How to have fun with your dad

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024


While there are many great ways a child can have fun with their dad, it can be tricky to come up with something. This article will provide you with options for daily activities as well as for planning special events with your dad. All of these ideas are suitable for both girls and boys of all ages, and in the last step, suggestions for older teens and adults can be found. Look for options that you and your dad might like and start having fun together today!


Method 1 of 3: Have fun with your dad every day

  1. 1 Tell your dad a joke. Jokes are a great way to have a little fun, and laughter can release tension and lift your spirits. Learn some funny jokes to tell your dad and share one at breakfast when he gets home from work or when he needs a little energy. Then ask him to tell you one of his favorite jokes in return.
    • If you don’t know good jokes, you can look for special books in the library or explore options on the Internet. Enter the query "jokes for kids" and get ready to laugh.
  2. 2 Invite your dad to play video games with you. If your dad rarely plays video games or is not familiar with your favorite options, dive him into the world! Invite your dad to play Minecraft or another video game that you like. Show him how the controls work and explain what the game is about. Then give him some time to get comfortable before you start killing his character or blowing up his items in the game.
    • If your parents are foreign to video games, your dad will probably make very stupid mistakes at first. Be gentle with him and don't get too upset if he doesn't enjoy the process as much as you do, or if he turns out to be doing a lot better than you!
  3. 3 Invite your dad to play a board game. Board games are even better for spending quality time with another person, because you have to look at each other and communicate! Get out your favorite game, lay it out, and ask your dad if he wants to play with you. In no time, both of you will start having fun!
  4. 4 Offer to help your father with housework. Doing housework may not sound very attractive, but you might be surprised how much fun it is to cook dinner with your dad, shop with him in the store, or work in the yard. If your dad is a very busy person or if you have many siblings, this may be your only chance to be alone with your dad. He will be glad that you offered your help, and this will give you the opportunity to spend quality time together. Plus, if Dad finishes his chores early, he may have more time to have fun with you later.
    • Make housework more fun by making it a competition. For example, if you are raking leaves in your yard, challenge your dad to see who can clear their half first. Not only will this make your work more enjoyable, but you will also be able to free yourself earlier and have time to go for ice cream.
  5. 5 Ask your father to tell you a story from his childhood. It will be interesting for you to listen, and it will be interesting for dad to tell. It will also remind your dad of what it feels like to be your age, and perhaps it will strengthen the bond between you. Better yet, ask if he has any baby photos. You can both laugh at how stupid hairstyles we all have, or discuss how much you and your dad are alike.
  6. 6 Be patient with your father. One of the best ways to have fun with your dad every day is to not get too upset about what he is doing. For example, if your dad asks you to pick up your socks off the floor, don't get angry or argue, just pick them up. If your dad looks tired and annoyed in the evening, understand that he probably had a hard day at work and let him rest. Remember, parenting is hard work, and dads are people too.

