from training.
  2. Take advantage of the small opportunities. Going to the gym is great. It really is. Very few people can say that. But if you want to get the most out of these ten days, then you need to take every chance to stay active. Even people who fidget or bite their nails are more likely to be thin!
    • When we say "small odds" we mean things like dancing while doing the dishes. Yoga while watching TV. Shelves during commercials. Cleaning up your room, instead of Facebooking. Scrub the floor. Wash the car by hand. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car further away… Do you know more?
  3. Try interval training. Cardio is good, but science is showing that interval training is even better. Moreover, it is faster and easier to pick up! Instead of jogging for 30 minutes, take a different method. Make every effort for 30 seconds, and walk more slowly for 15-20 seconds in between. Repeat this principle. Why? It burns more calories, and keeps your heart pumping; there is also an afterburn effect!
    • You can apply this to anything - not just the treadmill. If you go cycling between periods of hard work and less hard work, that counts too.
    • Curious about that afterburn effect? If your body is exerting itself in a way that it cannot sustain, it will take until the next day for it to rebuild oxygen. Those are calories that you burn when you are not exercising!
  4. Alternate it. It's easy to develop a routine… and get bored with it. Your muscles can get bored, your brain, or both. And when this happens, you burn fewer calories because you push yourself less hard. So alternate it! Choose lengthy exercise, more effort, or something completely different. Your body and mind will thank you for it.
    • Fill your days with fun activities to rediscover the meaning. Take a kickboxing class, hit the pool, or go for a walk. Get some friends to play indoor soccer, tennis, volleyball, etc. That way you burn calories without even realizing it.
  5. Know when you are at your best. Bodybuilders will probably tell you to lift weights first and then do cardio. Weight loss coaches will likely tell you to do cardio first. But the bottom line: know when you are at your best. When you can push yourself the most, when you are the most pumped, exercise. Whether it's in the middle of the night or after a pizza, it's up to you. It's all fine.
    • Experiment. Maybe you hate running because you only did it after work. You may find it more enjoyable to do it for work - it can get you through the day a lot more energized. So frolic with it a bit, these ten days. You may find a habit that you want to keep up for the rest of your life.


  • Pre-pack your snacks, especially if you have to go to work. That way you prevent that handful of almonds, your healthy snack, from turning into a bag full of almonds and a stomach ache.
  • First of all, you must be spiritually prepared to meet this challenge. Don't give up unless your health requires you to.


  • If you starve yourself, your body will shut itself down. And with that also your metabolism. When you start eating again, you will also gain weight. So avoid that.