How to look stunning

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024


Want to be noticed and adored for your eye-popping look? If so, then you will need to work hard to maintain healthy skin, tone your body, and find the clothes and makeup that work best for you. Nobody said that it would be easy, if all the men in the room turn at you, you will know that the effort is worth it!


  1. 1 Take care of your daily grooming. Making time for hygiene into your schedule will help you remember and (even better) prioritize yourself. Here are some basic guidelines:
    • Wash your face twice a day. Even if you are very tired in the evening, at least take off your makeup and use a cream.
    • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Do not brush more often so that the enamel does not start to wear off. Also try flossing every day.
    • Shower at least once a day. This does not mean that you have to wash your hair once a day (and sometimes this is not necessary - read on), but your body needs to be washed every day.
    • Take care of your nails. Nails should be trimmed at least once a day; if you want, you can even try a manicure or pedicure.
    • Remove unwanted body hair regularly. Plucking eyebrows, shaving your legs and armpits, and removing excess hair should not be part of your beauty regimen. But if so, try to schedule them on a regular basis.
    • Make sure you have clean linen. Fresh clothes look better and you will feel more attractive.
  2. 2 Keep your hair healthy. Trim split ends at least once every 6 to 8 weeks, and update highlights or color within roughly the same frame. Here are some other ways to get your curls in their best shape:
    • Choose a hairstyle that suits the shape of your face. Your hairstyle can accentuate different parts of your face, so choose one that highlights exactly what you like about yourself. For example, if you have sharp cheekbones and a wide jaw, the hair pulled back will only accentuate this, while the flying layers will lengthen the round face.
    • Don't wash your hair every day. Unless you have baby hair on your head, which is very thin and easily gets dirty, try to wash your hair every other day. On days when you don't wash your hair, use a pork bristle brush to spread the grease through your hair to keep your hair shiny and vibrant.
    • Try not to overload your hair with styling products. Once or twice a week, take a break from hair dryers, curling irons, and curlers. The heat can damage your hair and make it look brittle.
  3. 3 Your face should look fantastic. Even if your hairstyle and clothes are just normal, the way you groom your hair can turn you from just "pretty" to "stunningly beautiful." Here's how to get the most out of your looks, whether you're wearing makeup or not:
    • Your skin should glow. In addition to cleansing and moisturizing twice a day, avoid breakouts by not touching your face and using clean pillowcases. Treat acne with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.Or, to get rid of pimples quickly overnight, crush a few uncoated aspirin tablets (plain white pills), mix them with a few drops of water, and leave the paste on the pimples while you sleep.
    • Shape your eyebrows. Start by plucking a few hairs, then see how it looks and remove a few more if needed. To make the process less painful, try not to pluck your eyebrows a week before your period. Alternatively, you can apply ice cubes to your skin a minute before plucking your eyebrows.
    • Choose makeup that suits your face. Find tutorials on How to do makeup correctly or visit a department store for a consultation. (Most cosmetic stores will give you makeup and teach you the techniques for free, but it's worth checking this out.)
    • Follow the "eyes or lips" rule. If you use makeup, then focus on the eyes or lips, but not all at once. If you have beautiful lips and wear red lipstick to make them look amazing, ditch the bright eyeliner and eyeshadow and only apply one layer of mascara. If you want to accentuate your eyes, apply a light tint or balm to your lips.
  4. 4 Wear what suits you. What looks good on another stunning girl may not look great on you, and vice versa. Good news: Finding out what suits you is easier than you think. Try these tips:
    • Determine if warm or cool shades are right for you. The right shade can make your skin glow, while the wrong shade can make it look faded or uneven. The best way is to look at the inside of your wrist under a bright light - do your veins look blue or green? If green, wear warm shades; if blue, cold shades will suit you better.
      • Warm colors include bright yellows, yellow-based reds and greens, browns, creams, and all shades of yellow or orange.
      • Cool colors include "gemstone shades" such as deep purples, blues, greens, blacks, whites, and "cool" pastels and blues.
    • Pay attention to your wardrobe. Chances are that you are already choosing the colors that suit you - and you can continue to choose them.
    • Make sure the clothes fit your body. It should cover a sufficient area, but not be baggy, and also not squeeze you too much. If a lot of your clothes are larger than you would like, take them to a seamstress or tailor to alter them - it won't cost too much. (You can find these at your local laundry.)
  5. 5 Tone your body. Regular exercise will not only make you physically more attractive, but it will also increase your confidence and raise your endorphin levels. Try to make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise, three or four times a week, or play sports. If you need a boost, try these articles:
    • How to start running
    • How to learn to swim
    • How to play tennis
  6. 6 Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep will make your eyes red, and bags will appear under them, and your appearance will suffer from this. Research has shown that not getting enough sleep causes overeating and weakens your immune system. If you are struggling with insomnia, read How to Sleep If You Are Not Tired.