How to act like a vampire (girls)

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Behave Like A Vampire
Video: How To Behave Like A Vampire


Vampires are very much in vogue these days. Twilight ushered in the era of vampires and teenage girls all over the world love that vampires are so ... perfect! Want to be a vampire ... or just convince your friends that you are one of them? Read on!


  1. 1 This is best done after a weekend, rest, or vacation. If you only have 1 day free, this is also quite enough.
  2. 2 The first thing about turning into a vampire is pretty slow, so step by step start acting a little vampire. Something to do: stop fiddling with things like pencils or hair, blink less often (but blink! Don't spoil your eyes! Blink slowly, blink at least 5-10 seconds apart!), Pretend you don't breathe (but breathe anyway! If you don't breathe: you can get hurt!), and stare at people! Don't be creepy. Just watch for 6-10 seconds. But look intensely. When "transforming", pretend you have "severe headaches" or "your teeth hurt." This enhances the effect.
  3. 3 After about a week of "transformation", you are a vampire! Congratulations! So now let's move on to food. Eat a big breakfast, and don't eat a big lunch. Maybe a salad, or a small sandwich. If that's okay at your school, eat where no one else eats. If you cannot eat a small lunch as above.
  4. 4 Carry a metal thermos with you at all times. Drink what is in the thermos more often than you eat. Guard what you drink ("blood"), and if anyone asks what's in there, just say, "Oh, nothing." Also, when you drink, take a deep breath, as if in relief.
  5. 5 If someone is invited to spend the night at their house, say something like, "I can't, I'm busy tomorrow. But we can spend time before dark. "Vampires tend to become more active after dark. This is optional, but adds to the effect.
  6. 6 Don't be overly social. Have a few close friends and keep them close. Stay close to them, and if there is a threat, protect them.
  7. 7 As for music, give preference to either the classics, Mozart, Beethoven, etc. Or listen to rock bands like Paramore, Evanescence, Flyleaf, Nightwish, Shinedown, Black Veil Brides, Metallica, etc. The choice is yours.
  8. 8 NEVER complain about being cold, hot, or tired. Vampires don't get tired! Avoid light. You represent the modern, I-can-walk-in-the-sunlight-vampire, not the old-I-turn-to-dust-in-the-sunlight-vampire. When out in the sun, wear big, dark glasses. If it's actually sunny, pretend the sun is bothering you a little and walk away. If you're in class and sitting next to a window on the sunny side, wear a sweater. However, don't overheat. When outside, try to stay in the shade.
  9. 9 If the person gets too close, stagger back, hold your breath, and clench your fists. Then take a sip from the thermos. The person will probably ask, just say that you were a little uncomfortable and thirsty.
  10. 10 Clothes can be anything. Gothic, punk, emo, Scene kids, preppy, regular, nerdy, smart: it's up to you !! Apply some natural makeup and cover up pimples, blackheads, bruises, cuts, etc. concealer or something else. Vampires heal quickly!
  11. 11 Buy vampire fangs if you like. NOT glowing, fake, which can be bought for a pittance at the pharmacy. You need them to look like real ones. Search Google!
  12. 12 Keep a diary about your vampire life and your efforts to keep a secret. If anyone finds it, they can believe it.


  • Look in one place for a while, and then when you move, turn your head with a sudden movement. Vampires are supposed to be very fast!
  • If anyone asks what is your favorite color, say "crimson red" or just "red".
  • Don't be too anti-social. Because of this, people will turn their backs on you.
  • The main thing in the whole "transformation". It's like being bitten by a vampire or turning into one over the weekend or something.
  • This article does not suggest acting like a vampire in front of your parents.
  • If someone invites you to dinner in the daylight, say yes, but only come on a date in the evening.
  • Be very graceful
  • Bright red lipstick and black makeup might be more effective, but don't go overboard!
  • Remember, you are not a vampire! Just pretend!
  • Try to talk your friend into pretending to be a vampire hunter for more fun!


  • Although it is told not to breathe, always breathe, because if you don't, it could be fatal.
  • It was told not to blink, but please, blink otherwise you may damage your eyes!
  • People might think you are weird. Ignore them and act like you don’t understand what they’re talking about.

What do you need

  • Acting skills
  • Metal or opaque thermos
  • Style
  • clothing
  • Makeup
  • Fangs (optional)
  • Charm
  • Mysterious traits
  • Blood red drink (if someone opens your thermos)