How to have fun while studying

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Studying Fun & Less Boring
Video: How To Make Studying Fun & Less Boring


If you find learning difficult and boring, make it fun yourself! To make learning enjoyable, set up your workspace and look for ways to improve your concentration. You will find that learning can be made more interesting ... and yes, even fun (well, almost)! Here are some tips to get you started.


Method 1 of 2: Self-Study

  1. 1 Try interactive tutorials to make the process more fun.
  2. 2 Use music. Play catchy tunes to help you relax. Never use songs with words: unless you are the type of person who separates lyrics from music, words will distract you too much from your studies. Anything electronic like pop or jazz will do just fine.
  3. 3 Keep a snack handy. Make sure you have a couple of healthy snacks to nibble on while you work out. You will find your study time more enjoyable if you occasionally allow yourself a snack. You can also reward yourself with a small treat every time you complete a piece of work. You don't need to keep a huge bag of chips for this purpose - try something simple, like an apple or a banana. Foods high in B vitamins, such as nuts, are great for study because B vitamins are always beneficial for the brain.
  4. 4 Provide yourself with good lighting and a comfortable chair that matches the height of your desk. Nothing complicates the learning process more than an awkward position and inability to read normally, especially during the winter months. It is also good to practice by a window or other natural light source, as it promotes your energy better than artificial light.
  5. 5 Provide good ventilation. Nothing makes you sleepy like a lack of fresh air. Ventilate the room regularly - even in winter! It is good when the air circulates, even if you have to turn on the fan in winter; it's better than stale, stale air.
  6. 6 Watch the temperature regime. If you get too hot or too cold, you will be tempted to run away to some more comfortable place. If possible, turn on the heating or air conditioning. If not, improvise and do what most students always do to keep warm or cool: open or close windows and doors; place a red heating lamp at your feet (it will use much less electricity); cover yourself with a blanket; remove or put on an extra layer of clothing; drink hot or cold drinks; turn on the fan and so on.
  7. 7 Choose a superior desk and office supplies. The things you use while studying can stimulate you very well - a pen that fits your hand perfectly, paper so soft that the pen just glides over it, a stand that prevents your book from sliding onto the table, a stack of colored markers, who are begging to be used, a scented eraser that smells so good. However, don't let them distract you from your studies!
  8. 8 Schedule time for work and play. Don't make your study an endless process. Set aside some time for her and devote yourself completely to study during these periods, and then reward yourself with the things that you really want to do after her.Use your time to study effectively - don't scribble, feel sorry for yourself, and don't call your friends. It only prolongs your suffering and lessens your already weak interest. Identify the tasks you have to accomplish, do it and forget about them. Go and do what you feel like doing.
  9. 9 Look at learning from a different angle. Perhaps you do not like or are simply not interested in the subject itself, but only in the topic on which you are currently working. Try to go beyond the pages in front of you and think more broadly. Think about the professions in which people have to use knowledge in a given field; think about how you can use the learning technologies now required of you to solve everyday problems. This will help spice up a boring topic, and you can also surprise your teacher by showing you how this knowledge can be applied elsewhere. Despite all the excuses, you will be convinced of the practical importance of the topic. And hopefully this will help relieve boredom.
  10. 10 Realize that learning is more than just a topic in front of you. Of course, it will not captivate you in the same way as a basketball game outside the window or a TV show that you miss because of class. You are still a teacher of overcoming difficulties. You learn to set priorities, be patient, and deal with things that you don't feel like or are not interested in doing. You may not feel that way right now, but these are some of the most important life skills, because many times you will have to fight the temptation to get bored - at work, meetings, ceremonies and even parties! You also learn to understand how the world works and how you yourself might fit into it. How can you know what things you like or dislike doing in life if you don't get familiar with them first?
