How to restore a damaged reputation at work

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Fix Your Reputation
Video: How To Fix Your Reputation


People make mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are so terrible that they can cost us the respect of others and even our work. However, if you make a serious professional mistake or hurt colleagues, the damage may be short-lived. You can leave the past behind, but to do so, you will have to work hard to rebuild relationships, become an exemplary employee and, in some cases, improve your online reputation.


Method 1 of 3: Repair the relationship

  1. 1 Admit your mistake. If you've damaged your reputation (by unfairly treating a coworker, angering your boss, or simply infamous), the first place to start is to confess. Admit your mistake. Consider your actions and take responsibility for them, both to yourself and to others.
    • What happened? Where did you go wrong? Be extremely honest with yourself.
    • For example, do you have personal bad habits? Have you tried to cheat or shy away from work? Did you gossip at work?
    • Or maybe you were very wrong in your judgment? Perhaps you stole someone's idea and got caught or wrote off someone else's report. Or they simply committed theft by embezzling money.
  2. 2 Sorry. Even if you have no future in this job, you should apologize to the people you have offended. Demonstrating remorse is a worthy act that will help you begin to rehabilitate. You are unlikely to be able to build bridges and restore your reputation if you do not know how to apologize.
    • Act as quickly as possible. The longer you wait to apologize, the more you will feel that you are not at all regretting what you did.
    • Don't make excuses. The point is to show remorse and admit you were wrong. There is no need to introduce semi-excuses into your speech or be overly delicate to express yourself, for example, “I'm sorry if you were offended by the fact that I took your idea. I just wanted to improve it. "
    • Be humble and submissively agree. For example, say, “It was completely wrong for me to speak behind your back.I know that I offended you and I want to ask for forgiveness. "
    • Be sincere. Your apology will not be believed if you do not mention exactly what you did. The same will happen if you do not say it guiltily and sincerely, showing that this will not happen again.
  3. 3 Promise to improve. Aside from the apology, make a plan for how you will change and make sure the mistake doesn't happen again. This can be done for yourself, or if you are lucky enough to keep your job, share this information with your boss.
    • Summarize what you did wrong and how you are going to avoid it later. For example: “I made the mistake of spreading gossip in the workplace and saying nasty things about my coworkers. From now on, I'm going to stay out of trouble, go about my business and avoid office intrigues. "
    • Don't forget to go from words to deeds and stick to your plan. For example, you might check in with your boss regularly and discuss your current behavior. It will highlight your progress and also show that you want and can improve.
  4. 4 Restrain your temper. Restoring your reputation will be an instructive, but at the same time, slightly humiliating experience. You may feel angry or resentful, or feel irritated, depressed, or sad. Control these emotions: You have already shown your temper in the past, and you need people to see that you are trying to change.
    • Try to stay calm, collected, and positive.
    • Consider your temperament or emotions that have exacerbated your bad behavior in the past. Try to contain them or avoid situations that provoke them. If gossip is your problem, stay away from office gossipers in every possible way.
    • During the day, pause and ask yourself, “How am I behaving? Am I radiating positive? What about my productivity? ” Grasp the problem early on and try to restructure your way of thinking.

Method 2 of 3: Become a Model Worker

  1. 1 Come to work early. In addition to apologizing and rebuilding relationships, try to be an exemplary employee to regain your reputation at work. Become a workaholic. Come early and get ready to impress. Sooner or later, people will start to notice it.
    • Coming to work early will make a good impression on your boss and possibly colleagues. Often no one notices who is the last to leave the office, but in the morning your presence will surely be noted.
    • Arriving early also means you don't have to fuss. Use the quiet time to your advantage and plan your day.
    • It doesn't hurt to walk around the office a little in the morning. People will see you and take note of it.
  2. 2 Prioritize. Some people find it difficult to organize all the things that need to be done during a certain day or week. Take the initiative and put work first. Work tirelessly so as not to repeat past mistakes and show yourself as an excellent worker.
    • For example, sit down and write down what you need to do every day or, for a longer period, every week or month. If you get to work early, use this time to prioritize your daily routine.
    • Having a to-do list will help you focus your energy. You can also customize the list to match your most active hours. For example, if you work best in the morning, set aside that time for the most important things.
    • Try to stick to your list. But be flexible in case your boss gives you special instructions.
  3. 3 Complete your assignments carefully and on time. Naturally, it is not enough just to make a to-do list. You really need to do them and do them well. With good work and trustworthiness, mistakes of the past will fade over time. Build a track record of integrity so your colleagues and boss will trust you more in the future.
    • Do everything on time. What about the report you need for next week? Put it at the top of your Monday to-do list. If you still don't get it done during the week, consider finishing it at home or on the weekend instead of asking for more time.
    • Be productive, especially if you have had trouble keeping things consistent in the past. Take a short break to stretch or go to the bathroom, but don't try to dodge work.
  4. 4 Do everything possible and impossible. It is good to cope with tasks on time. However, to be an exemplary worker, you must raise the bar even higher and earn (or regain) the trust of your boss. Consider details, anticipate assignments, and work ahead to continue building your good reputation.
    • For example, if a colleague asks you to think about the location of an upcoming trade show, go beyond just listing. Take the following steps: call these places, find out if they are available, and compare prices.
    • When you take this initiative, you will seem smarter and act as a lifesaver in key projects.

Method 3 of 3: Rebuild Your Online Reputation

  1. 1 Check your information on the Internet. If your mistake was very serious, or you are well known and hold a high position, you may want to think about your image on the Internet when restoring your reputation. And first you need to assess the situation.
    • You can quickly get an idea of ​​your online image by checking autofill on Google. Just go to the google homepage. What is displayed when you enter your name or your company name?
    • For example, if you enter your name, are you given something positive or neutral like: “Grigory Bronzov CEO of Metalgroup” and “Grigory Bronzov Business Merit Award”? Or does something destructive to your reputation emerge, for example, “Grigory Bronzov photo at the time of arrest”?
    • Check the news bulletins on the web or reviews about you or your company, if available. Check local sites and social media.
    • Set Google Alert to your name to stay informed every time something new is posted.
  2. 2 Deal with Google defamation. Programs such as Google Suggest reflect real-world searches on the Internet and give you an idea of ​​what associations your name is and what your reputation with people on the web is like. Did you find any unwanted results? There are several options for how to proceed in this situation.
    • Try not to juggle the results. While some people advise this approach, using techniques such as crowdsourcing can end up hurting yourself even more.
    • You can try customizing your search query and create an optimized page that reveals your point of view. Thus, when someone enters “Yulia Popova a swindler,” the person will be directed to a page with your view of the situation: false accusation, misunderstanding, or providing incorrect information.
    • You can also request that the search program remove autocomplete. This is tricky and usually only works with results that suggest hate or violence, porn or personal information. It's worth a try, though.
  3. 3 Hire an online reputation manager. Your online reputation can get out of hand. However, don't be discouraged. There are people and agencies that can help you deal with this situation. Most likely, the price will come out rather big, but it will help save your business reputation.
    • A reputation manager is not always able to get rid of negative content on the Internet. However, he will be able to illuminate you in a positive light.
    • For example, his services may include creating a domain with your name for a page that will provide you with a view of this situation.
    • In addition, he may respond to negative comments or reviews on your pages on social networks, for example, VKontakte, Twitter or Youtube.
    • In this case, the goal is not to remove all negative information about you, but to tip the scales in your direction when someone starts to enter a query with your name on the Internet.
    • Keep in mind that the services of a manager are not cheap. Search online for a quote or check with the appropriate company.