How to get a guy to dance with you

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Dance With A Girl In The Club (Bump n Grinding tutorial)
Video: How To Dance With A Girl In The Club (Bump n Grinding tutorial)


Do you want to dance with this cutie? Follow these simple guidelines and dance with him in no time!


  1. 1 Convince him and only him to come to you. Sometimes you want to make eye contact with him, flirt. Place your hands on your hips and look sexually bored. If you are embarrassed to do this (because if you look too sexy, other guys may come to you), assume a flirty-sexy-bored look, directing eye contact only at him. If you don’t want to ask him because you’re nervous and afraid of rejection, don’t worry. If he doesn't show up, try repeating it on another nice guy.
  2. 2 If necessary, take the first step. If he doesn't take the first step, you may need to. If he is constantly walking around, he may be trying to get your or someone else's attention (or trying to find a person, or see something). Walk up to him and say, "Hey, how are you?" and have a little chat. Never ask right away "Would you like to dance with me?" He will feel pressure and most likely will not want to continue the conversation. Ask only after small talk, and then he will most likely agree, because he will know that this is normal.
  3. 3 Give hints. Sometimes flirting helps. It should be a little confusing, as if you're supposed to be using pick-up tricks or speaking in a sexy voice but still looking cute, talking sexy, and making good eye contact.If he says something boring, nod your head so he doesn't think he’s tired of you. If he speaks out of breath, he probably likes you. If he says he wants to speed up the process, start talking and your boy. If he seems unhappy with the conversation, then he is in a hurry to dance or wants something else. Invite him to dance! Let's say, “Hey ... I'm wondering ... do you wanna dance? If not, that's okay. "
  4. 4 Know how to accept rejection. This is the dark part of the dance. If he said no (most likely not), he’s an idiot, this is the time, and he’s not worth it for you to get upset. If everything is ok, ask who he wants to dance with and say that you will persuade him to dance with you so you can befriend. If he says, "With anyone," never ask why he doesn't want to dance with you. Just say, "Oh, good, because (by the girl's name he will likely be crushed) I think he wants to dance with you." Be polite!
  5. 5 Dance. agreed to dance with you. There are many types of dances: reggenton, slow dance, freestyle, etc. first of all, watch how he leaves. If he's waiting for you, start with regginton to scare and interest.
    • Regenton mainly involves sexual movement of the hips, but sometimes it is necessary to close tightly to it. Sometimes guys will grip your hips tightly and there will be a crowd of people around. The guy you asked to dance is likely to want to do it in a crowd, not together. Sometimes during the dance, he will be behind you, so do not think about how to create a favorable impression. It's harder for him to do it!
  6. 6 Make decisions. If he tries to kiss you, think while he bends over. If you want it to be your first (or other) kiss, then go ahead. If you don’t know if he’s going to be your boyfriend and if he’s a famous player (or you don’t want to kiss him), be careful and say, "I gotta go ... bye!" and leave, but not in a hurry. You can quickly hug him in thanks for the dance ..
  7. 7 Keep dancing. After his refusal, if you feel fear or, perhaps, you are with him from the same company (or you have mutual acquaintances, or nodding acquaintances), try to distract yourself. Think differently, erasing the memories of what just happened. Try to invite someone else and try someone “easy” who will agree. If they refuse, don't think that you are ugly or stupid. They are ugly and stupid! Just go to your friends and dance with them and maybe sit with them and talk, talk about what happened and ask for advice. If they say, “Let's dance further, okay?”, Do it! This is a great way to clear your mind and focus on the music!
  8. 8 Take it easy. You probably have thoughts like, “Damn it, what just happened? Did I just dance with a guy? He is my boyfriend? I do not know what to do?!". They can appear either when the song ends and goes to Taylor Swift or slow dancing, or after the dance because you are all horny. Hic! Just take it easy and don't go tell your friends about everything, because he may not be your boyfriend and he may not like you spreading rumors about it.
  9. 9 Don't think twice. If you already have butterflies fluttering in your stomach because you think he might agree, take it easy (because if he refuses [proven fact] you feel bad and want to leave) and relax, because that also makes you anxious and think twice. Who knows, maybe he was going to invite you himself.
