Becoming more attractive to men

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Scientific Ways to Be More Attractive to Men
Video: 5 Scientific Ways to Be More Attractive to Men


Would you like more men to look at you? If you're tired of being single, you may be wondering how you can get a little more interesting for guys. Sure, you can put on a sexy dress and put on a thick coat of makeup, but that probably won't attract the men you want. The trick is to make sure you become the best and most beautiful version of yourself, both inwardly and outwardly. If you love yourself and enjoy life, men will notice that too.

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Part 1 of 3: Be yourself

  1. Have confidence. People like others who are self-confident. They have a hint of carelessness that makes you want to know more about them. Show your strengths and be proud of what you have accomplished, instead of hiding it. If you feel good about yourself, you will certainly radiate it.
    • Of course, you can't be confident overnight, and it's also hard to pretend when you aren't. If there are things that make you feel unwell, work on feeling better about yourself.
  2. Relax and enjoy the moment. Do you get nervous when a man is around? Everyone has trouble with social contacts from time to time. Maybe you are sometimes shy or you don't know what to say. You can then become tense and behave very differently than you are, for example by giggling or acting very tough. If you can be yourself and relax, things will go much better. Knowing how to relax and have fun is an attractive quality to others.
    • If you often feel self-conscious, you find it more difficult to connect with others because you worry about how you look or come across, rather than focusing on the person you are talking to. Learn to be fully present in the conversation instead of worrying about your appearance and communication skills.
  3. Say what you think. You probably know those girls who are very good at saying what they think men want to hear, but that always ends up trapping you. It is much more appealing to be to yourself from the beginning and to express your thoughts. You have great qualities that you don't need to hide, and if the guy you're talking to doesn't like that, it wouldn't work out in the end.
    • For example, if a guy asks what you think of a movie, say what you really think, instead of pretending you think it's a good movie because he thinks it is. It can turn into an interesting discussion that you wouldn't have had if you'd just agreed with him.
  4. Share your passions and interests. When people talk about their passion, they come to life more. The excitement they feel when they talk about the things that drive them is infectious and it makes them more interesting. It's attractive to be so passionate about something that you want to share it with others. When talking to a nice guy, don't be afraid to reveal what's important to you.
    • If you're a little shy, it can be difficult to open up like that. But put it this way: if you force yourself to show a little more of yourself, the relationship can develop more quickly.
    • Also ask about his interests. Show him that you want to get to know him better.
  5. Show men that you are a caring person. When you meet someone you'd like to get to know better, it's always good to show that you are caring. When it comes down to it, don't we all want to be loved and accepted?
    • There are a thousand ways to show him that you are a caring type. Surprise him by getting him a drink, keep asking if he shows that something is bothering him, compliment his jacket, say you're happy to see him, and so on. That is always immediately attractive.
  6. Don't pretend to be someone else. Whether you're introverted, outgoing, serious, crazy, smart, sweet, sarcastic, or some combination of all of this, don't ever try to change your personality for the sake of hooking up on a guy. Don't hide or distort your personality, or you could lose yourself. You are good the way you are and if someone wants to change that, he does not suit you.
    • Trying to be someone you aren't will only hurt you, and it's an unfair way to start a relationship. Suppose you are studying math and would like to pursue a career as a professor, then you shouldn't pretend you don't know anything about math because you fear it would be intimidating for him. Your true you will come up anyway, so don't waste time trying to hide that.

