To lose weight

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Should I exercise more or eat less to lose weight?
Video: Should I exercise more or eat less to lose weight?


Tired of carrying those extra pounds? Do you want to get rid of that extra weight once and for all? This article describes the basics of how to eat, exercise and stay motivated to lose weight.

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Method 1 of 4: Eat well

  1. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruit satisfies your cravings for sweets thanks to the natural sugars it contains. Both fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of fiber so that you are full more quickly. Try the following tips to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet:
    • Eat what's in season and eat fruits and vegetables for snacks or dessert. For example, if you eat apples in the fall or cherries in the late summer, it makes a delicious dessert right away. Cut celery, carrots, bell pepper, broccoli or cauliflower into pieces and dip in a light dressing or humus.
    • Use vegetables as a main dish. For example, make a stir-fry dish or a salad and add a little bit of chicken, salmon or almonds.
  2. Eat more whole grains and cut simple carbohydrates. Whole wheat bread, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, sweet potato and brown rice are all excellent sources of energy packed with nutrients. When you combine it with the right amount of protein and vegetables, whole grains are the perfect food.
    • Simple carbohydrates include white bread, white flour and white sugar. It quickly gives you energy, but then comes the dip. It is converted into fat by the body very quickly.
    • Make pancakes or other baked goods with whole wheat or oats. You may need to add some raising agent, such as wheat gluten. Put millet in the soup instead of white rice, or try making pilaf with wild rice or brown rice.
    • Eat only naturally occurring carbohydrates instead of processed carbohydrates. Avoid over-processed foods such as white bread, white pasta, crackers, and candy bars.
  3. Choose lean proteins over fat. Proteins are important for the proper functioning of the organs and for developing muscles when you exercise. Choose a lean cut of beef if you eat red meat. If you eat chicken, take the skin off.
    • Skip fatty meats like salami and other sausages. Choose lean turkey or roast beef as an alternative.
    • Vegetarians get enough protein from soy, nuts, beans and seeds. Lentils, legumes and other beans are excellent sources of fiber and protein.
    • Eat low-fat dairy as a source of protein, such as low-fat cheese and yogurt.
  4. Follow a diet. If the idea of ​​a specific diet appeals to you and you like to leave the planning to someone else, try dieting:
    • Follow a paleo diet and eat meat, fish, seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, seeds, and nuts, just like the cavemen did. Do not eat anything prepackaged or processed.
    • Eat raw foods. The Raw Food diet requires you to eat 75% of your daily diet uncooked. Most people eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans.
    • Join a diet club. If you like to keep eating what you eat, but want to meet weekly with people who also want to lose weight, go with the Weight Watchers.
  5. Cut salt from your diet. When you eat a lot of salt, your body retains moisture, which can make you feel bloated and gain weight. The good news is that you sweat out moisture quickly, so if you stop eating salty foods, you can lose a few pounds in no time.
    • Season your meals with chili pepper, fresh salsa, or other herbs and spices instead of salt.
    • Many people find that unsalted food tastes much salty if you haven't eaten added salt for a while.
  6. Don't skip meals. Many people think they lose weight faster if they skip meals, but research shows that people who eat at least 3 meals a day lose more weight than those who don't. If you skip meals, your body will no longer break down fat, but muscles. There are more calories in muscle tissue than in other tissue, so you are actually exceeding your goal.
    • Avoid getting hungry by eating small portions throughout the day. Eat a 150-calorie snack between meals to keep your digestion going and fight hunger. Avoid eating fattening snacks such as sweets or chips. When you are hungry, your body retains calories and your digestion slows down.