  11. 11 Get a pet, he will stimulate you! If you have a pet, such as a cat or fish, you can keep them near you while you study. The cat's purr gives you a sense of comfort, and the fish swimming back and forth will miraculously remind you that it is worth learning in order to become a much bigger fish yourself in the sea of ​​many others.
  12. 12 Pause. Frequent short breaks are better for you and your thought process than infrequent long breaks. Set an alarm clock on your computer or clock that will ring every half hour. Stretch, have a coffee or a milkshake, see the weather outside. It doesn't matter how old you are - try to turn your study material into a game. This works great. If you have a younger brother or sister, let them help you. Come up with a song or rap about your material. You will be surprised to see how this helps.
  13. 13 If you are solving a math problem, change it to make it more interesting and even a little silly. For example: Beth has 5 apples. If she goes to the garden and picks five times more apples than she has now, but loses 3 apples on the way home, how many apples will she have left? Isn't this a tedious task? But you can make it more interesting. For example: Mr. Gidget has 5 bubbles. He went to the magic bubble island and his friend Mr. Gadget gave him five times more bubbles than he had. If Mr. Gidget drops 3 bubbles into the needle pit, how many bubbles will he have? Isn't that better? If you use funny names, objects you like, or fictitious places, the problem will become 10 times more interesting, and you are clearly more likely to solve it.
  14. 14 If you love music, come up with a short song about the main points of the topic you are currently studying. If you don't have time to come up with a song, search YouTube. Chances are that there will be a corresponding song there. Singing a song like this to yourself will help you pass the test easily! Print out the lyrics and make it a rule to sing the song at least once every night, and you will definitely remember it.
  15. 15 Make cards. Always write the term in uppercase and the definition in lowercase.Use different fonts and colors, and decorate cards to help you remember them better. And, of course, still USE your cards. Simply by making them, you will not achieve the result.
  16. 16 Draw pictures while looking through your notes. For example, if one of them says, "Ohio produces more cheese than Wisconsin," draw the cheese and next to it a smiling Ohio and a gloomy Wisconsin. This works well if you are a visual.
  17. 17 Make a light sample table. Take an A4 sheet and draw a table. Use colored pencils, markers, etc. and make the numbering colored. For example, when studying history, use neon green for dates, blue for names of historical figures, purple for important things they've done.
  18. 18 When reading material in the textbook, use funny accents or speak in strange voices. It would also be nice to record yourself and listen to it at least once every night. It helps in the study of history and literature.
  19. 19 Use mnemonic schemes. However, to make them easy to remember, make your diagrams creative.
  20. 20 Make small posters that you can hang in your room or at home. Decorate them, draw pictures. On the evening before a test or survey, introduce and explain it to your family.
  21. 21 For a spelling test, eat alphabet porridge for breakfast! Ask a parent or brother or sister to read one of the words on your list to you. If you get the word out correctly, you can eat it!
  22. 22 Are you computer friendly? If you are good at a computer, you do not need to write everything by hand, because it can take forever and be terribly tedious. Use a computer if you can type more easily. You can also create great animation with voice, Prezi presentation or PowerPoint multimedia slideshow with music, pictures and video. If you write in Word, personalize it by creating your own personal logo that you can use as letterhead so no one can steal your work.
  23. 23 Imagine that you are a teacher. Come up with a test or survey that you can take yourself, or have your older brother or sister and / or a parent take it. Ask someone who did not take the test to rate it. If you feel confident, you can evaluate the test yourself.
  24. 24 When you have to take a test on some boring fiction book, try replacing the characters in the story with characters from video games, TV shows, or characters from any other source, if possible. This makes the material MUCH more interesting.
  25. 25 Try changing your environment. Grab your textbook and notebooks and head to your local café or library. Bonus: maybe there will be someone there to help you with the lessons!
  26. 26 Just relax; why not get a massage? It works!
  27. 27 Do everything in your power, but do not overexert - and everything will work out.
  28. 28 The more fun the activity, the more rewarding it is! Try online math games or play paper games!
  29. 29 Try to spell the words 5 times. This will help you quickly memorize their spelling.

