Losing weight without exercising

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lose Weight without Exercise
Video: How to Lose Weight without Exercise


You lose weight if the body uses more calories than it takes in. Exercise is one way to accomplish this, but it can be unattainable for some people for a number of reasons - including medical issues, lack of time or lack of interest. You may therefore need to find alternative ways to shed those pounds. There are many ways to lose weight, and each one requires dedication and discipline. If you want to lose weight without exercising, follow the tips below.

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Method 1 of 2: Plan and motivate

  1. Determine how many calories you need per day to lose weight. One pound of body weight is roughly equal to 3,500 calories. Therefore, you will have to burn 3,500 calories for every pound you want to lose.
    • Find out how many calories you can cut from your daily diet. You do this by first calculating how many calories you need per day. You can do this by searching online for a calorie counter and then entering your weight, height, age and activity level. How many calories someone needs varies from person to person, so it is important to know your own personal number.
    • Determine how quickly you want to lose weight and subtract the corresponding number of calories from the recommended daily amount. For example, if you want to lose one pound per week, you will need to take 500 calories less per day to consume 3500 calories less in a week.
      • Be realistic. Since your regimen does not include exercise, you may not lose weight as quickly as you would like. Cutting out 1,000 to 1,500 calories a day to lose more than two pounds a week is unreasonable - your body will put itself into starvation mode, desperately clinging to the calories it takes in. This hinders the waste process.
  2. Develop a diet plan that promotes weight loss. If you don't exercise to burn calories, you will need to cut calories from your diet. But how exactly are you going to approach that? Keep the following guidelines in mind when designing your diet plan:
    • Mark milestones. How much weight do you want to lose after a week? After three weeks? That way, even if you don't meet your goals, the light at the end of that mini-tunnel will stay in view, and your motivation will be maintained. Ten pounds in ten weeks is great, but check it after five weeks. Are you halfway through?
    • Allocate a certain amount of calories to each meal. For breakfast, stick to 300 calories, two larger 500-calorie meals, and two 100-calorie snacks. That way you know exactly what you can and cannot eat.
    • Don't forget to promise yourself rewards! If you have a strict plan to achieve your goals, your secondary reason for sticking to this plan is to keep you motivated. After two weeks of hard work, what reward do you hope to get? Maybe a day of shopping? A nice movie? Your favorite soda? Make sure to include those rewards in your plan as well.
  3. Hold yourself accountable. A food diary is an excellent way to do this. You are not only forced to face what you have eaten, but you must also note and acknowledge it. Admitting on paper that you ate three pieces of cake for lunch can be exactly the motivation you need.
    • Find a friend to work with or someone you trust to read your journal. If he / she also keeps a diary, that is even better! When it comes to guilty pleasures, we often slip up and forgive ourselves for it all too easily. But knowing that there is someone who will assess those habits in the morning is good external motivation that can keep you on track. Ask a friend or family member to help you monitor your diet.
  4. Stay active. You do not have to exercise to increase the metabolism. Everything you do to keep moving, from housework to walking the dog, will help you work on your weight loss goals. The intention is that you stay on your feet as often as possible; you don't have to exercise for that.
    • Encourage more active social companionship. Frisbee golf, swimming, or a picnic in the park with friends are all activities that get you moving. Moreover, you get a nice breath of fresh air with it. If the weather throws a spanner in the works, dance or paintball.

