How to look attractive in the nude

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Video: 7 WAYS TO INSTANTLY LOOK HOT! (real tricks)


To look sexy in the nude? Sounds like a challenge. But this challenge is definitely within your reach, regardless of your physique. So many people are embarrassed, so you are not alone in this. Most likely, you already have a beautiful body, but without clothes you still feel insecure. There are many ways to learn to feel attractive.Some of them are simple, while others will take a little time and effort. To feel sexy in the nude, you can display your body in a sexy manner, build confidence, or improve your overall health.


Method 1 of 3: Exposing your body

  1. 1 Find the right lighting. The right light will create an intimate atmosphere and boost your self-confidence. Give preference to soft, subdued lighting. It smoothes out the features of the body, and many photographers recommend it to look your best. Dim the overhead light or leave only the lamp in the room on. Favorable lighting can also be created using lighted candles.
    • It is also sometimes possible to change light bulbs with normal lighting to red or pink light bulbs.
  2. 2 When standing, strike a pose at the correct angle. Instead of straightening, try turning three-quarters. From this perspective, you can profitably beat the curves of your body. In addition, your posture should be asymmetrical. For example, bend your knee or place your hand on your hip.
    • Choose a pose that makes you feel comfortable and at ease, as this often adds appeal to the look. If you push yourself too hard to stand up prettier, you will likely look unnatural or awkward.
  3. 3 Find a sexy position when lying down. If you want to emphasize the curves of your body, lie on your side. This will showcase your waist and hips. To expose your muscles, lift yourself up on your elbows. The elbow stance tenses the muscles more than the usual prone posture.
  4. 4 Try to emphasize the contours. First, take a shower with exfoliation. To do this, you can use a washcloth or scrub. Then apply self-tanning to those areas of the body that you want to emphasize or make it visually slimmer. For example, if you want to show off your muscles, apply a self-tanner to your belly. You can also apply it along the waist and outside of the thighs to create the desired contrast. You can also use a dark bronzer or foundation for contouring, but these are easy to wear off and can stain your sheets.
  5. 5 Apply a lotion that suits your skin. The right lotion can mask imperfections and give your skin a glow. The shimmer is great for adding shine to your skin. The tinting option is ideal for covering up freckles or rashes. If scars or pimples bother you, you can cover them up with a foundation that matches your skin tone.
    • Don't forget to test or consult the product if you have sensitive skin.
  6. 6 Put on some jewelry. Having accessories on your body looks sexy, plus it will give you more confidence when you undress. You can leave on yourself any piece of jewelry that you are wearing, for example, earrings or a necklace. You can also leave your tie or bow tie on. If you are wearing high-heeled shoes, do not take off your shoes. This will make your legs look longer and tighter.

Method 2 of 3: Feeling Confident in Our Body

  1. 1 Get used to your naked body. Feeling comfortable in the nude is essential to radiate attractiveness. Close the curtains and try walking around the house naked for a bit of relaxation. Sleep naked to get used to the feeling. Don't worry if you feel uncomfortable at first. Put all worries aside to start enjoying your nakedness.
    • Familiarity can help you find comfort. If you are alone at home, try sitting naked in your favorite spot.
  2. 2 Don't compare yourself to others. It is very easy to plunge into comparisons when there are so many ads around, filled with pictures of people with perfect bodies.However, in many cases, this is the result of photo editing programs. Don't fall into this maelstrom of comparisons. Perfect bodies do not exist. This type of thinking is bad for your mental state. Better accept the fact that there are many body types and love yours.
  3. 3 Use a sexy mindset. To do this, you need to gain confidence in yourself. Straighten up. Move freely and be playful. Think back to a moment when you felt sexy and / or confident. Maybe your partner complimented you on your appearance then, or you did a great job at work. Keep this memory in mind and let it affect your mood.
  4. 4 Think about which parts of your body you like. Each body is unique. What do you love about your body or what do you find attractive? Maybe you like the way the muscles on your shoulders look, or you have always been proud of your legs. Try to concentrate on these parts of your body when you are naked.
    • Let's say you think you have a sexy lower back. In this case, you can stand up so that it can be seen and so that you can demonstrate it.
  5. 5 Accept your flaws. Your flaws may prevent you from feeling sexy without your clothes on. However, instead of getting upset about any flaws, think about how you can turn them into virtues. You may be shy about scars, stretch marks or cellulite, but there are many people who find it sexy. Every time you start to worry about your shortcomings, change your mindset and regard them as your unique attraction.
  6. 6 Let your partner touch you. It sounds simple, but sometimes you can feel embarrassed by touching those parts of your body that you are embarrassed about. If you have a partner, don't shy away from him. Let him caress and stroke your body.
    • It's okay if you don't want to be touched in certain places. If you've tried it and you feel too uncomfortable, don't be afraid to ask your partner to stop.
  7. 7 Work on your overall self-esteem. Another way to look sexy is to keep yourself confident. Having high self-esteem and self-confidence will look attractive and sexy to those around you. Concentrate on maintaining adequate self-esteem and healthy self-confidence. Accept yourself for who you are to be attractive on the inside.
    • Aim for your goals and do things that you enjoy and enjoy.
    • Be close to a partner who accepts you for who you are and helps you feel good about yourself.

Method 3 of 3: Improving the General Condition of the Body

  1. 1 Review your diet. If you think you will feel sexier by changing your body, consider your diet first. Poor nutrition can not only cause excess weight, but also affect your activity and mood. If you find that your diet is not doing your body any good, start making changes. Cut back on sugar and try to eliminate processed foods. Make sure you eat the recommended amounts of fruits, vegetables, grains, and other foods daily.
    • Changing your diet doesn't mean you have to give up all your favorite foods. Instead of eating chocolates every day, dedicate a day or two to it.
  2. 2 Find physical activity that you enjoy. Exercising is good for both your mood and your body. Exercise is important even if you are not looking to lose a lot of weight. Choose a physical activity that suits you. Try running, dancing, playing tennis, or swimming.If possible, do this at least twice a week.
    • To make it more fun, you can practice with a partner.
  3. 3 Do a quick warm-up before undressing. Warm up slightly in the morning or an hour before nudity. This will temporarily tone your body. Take a short run, a series of resistance exercises, or a series of lunges / jumps and push-ups.
  4. 4 Take a time to take care of yourself. A happy and healthy mindset will help you feel attractive and confident. Take at least a couple of minutes of self-care every day if possible. Or at least one hour a week. You can take a warm bath with aromatic oils, apply a mask to your face, or meditate. Do whatever brings you harmony and tranquility.


  • If you have a partner, share your self-esteem issues with them. Chances are, he loves the parts of your body that you despise.
  • You may not feel attractive because of the beauty standards you grew up with. Remember that these standards change frequently, which means there are many qualities that make a person beautiful.


  • You should not abuse bad habits in order to feel more attractive in your own body. If you feel like you are on the wrong path, seek professional medical attention.