Method 2 of 2: Learning with Others

  1. 1 If you have an older brother or sister at home, you can study together, you will have company. If not, ask your mom to let you go to your classmate's home and maybe play some learning games. But first, be sure to complete the necessary tasks.
  2. 2 Speak out loud. We all learn in different ways, and for some, speaking out loud helps to solidify the material in our head. Discuss with each other test preparation questions or homework.
  3. 3 Ask each other. Take turns asking each other questions or checking words from the dictionary.
  4. 4 Compete with each other. Set a timer and see who fills out the worksheets or writes their own work faster. The slower one lost.However, this method is not the best, because it is not very fair - some people still need more time.
  5. 5 Create insane punishments to motivate yourself and your friends if you just don't feel like studying. For example, the one who leaves first without completing the assignment is prohibited from coming to the upcoming school ball.
  6. 6 You can write a script and stage a short play or sketch with your friends. Imagine yourself as a hero from TV or Broadway, etc. or create your own character. Script your notes and remember your "role" by repeating it aloud over and over again. When you have memorized the entire script, say it out loud as if you are your fictional character. You can speak with funny accents if you like, or even sing like on Broadway. If you are confident, you can play your sketch in front of your friends, teachers, parents, etc ... and have fun with them! This helps if you are kinesthetic (learning by touch) or audial (learning by speaking). At first glance, this method seems a little crazy, but when you think it over carefully, it really works, especially if you are doing it with friends. If you look at it this way, the training does not seem boring at all!
  7. 7 Study in silence, in the same place, and remember to take a break every half hour or hour. Do something fun, like watching TV or playing a video game or board game.


  • Things not to do during your school break:
    • Don't check social media or email - you'll end up responding to them.
    • Avoid visiting brothers, sisters, parents, etc. - you will talk to them and be distracted.
    • Don't call or text your friends - you'll be chatting with them for ages.
    • Do not play games that are not related to the subject (video games, board games, ball games, drawing, etc.) - you will get carried away and will not be able to return to your studies.
    • Do not watch YouTube videos that are not related to your subject.
    • Do not turn on the TV or start watching it, unless the program is relevant to what you are currently studying.
  • If a subject seems boring to you and, while working on it, you have to struggle with yourself, ask for help from a teacher, older brother or sister, parents or someone you can trust - they will help you learn more easily. In college or university, you may need to think carefully about whether you made the right choice or whether you would be better off changing subjects or even courses. Do not despair - there will always be help.
  • If you have an exam, remember to repeat the material many times before it, because starting a day or two before the exam can lead to dreadful boredom and stress.
  • Go to the library if classes seem boring - you just miss the presence of other people around you. The general hum that serves as your background is great for encouraging and motivating some students. Plus, you can just grab those old-fashioned things called books off the shelf and add that newfound knowledge to your studies.
  • Healthy school snacks include raisins, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate chunks, crackers, cheese chunks, homemade biscuits (in reasonable amounts!), Jellies, fruits, vegetables such as celery or carrots, chickpea paste, homemade popcorn, and etc. During times of high stress (for example, exams and tests), you can add small chocolates, store-bought cookies, chips and pieces of cake. Of course, everything should be in moderation and the correct healthy diet should still be followed.
  • If you are really having difficulty learning, talk to someone at school or university who has good teaching skills; they probably have many secrets that will help you too.Also check your work area for distractions - maybe too noisy, a lot of clutter, a lot of people walking back and forth, poor lighting, food smells, and more. Try to find what distracts you and either eliminate or reduce the influence of these factors.
  • Take a 10 minute break after every 20 minutes of class.


  • When it comes to music, you might get too carried away with it, or put more emphasis on melody than study. If this happens to you, you better turn it off. Not everyone can handle the music or noise during class.
  • Don't quit your job because of difficulties. Each of us can get tired and think poorly, so we need a rest from any kind of activity, at least for a while. Love yourself, allow yourself to rest, and then pull yourself together again before dropping out. Also ask for help if you have any particular learning difficulties; many schools and universities have excellent qualified professionals who can help you. Trust me, their job is to really help, not talk about what you can't do.
  • Never promise yourself that you will just watch one show or listen to one song, read one email, or do any other “just one” thing. As a result, you will only waste tons of time and get carried away with TV, iPod, reading emails, or whatever.
  • Avoid overeating during times of stress, and allow plenty of sleep when you have to learn and cram. There is no need to bring yourself to illness - here is another life lesson on how to take it and do it well.
  • Remember, if you have severe, prolonged stress, it may be time to see a doctor.