Method 2 of 2: You are what you eat

  1. Drink plenty of water. Water does more than just purify your body of waste products. It promotes faster digestion (which makes you lose weight faster), but can also make you feel full before meals - causing you to eat less.
    • Water has endless benefits. It can also speed up your metabolism! Recent research has shown that drinking half a liter of cold water can significantly increase your metabolism after just ten minutes.If you drink like this for a year, you'll burn an extra 17,4000 calories - or lose five pounds! Just by drinking water!
      • Men and women generally have different water needs. Men usually need three liters a day and women a little more than two. These amounts also include foods and other drinks, but to lose weight, this amount should consist mainly of water (as it keeps hunger at bay).
  2. Ignore the mess. Simply put, processed foods are not good for us. In fact, most expiration dates are there for decoration. If you keep processed, prepackaged foods at home, most of them won't start to spoil or smell. Our bodies are not made for these synthetic foods. They are downright unhealthy.
    • Try to stick to a natural diet whenever possible. If you can't reasonably make it yourself, don't eat it. If you don't know what's in it, don't eat it. This means that you eliminate all processed foods, including fast food, from your diet. Consider this an opportunity to hone your cooking skills.
      • Throw out all junk food. Cookies, cake, pie, chips, soda, etc. If your family or roommates have trouble with this, put everything in a cupboard and make sure you don't get inside. Make sure your roommates know what that space means and that you don't eat out of it.
    • Restaurants are also among the culprits. Especially now that the portions are getting bigger and bigger and fatter and fatter. If you want to socialize and eat out, opt for healthier options (think fish and vegetables) and take half of it home.
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Now that you are consuming fewer calories, if you eat the wrong foods, you will likely be hungry often. But fruits and vegetables are calorie dense, filling, low-calorie, and low-fat. With a colorful diet, you will almost forget that you are tracking calories.
    • Fruits and vegetables are not only good for your waistline (and delicious), but can also lower the risk of cancer and other serious illnesses. Like no other food group, they provide your body with countless vitamins, minerals, fiber and other substances you need for your long-term health. Do you need more reasons?
    • Anywhere that "too" stands for is not good. For a snack of around 100 calories, you can choose a medium apple or banana, a cup of steamed green beans, a cup of blueberries or grapes, carrots, broccoli, or bell peppers with two teaspoons of humus. If you're having a hard time snacking healthily at work or on the go, think a few steps ahead - prepare your snacks ahead of time.
  4. Opt for lean and low-fat. Fruits and vegetables should make up a large part of your diet, but you can't live on fruits and vegetables alone. You also need other sources of protein, fiber, good carbohydrates and good fats. Add whole grains, oats, lean meats, and lean dairy products to your diet to find the healthy middle ground.
    • Do not opt ​​for carbohydrate or fat free. That's a diet that's guaranteed to backfire. Instead, opt to get healthy carbohydrates from whole grain pasta, brown rice, quinoa, and healthy fats from nuts, avocados and olive oil. Your body needs carbohydrates and fats to get energy out of it - regardless of the negative reputation that clings to them.
  5. Adjust the cooking methods. Stir-fried vegetables are no longer healthy if you use a lot of butter or oil. Don't sabotage your good intentions with bad cooking methods. Doing so will keep you wondering why you aren't losing weight.
    • Switch to steaming, grilling and cooking. Avoid techniques that involve coating foods with butter, batter, or other greasiness. These techniques add extra calories that your body doesn't even register. The feeling of satiety is caused by the food, not what is around the food.
    • Switch to extra virgin olive, flaxseed and walnut oil. These consist mainly of unsaturated fats (the good kind) and serve the same purpose. Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats can help lower cholesterol, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity.
    • Don't make your dishes any saltier than necessary. Salt is known to clog blood vessels, increasing blood pressure. There are also other drastic health risks. If you can limit your salt intake a bit, you will be amazed at how little difference you can taste. If it tastes good enough without salt, don't add it.


  • While weight loss is all about burning more calories than you take in, getting the calories from good, healthy sources is also important. Make sure you're getting enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats - this is how you make sure your body is getting everything it needs.
  • Make sure you have a bottle of water with you at all times. You will drink the water just to do something, and slowly but surely develop a very good habit.
  • Don't skip breakfast! Breakfast kickstarts your body in the morning, boosting your metabolism and getting you ready to start your day.


  • Laxatives and diet pills are unhealthy. If you stop using them, you will gain weight right away, and your body will not thank you for that. Long-term weight loss doesn't happen overnight.
  • Do not limit the amount of calories you take in so that you no longer get the necessary vitamins and nutrients. You may lose weight faster, but your hair, skin, nails, and vital signs will suffer.
  • Never consider eating disorders as a way to lose weight. Vomiting is disastrous for your esophagus and tooth enamel; starving yourself is too.