Method 2 of 4: The basics of weight loss

  1. Write down everything you eat this week. People who keep a food diary lose an average of 2.75 kg more than people who don't keep track of what they eat, so force yourself to write down everything, both good and bad. Keep these tips in mind:
    • Be complete. Write down everything, including drinks, sauces, and a description of how the food is prepared. Don't pretend you didn't drink that second glass of wine after dinner. When it goes into your stomach, it has to go into your book, too.
    • Be accurate. Write down the size of the portions. Don't eat too little or too much, just stick with it. Also read the labels so you know what a normal serving is.
    • Be consistent. Take your food diary with you wherever you go. You can also download a special app for your phone or tablet.
  2. Calculate how many calories you should be eating to lose weight. Losing weight is not all about weight. The more aware you are of the calories in your diet, the easier it will be to eat the right amount and know how much to exercise to lose weight. Grab your food diary and look up each item separately. In the end, add up everything from the entire day.
    • Now find out how many calories someone your age, height, weight and energy level needs per day.
    • Add about 170 calories to the total. Recent research has shown that we tend to eat just a little more than we write down.
  3. Make a meal plan and stick to it. Decide what you're going to eat this week before standing in front of the fridge and making it up on the spot. Buy the good, healthy ingredients you need and count the number of calories.
    • Be realistic. If you eat out often, don't stop completely. Then plan to eat at home six times, and eat out once or get something to take out.
    • Eat less sweets or turn them into healthy snacks. Fresh vegetables with guacamole, unsalted almonds or fruit are delicious healthy snacks.
    • Allow yourself a treat every now and then. Promise yourself that if you have adhered to your diet and exercise plan for six days, you can eat out at the end of the week.
  4. Eat fewer calories than you burn. The only way to lose weight is to eat less than you burn. That sounds simple, but it takes hard work and persistence. It means you have to exercise. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy, you will have to exercise. Try to exercise for 30 minutes 3-5 times a week.

    • Try to keep track of how much energy you use per day. It is easier if you do this with a pedometer or other app. Read the exercise section for more specific tips.
    • Set mini goals. Instead of thinking you need to shed 10 pounds, consider that you want to lose 1 pound this week. Or you can focus on goals that don't involve pounds, such as cutting out snacks after dinner, or just drinking alcohol on the weekend.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Water has a double effect, as it hydrates your body and fills your stomach without calories. It is recommended that men should drink about 3 liters and women about 2.2 liters of water per day.
    • If you drink water about 30 minutes before a meal, you eat less.
    • Research has shown that dieters who drank half a liter of water before meals lost about 44% more weight in 12 weeks than people who did not.

Method 3 of 4: Exercise

  1. Do aerobics or cardio training. Start with 30 minutes, 3 times a week if you're not moving at all right now. Try the following steps to get yourself started:
    • Buy a pedometer. Attach the pedometer to your belt and try to take 5000 steps daily. Shift your goal to 10,000 to 15,000 if you are more in shape.
    • Start walking. Walking in the neighborhood costs nothing and is a great way to get exercise. You can also do other low-impact training such as swimming, cycling or running slowly.
  2. Work out on machines in the gym. You can use the treadmill, a cross trainer, a home trainer, a rowing machine or a step machine. Start with short sessions and gradually build up as you get fitter. You can also set the devices heavier if you are working a bit longer. Change the settings on the devices to make it heavier as you get fitter.
    • Do all kinds of different devices until you find something you really like. Ask a personal trainer for advice so that you do it right and don't get injured.
  3. Take a lesson. You can do traditional aerobics classes or try something different. This is a great way to stay motivated because you exercise with a group of people, have fun and lose weight. Try one of the following lessons:
    • Kickboxing
    • Zumba
    • Pilates
    • Yoga
    • Martial arts
    • Bootcamp
  4. Do weight training. Start with 15 minutes 1-2 times a week until you feel like you can do more. Train the major muscle groups to burn more calories and lose weight, instead of targeting specific muscles. Try some of these examples:
    • Start doing squats with a barbell on your shoulders to target your lower body and upper body at the same time.
    • Do resistance training while sitting or lying on an exercise ball. You will strengthen your core while working on other areas as well.
    • Use machines and free weights. These devices target a specific group such as the arms, shoulders, thighs and upper back. Do those more focused exercises after you work larger muscle groups.
    • Take at least a full day of rest between workouts so that your muscles can recover. Recovery ensures that you avoid pain and injuries.
  5. Join a sports club. If you don't like exercise for the sake of exercise, try to find an activity that you enjoy with the added benefit of getting you moving. Join the local tennis or football club, or meet up with friends to get active every week.
    • If you don't like competition, do something you can do on your own. Go swimming, golf or hiking.
    • Buy a good bike if you're looking for a way to get around and exercise at the same time. Drive less so you burn more calories.

