How to open a geode

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024


Once you find a geode (a round stone formation with crystals or secretions inside), you will definitely want to hack it as carefully as possible. Each geode is unique. It can contain everything from clear and pure quartz crystals to valuable purple amethyst crystals, as well as agate and chalcedony or minerals such as dolomite. Fortunately, there are several ways to open a geode.


  1. 1 Always wear safety glasses before opening the geode.

Method 1 of 5: Sledgehammer

  1. 1 Place the geode in a sock and place it on the ground.
  2. 2 Take a small sledgehammer or hammer (preferably not a construction one) and hit the top center of the geode. To completely break a geode, you will need to hit it several times. This will most likely result in the geode breaking into more than two pieces, but this method is most acceptable for children, although it is not recommended for extremely valuable and rare geodes.

Method 2 of 5: Chisel

  1. 1 Take a chisel or chisel, place it in the center of the stone, and then hit it with a hammer. Strike carefully so that only the stone itself is cracked.
  2. 2 Rotate the stone slightly and then hit again to create a line around the stone's circumference.
  3. 3 Rotate and hit the chisel again, if necessary, until the stone cracks. Patience is key here. If the geode is empty, it will only take you a few minutes to open it, but if it contains minerals, it will take you longer. / Ref>

Method 3 of 5: Strike

  1. 1 Take a geode and hit it against another large geode. This will only work if you guide the stone with the palm of your hand. Use this method only with small geodes, about the size of a golf ball.

Method 4 of 5: Pipe cutter

  1. 1 Take the pipe cutter. This plumbing tool will help you symmetrically split a geode into two even pieces. Wrap the chain around the geode.
  2. 2 Clamp the geode securely in the chain.
  3. 3 Pull on the handle to apply equal pressure around the geode. The geode must split exactly in half. (This is the least destructive method that the geode retains in its natural form.)

Method 5 of 5: Diamond Blade Saw

  1. 1 Use a granite diamond saw to cut the geode in half. (Saw oil can damage the interior of some geodes.)


  • Shaking a geode and cracking it may indicate that it is empty and contains chipped crystals such as quartz.
  • Place the geode on a large rock or on sand at ground level (never place it on a tree, such as a picnic table or wooden floor) for best results and safely splitting the geode.
  • Some small geodes may be solid inside, but still look pretty pretty. Even filled geodes can contain beautiful edged agates.


  • Always be careful and follow safety guidelines when dealing with tools. Be attentive to anyone watching the process of splitting the geode, as during this process some debris may fly off to the audience and injure them. Enjoy the sight of geodes, but also be mindful of safety precautions.