  10. 10 Slow down. If you were dancing reggenton, and the music suddenly switched to something slower, turn to him (because, most likely, he was dancing from behind) and ask: “Is it worth ...? If not, everything is fine. " If he says “Oh no” or “NO!”, Just say “Okay” and go sit down (there is probably a place to sit there). If not, step back to the wall.If he said, “Sure” or “Okay,” wait while he puts his hands on your neck or hips. If he doesn't, start with the “white dance elements,” where you slowly move your legs and smile.
  11. 11 Accelerate. If to fast songs he jumps and smiles, repeat after him, if you are not afraid to "jump." If you're afraid, just move your hips and rub them slowly (you can also attract him and the crowd) to relax with him.
  12. 12 Separately. If he is not dancing with you and has turned away, dancing with his friends or another girl, dance on / go away. If he asks why you left him on the dance floor, say, "I feel bad," "I have a stomach ache," or "I need to go to the bathroom." Try not to offend him and do not say: "Because you did not dance with me!" Because he will not like it and you will no longer have the opportunity to dance together. Just smile at him and say, "Do you want to dance now?" and if he doesn't want to, say okay and invite another guy or dance with your friends.
  13. 13 Have fun. If he doesn't dance well, just have fun together. Have a little laugh about it and if your friends say, "Oh my gosh, you guys are adorably awful dancers!", Say, "I know ... isn't my boyfriend cute?" or “I know ... but he's unique. That is why I love him! " If it is a slow dance and it keeps stepping on your feet, ask it to "follow you." If he doesn't, step back and just dance to the music, smiling sweetly. This will make you look really cute!
  14. 14 Stop dancing and stand up. If he's being rude, commenting on how you dance (even if you're doing it badly), sometimes it's better to say, “Okay, if I'm that terrible, you can find another girl to dance and comment on her” and if you are in high school ( and old enough to curse), say, "Okay, maybe it's time to stop commenting on the girls dancing and start having fun." And if he "gossips" about you, don't worry. Reject everything or accept it and the teachers will allow you to come back.
  15. 15 Disappoint him (or not). If he asks you to become his girlfriend at the dance, at the beginning of the dance, in the middle or at the end, smile and answer yes or no. If you agree, he will be happy. If you wanted to dance, agree! This is what you wanted, isn't it? If you refuse him and offer to remain friends, he will be upset until the end of the dance. So say yes and part with him after the dance or at school the next day, saying "I thought about it and I don't want to." It might be worth giving him a shot if he's a good guy.
  16. 16 Agree with him. If you danced together, rumors will go. Control them! If he creates them, ask to stop it nicely, and if he refuses, just tell everyone the truth (especially "gossips"). If someone continues to do this, smile and fight with them. At the end of the day, say “everyone” if someone is bothering you.
  17. 17 Find another. If you see your infatuation / cutie / candy dancing with someone else, relax. Find someone else to dance and don't let them ruin your day. He's probably having a good time, and that's his wish. Don't make it all suck and don't waste your friends' time complaining about it.
  18. 18 Move on. There will probably be a large group of 6th, 7th, or 8th grade students or high school (grades 9-12 students), and if you are rejected, you can find a dance partner there. If there is a cute boy in this group, invite him.
  19. 19 Do it outside. Remember to have fun because you can ask him to meet and dance with you afterwards!


  • If you don't like this song, you shouldn't tell your partner “Oh, I hate this song…” and walk away. Enjoy. Perhaps this is his favorite song. In addition, he may stop dancing, invite another girl and not return to you.
  • If the "strange kid" invites you to dance, either agree politely (make it a day!) Or say, "No, but thanks for the invitation!" and either hug him or smile flirtatiously and don't let him get upset. Perhaps point to a girl who will agree to dance with him.
  • If your hobby is dancing with another girl, take a break. Don't complain! Just find another guy (Maybe an older guy?)
  • If you've played your favorite song, don't shout “I love this song !!” because what if he hates it? If he wants to go to the dance floor, move in a large dance group. They probably love him and he lost his chance to dance with you.