Method 4 of 4: Stay motivated

  1. Find creative ways to eat less. While this doesn't necessarily lead to weight loss, it can help you stay motivated. To eat less, try one of the following:
    • Eat in front of the mirror.
    • Eat three bites less from each meal.
    • Place your knife and fork between snacks.
    • Use smaller plates and scoop only once.
    • Wait to eat until you are really hungry, don't eat because you are bored.
  2. Find creative ways to reduce cravings. If you tend to snack a lot, you won't be surprised that dieting isn't going to be all that fun for you. But you can learn to control cravings for a piece of cake or chips if you get a little creative.
    • Smell a piece of fruit when you want to snack, but don't eat anything.
    • Close the kitchen between meals.
    • Do not bring fatty or sweet snacks into your home.
    • There are studies showing that the color blue reduces appetite. Buy a blue tablecloth or a blue place mat to eat from.
  3. Eat at home. When you eat out, it is much easier to cheat. Restaurant food contains more fat, salt and other things that can ruin your diet. The portions are also often larger than what you would eat at home. So eat at home as much as possible.
    • Eat with a small group rather than a large group of people. There is research showing that people eat more at large tables than when they are alone.
    • Never eat while doing other things. If you eat while watching TV, reading or working, you usually eat more than usual.
  4. Eat cereal for breakfast. A recent study found that people who eat breakfast cereals lose weight much more easily than people who eat other things for breakfast. Get your day off to a good start with high-fiber cereal without sugar or oatmeal.
    • Switch to low-fat milk. That can save up to 20% in calories. So if you switch to low-fat milk, you can very well consume fewer calories while still enjoying its benefits.
  5. Go lose weight with a group.Make a promise that you will lose a certain number of pounds in a certain amount of time, and make a return if you fail. You may be able to start an "Elimination Race" at work, with friends, or with people online.
  6. Enjoy a treat every now and then. If you are going to a party or have a special occasion, allow yourself a treat. Just make sure that this does not become a daily habit. Don't let your diet go right away if you go wrong one time. Just move on, even if you've sinned for a day or two.
    • Also try a reward that has nothing to do with food. If you're doing well with your diet or exercise, reward yourself with something. Go to a concert with a friend, get a massage, or go to the cinema if you have achieved one of your mini goals. Or buy that cute T-shirt you saw if you lost a kilo this week.


  • Drink water before and after a snack or meal.
  • Whichever method you choose, eat slowly; then you will be full sooner.
  • If you gain weight correctly, don't worry, it could be the weight of your muscles.
  • Go for a long walk in the favorite part of your hometown.
  • Weigh yourself every day and then take the average of 7 days. Focus on a downward trend instead of a set number of pounds per week. You can sometimes gain weight, especially if you are a woman (due to your menstrual cycle).
  • Drink plenty of water after exercise. Then you have to go to the bathroom and urinate all your weight out.
  • Quit soda - forever.
  • By just quitting sugar you can lose up to 3 kilos per week!
  • Do not start a diet alone. Seek support from friends or family who also want to lose weight, or join a diet club in your area. You can also find support from a variety of online forums.
  • If you are breastfeeding, you should talk to your doctor before starting any diet. If you lose too much weight, your milk production can decrease.
  • Do not drink fruit juices from concentrate.
  • Everyone has a different body due to hereditary predisposition. Don't try to be like others. Your ultimate goal should be to improve the body you have. You would be surprised at how many people would secretly want your body, while you want to look like someone else.
  • Feeling good isn't just about losing weight. People who have lost weight often lose not only pounds, but also old habits and feelings. Listen to your heart and do the things that make you feel good. You are more than a number on the scales.


  • Don't starve yourself.
  • You don't have to lose weight if you are already at a healthy weight. Be happy with your body and focus on your health rather than perfection.
  • Avoid losing more than 0.5 to 1 kg per week. If you lose weight faster, you can lose muscle mass instead of fat. It is also more difficult to sustain rapid weight loss over the long term.


  • Healthy food
  • Pedometer
  • MP3 player or iPod
  • Good sports shoes
  • Personal trainer
  • Diet diary
  • Money for the rewards