Method 2 of 3: Plan special events with your dad

  1. 1 Ask your dad if he wants to do something special. Has he been fishing for a long time? He loves bowling but never goes to play? Is there a movie he would like to see? Even if choosing a father isn't one of your favorite things to do, agree to it and you'll have a lot more fun than you think!
  2. 2 Plan a fun outdoor activity. Set a day and time, and help your dad get everything ready in advance.Be sure to check the weather forecast and work out a backup plan in case it gets too windy or cold outside. Here are some ideas:
    • Go fishing. Be sure to get a fishing permit in advance if necessary, and listen carefully to your father's instructions regarding safety and silence.
    • Go hiking. Find a hiking trail near your home that is suitable for family walks. Be sure to bring snacks and water with you.
    • Go to a hockey / soccer / basketball game.
    • Fly a kite. Perhaps you will get even more fun if you make this snake together first.
    • Go to the zoo! Chances are, your father hasn't been to the zoo in years. Be sure to ask what his favorite animal and what animals he saw in real life, and also ask about his childhood impressions of the zoo.
    • Try disc golf (frisbee golf). Disc golf is a great sport where dads and kids can play together. It does not require a bunch of equipment, anyone can play it, and there are training courses all over the world. Find out if there are disc golf courses in the parks of your city!
  3. 3 Plan a fun indoor activity if the weather is bad or if your dad doesn't like being outside. Here are some ideas:
    • go to the movies;
    • play bowling;
    • go to the skating rink;
    • find children's play machines in the shopping center;
    • play basketball or tennis.
  4. 4 Plan a special activity at home. You don't have to leave the house or spend a lot of money to have a great time with your dad. Here are some ideas:
    • Bake something. Many dads know how to cook, and even those who don't do it regularly can enjoy baking chocolate chip cookies with their kids.
    • Play chess or checkers. You can even make your own chessboard (extra activity!) Or use the one you already have.
    • Get involved in a craft project. Some dads like to do something with their own hands. Ask your father if he would like to paint or make a sculpting and modeling dough.
    • Listen to music. Ask your dad to play his favorite album for you, or take turns sharing your favorite songs with each other.
    • Have a Lego building contest. Get out all your sets, shuffle them and challenge your dad to see who can build the best spaceship or house.
    • Build a fortress. Get out blankets and pillows, hang them on chairs and build a fort with your father.
    • Have a tickle fight or wrestling match. Having a little fun with your dad is a great way to bond with him. The main thing is not to break the furniture, otherwise you will both get it from your mother!
  5. 5 Plan your hike. A lot of dads love hiking, which is a great way to get close and have a lot of fun. Help your dad get everything ready and put things in the car, and don't forget about the meat for the barbecue!
  6. 6 Ask your father to teach you something. Think about what your dad is good at or what he likes to do, and ask him to teach you. He will happily teach you something that interests him, and you will have fun and learn a new skill at the same time! If you're not sure what your dad is good at or what he likes to do in his spare time, ask him!
    • If your dad loves to build something, ask him to teach you how to use tools and help you build something, such as a birdhouse.
    • If you are old enough to learn to drive, ask your father for lessons.
    • If your dad is a great car fixer, ask him to show you how to change the oil or restart the engine.
    • If your dad plays guitar well, ask him to teach you.

Method 3 of 3: Have fun with your dad in your older teens and adults

  1. 1 Remember, you can have fun at any age. Many of the options listed above are applicable to older teens and adults as well as younger children. For example, everyone loves jokes, you can just choose more adult examples. The same is true for movies, sporting events, and more.
  2. 2 Start treating your dad like an adult and choose the appropriate entertainment. At some point, you will find that you and your dad are no longer a "child" and an "adult", but two adults. Even if this transition makes you both uncomfortable, remember that you and your dad can now enjoy fun activities as buddies.
    • Invite your dad for a beer (after you reach the appropriate drinking age).
    • If you invite your friends over to watch a match, be sure to invite your dad.
    • Think of other activities that you enjoy doing with your friends, and include your dad in some of them, or suggest that you two do it.
    • Observe how your father spends time with his buddies and ask if you can sometimes join his company.
    • Plan an adult vacation with your dad. He took you to Disneyland when you were a kid, and now you can take him to Las Vegas, Ireland or wherever he always wanted to be.
  3. 3 Embark on a literal journey back in time. Take your dad to the places you loved to be together when you were a kid. If feasible, ask him to show you where he grew up.
  4. 4 Include a father in your children's lives. Grandparents can have an extremely important and positive impact on the lives of their grandchildren. Being a grandpa is a lot of fun too! Bring your children to visit their father as often as possible. If distance bothers you, help them keep in touch by Skype, email or phone calls, and try to arrange live meetings as often as possible.


  • If you are out of ideas, try something new! What neither of you have ever done before will turn into an exciting adventure.
  • If you just met your father, act as if he has always been with you. Don't be afraid to communicate with him.
  • As his birthday approaches, make an extra effort to celebrate the occasion with your dad's favorite activities. This will be a great opportunity to have some fun with him.