A text message to tell if a girl likes you

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Know If A Girl Likes You Over Text
Video: How To Know If A Girl Likes You Over Text


It's difficult to tell if a girl likes you from a text message. If you speak to her in person, you can see that much easier than with a text message. If someone is in front of you, the non-verbal communication is much more noticeable. But also in text messages there are certain non-verbal clues, which - if you know where to find them - can give you a nice idea whether a certain girl likes you or not.

To step

  1. Pay attention to how often she initiates a conversation. If you're always the one to take the initiative, chances are she's not very interested in you. But if she starts talking a little too often, she might not be interested either. When a girl likes a guy, she tries to show her interest without being too conspicuous or looking desperate. And so it is that she will start half or more of your conversations, but certainly not all. If a girl starts all the conversations, it's a sign that she doesn't care if she looks desperate because she sees you as just a friend. Although they prefer to hang on your every word, most girls will resist that urge. You can even say that a girl who likes you is likely to end the conversation first to show how interesting she is and that she has a busy social life without you too. If a girl often ends the conversation with "I have to go, go to the movies with my best friend," she may be interested in you. But if she usually just stops texting without saying goodbye, she probably isn't interested.
  2. Count the emoticons. You don't have to count them very precisely, of course, but take note of how often she uses emoticons and which ones the most. The wink is most commonly used by girls who want to flirt. The more she uses a wink emoticon, the more likely she is to like you. A regular smiley can also have that meaning (or not), but if she sends oversized smileys that's a good sign. If she likes you, she will also be more likely to use a blushing smiley or a kiss emoticon.
  3. See how interested she is in what you have to say by looking at her answers. If she gives thoughtful answers to your comments, it is a sign of a higher level of interest in your thoughts and therefore you. On the other hand, if she gives those very short answers as "OK" or often leaves the conversation with little but "brb", she probably doesn't have much interest in you. If she regularly jokes back when you say something funny, or asks questions to keep the conversation going, you can infer that she wants to keep talking to you for as long as possible.
  4. See it as an encouragement if she starts teasing you. Messages such as 'you wish you were here now ...' or 'if you were here now ...' usually have the intention of making you wonder how that sentence would continue, especially if it ends with '...'. messaging is suggestive in a fun way without being over the top, and is meant to make you think a little bit more about her now and wonder what her feelings and intentions are.
  5. Pay attention to the content of her messages. If it's usually about practical things like a homework question, it's probably not about you. But if her messages are personal and contain questions about your life, she might be interested in you. That is certainly the case with plans that you mentioned in previous posts.
    • Another promising type of message is the random question. Pay attention to something irrelevant, like, `` What do you prefer: surviving a year on only your dirtiest food or never being allowed to eat your favorite food again for the rest of your life? '' These kinds of questions are not really important and if she asks a lot of them that is a sign that she's looking for an excuse to chat with you because she's thinking about you.
  6. Note the punctuation. Pay particular attention to how many exclamation points she uses.The more exclamation points, the more excitement about the chance to chat with you. "Hi there" says more than a single "hi".
  7. See how many unnecessarily long words she uses. Not all girls do this, but many girls put extra vowels and consonants in words. For example, she can send something with words like "hayi", "ookeeee", "eeeeeecht?" Or "byyyeee". It's about replicating the flirty tone of a real conversation.
  8. Watch for giggles in the messages. Every happy smile is a positive sign, but they are not all the same. You can send the well-known abbreviations like "LOL", "ROTFL" and "LMAO" to anyone, whether you are in love with them or not. "Haha" is a clearer sign, because she wants you to really see your hair smiling. "Hihi" or "giggle" are the equivalent of real giggles rather than outright laughter, and girls are more likely to send a giggle message if she wants to look cute.
  9. Wonder if she regularly sends directions. A well-known SMS clue is a proposal to meet. An invitation to a party is fine, but a better invitation is of the `` we'll see '' type, where she discreetly mentions something like `` I'll go to the pool, maybe I'll see you there? '' This seems like an unimportant message but actually it usually means that she really wants to see you herself. And now. And if she really wants to see you, that's a pretty clear sign that she's interested in you.


  • If she asks you things about school, she might want to meet up, but she doesn't dare
  • Don't be childish: step up to her, flirt with her and see if she likes you. And if not, you get on with your life!