Part 2 of 3: Looking your best

  1. See your own beauty. You may not live up to conventional beauty ideals, but who actually created them? Today's beauty ideals are completely different from those of the past and will always change. Movies and magazines prescribe a certain kind of beauty, and we need not deny that those models and actresses are beautiful. But in reality we know that beauty has endless definitions, not just one or a few.If you're worried about how you look, let go of trying to live up to unattainable standards and show off your unique beauty - that's much more appealing than having low self-esteem.
    • It doesn't matter what body shape you have, what skin color you have, how tall you are or how long your hair is; you are just beautiful.
    • Did you know that research has shown that others see you 20% more beautiful than you see yourself? Too many women are too hard on themselves and cannot see their own beauty.
  2. Find your style. Your style expresses your personality and is not a copy of someone else's version of what is attractive. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it makes you feel confident. You can be just as attractive in jeans with a T-shirt as you can in a low-cut dress with lots of jewelry. If you wear clothes that make you feel good, you will go through life carefree and that is really attractive. If you don't, you will look stiff and uncomfortable.
    • For example, if you hate high heels, don't force yourself to wear them, because it's really not attractive when you waddle down the sidewalk. On the other hand, if you like to get dressed up, do it! Just make sure your style shows who you are so you can put your best foot forward.
    • To boost your style, make sure your clothes fit properly. Don't hide your shapes by wearing clothes that you drown in.
    • Haven't discovered your style yet? Then experiment by putting on something you would never normally choose and see if it makes you feel good. Play around with accessories, styles and colors. When it feels good, you wear it when you go out; if it feels like you are dressing up, continue to experiment.
  3. Emphasize your favorite characteristics. Are there certain things you like about yourself? Maybe your dark brown eyes, your beautiful hair or your cute chin. Whatever it is, get others to agree. Make it stand out by choosing certain clothes, accessories, and makeup that emphasize your features.
    • For example, if you have beautiful dark eyes, wear large gold earrings to draw attention to your eyes.
    • Or if you like your long, thin net you can wear a v-neck or have your hair cut to shoulder length.
  4. Experiment with makeup if you wish. Some women feel better with makeup, others don't. Just like with clothes, you should do what feels right (and if that means you don't want to wear makeup, that's fine). If you only wear makeup to appeal to men, then you should know that recent research has shown that men like less makeup than women usually wear.
  5. Show your hair. It's one of the first things others notice, so a hairstyle that looks good on you is important. Whatever type, color or length of hair you have, there is always a hairstyle that suits you nicely. Try different styles until you find something you feel comfortable with.
    • Some guys like long hair, others prefer short. Instead of worrying about what men think, choose a hairstyle that makes you feel beautiful.
    • If you color, perm, or straighten your hair too often, you can damage it, making it dull and brittle. Most people agree that damaged hair is not attractive, so keep your hair healthy.
  6. Provide a healthy glow. Probably the most important thing if you want to be attractive is to look healthy. Take care of yourself and you show that you have self-confidence and that you love yourself. Follow a good routine to feel healthy and look good:
    • Take care of your skin by exfoliating and applying so that it stays soft and radiant.
    • Eat foods that keep your body healthy from within.
    • Drink gallons of water to keep your skin hydrated and flush out toxins.
    • Don't smoke or drink too much alcohol.
    • Exercise regularly to stay strong.
    • Get enough sleep and relax when you are under too much stress.

Part 3 of 3: Flirting with men

  1. Go to places where you enjoy yourself. Those are the places where you are carefree, relaxed and happy, which makes you look more attractive. You are also more likely to meet men who share the same interests. It's the perfect opportunity to meet a nice person and try out your flirting skills.
    • For example, if you like badminton, join a mixed sports team. Go to training and competitions and mingle with attractive teammates. Can you immediately impress by playing really well?
  2. Make eye contact. This is probably the most effective flirting technique in existence. Making eye contact shows that you are confident, that you are interested, and can make his knees go limp. Look him in the eye, just a few seconds longer than usual, and he will realize that something more is going on.
    • Make eye contact at certain points in the conversation, such as when you compliment him.
    • Don't look too long, because that can get weird. Keep it subtle in the beginning.
  3. Smile. This is an easy, friendly way to show that you are happy and that you care about what he says. Make sure the smile is sincere, so that your eyes also participate in addition to your mouth, otherwise it will look fake. Smile a lot so that you keep the conversation light and pleasant.
    • Laugh when he says something funny, but don't overdo it.
    • A powerful flirting technique is laughter and eye contact at the same time. Then you have it in your pocket.
    • You can also flirt using body language.
  4. Start a conversation. You don't have to wait for him to talk to you. If you're interested in someone, introduce yourself and start a friendly conversation so you can get to know each other a little better. Keep it light, for example, talk about the performance you just saw together, or the atmosphere in the café where you are.
    • During the conversation, see if you can arouse his interest. If he answers the eye contact, asks questions, and seems to be having a good time, move on and see where it leads.
    • If he doesn't seem interested, don't go too far. Just tell him it was nice to have a chat and go see a friend or someone else. Don't take it personally; you don't know him at all, so you don't know why he didn't feel like talking.
  5. Compliment him if you know him a little better. Sprinkling compliments right away may be going too far, but after you've talked for a while, you can say something that shows you like him. Then he knows you find him attractive, which is exactly what you want: Research has shown that people are more likely to be attracted to people who find them attractive.
    • Say something sincere. Don't just compliment his t-shirt or shoes, but give it a little more meaning. For example, you can say, "I understand why you are a teacher, you are so patient."
    • Or you can compliment something physical, such as his smile, eyes, or beard.
  6. Take it a step further. If the conversation is going really well and it seems like the feelings are mutual, you should take the plunge and ask for his phone number. You don't have to wait for him to make the first move. He may not be the one, but you will never know if you don't go on a date to really get to know him.
    • Schedule a date for a few days later so that you both have time to think and prepare.
    • If you are not yet ready for an appointment, you can also only exchange numbers.


  • Try not to spend too much time on your phone when you are on a date. If you keep checking your messages or taking pictures of your meal and the like, the boy will think you are not paying attention to him. If you want a picture of the two of you together, ask him to take it. The exception to this is if you want to look up cinema times, for example, or the route to a restaurant. Furthermore, you should pay your full attention to him and not to your phone.


  • Wear as much or as little makeup as you want. What guys want doesn't matter, because it's your body after all!