How to increase the amount of sales

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
9 Strategies to Increase Your Sales | Sales Retail | How to Increase Retail Sales | Sales Strategy
Video: 9 Strategies to Increase Your Sales | Sales Retail | How to Increase Retail Sales | Sales Strategy


If you have your own business, then you know firsthand that sales are the main indicator of success and profitability. Of course, among your priorities should always be a constant desire to increase the amount of sales, and almost at the highest place of the list. Fortunately, you have many ways to achieve this - advertising a product / service, promoting sales, using strategies to improve business performance, and so on. Read this article, come in handy!


Method 1 of 3: Advertise your business

  1. 1 Let's advertise. If customers do not know about your company, but you will not sell them anything - this is an axiom. When a potential buyer is getting ready to buy something, he is more likely to choose a company that he knows, rather than guessing from the phone book or catalog where to buy this time. While the internet has revolutionized the way people search for information about companies, advertising is still an important factor in driving sales. Here are some options for where you can submit your ad.
    • Printed editions
    • Tv
    • Radio
    • Billboards
    • Flyers
    • Internet (banners, contextual advertising)
    • Social media.
  2. 2 Offer discounts and organize promotions. Customers love them. Believe me, a one-time promotion with discounts is a guarantee of a long-term increase in sales. However, in order to unleash the full potential of such actions, it is necessary to convey the message about them to as many people as possible. Share upcoming discounts with customers, hand out flyers, advertise, and so on. The main thing is to balance your advertising budget so as not to go into the red. Here are some tips for doing this:
    • Give a fixed or flexible discount on a product of a particular category.
    • Give a percentage discount on purchases over the threshold.
    • Give a buy x, get y discount.
    • Arrange temporary promotions (a la "buy a computer at the end of the month and get a keyboard as a gift").
  3. 3 Make your shopping experience safe (and communicate this to your customers). Customers are far more likely to buy something if they can be sure they are not wasting their money. Demonstrate confidence in the quality of your product by “backing up” buying customers in a number of ways, which we will discuss below. Whichever you choose, remember, it is very important that clients are aware of the method you choose, so don’t be stingy to tell people about it. So:
    • Let's give a money back guarantee.
    • Provide a "return guarantee".
    • Provide a “if you don't like it, we’ll give your money back” warranty.
  4. 4 Mark your presence in the area where you do business. A great way to achieve positive recognition of your business (which is especially important for a small business) is to be active, so to speak, at the place of work - in the area where your store is open. Sponsor local events, charities, fairs, and more. A bonus can be the ability to sell something at such events. Below is a list of activities that can serve you well:
    • Charity events.
    • Non-profit organizations with a wide audience
    • Local entertainment or events.
    • Major street actions and events.

Method 2 of 3: Increase Shopping

  1. 1 Understand how you can increase your shopping. This is, after all, one of the ways many businesses increase their sales. In general, this process is an attempt to convince a customer who wants to buy something to buy more and more. By becoming truly convincing in this sense, you can seriously increase your sales.
  2. 2 Offer opportunities for “improvements”. Why sell a product for 100 rubles if you can sell something else for 150? By offering customers to buy a product that is superior to the one they plan to buy, you can earn decent money. You can even give a discount for the purchase of the “best” product, so you only promote customers.
    • For example, your client buys a 21-inch plasma. Give him the opportunity to purchase 24 "plasma for only a little more! The buyer may be tempted, may pass by - but you will definitely not be left at a loss! Unless, of course, you will not impose your services on the client too much, of course ...
  3. 3 Offer bonus items. Why sell one unit of a product when you can sell two ?! Has your client bought something? Great, invite him to buy a product that complements his purchase! This method works best if you think in advance about what and with what can come with. By the way, you can even give a discount on the second product!
    • For example, a customer buys toys from you. Why not offer him a battery pack? And if they buy a printer from you, why not give a small discount on cartridge packaging?
  4. 4 Offer relevant services and plans. Another great way to increase your sales is to sell value-added services. Warranties, insurances, subscriptions - that's what we're talking about. The main thing is that all of the above is related to the customer's purchase.
    • For example, when selling a car, it makes sense to sell the client also a package of insurance.
  5. 5 Keep a counter with small, inexpensive items close to the checkout. This is a kind of "passive" increase in the amount of sales, based on impulse purchases of goods, when the client is already at the checkout. Since these items are relatively cheap and can be enjoyed immediately, customers often add them to their shopping cart. Quite a common way.
    • Go to any supermarket: next to the checkout you will find gum, chocolates and much more.

Method 3 of 3: Increase Sales with Business Strategies

  1. 1 Give your customers a try before buying. If the customer can turn the product in his hands before buying, then the chances of actually buying it increase. If possible, try giving your customers a free trial sample. Of course, this is not a universal advice - you cannot provide a trial version of health insurance. Nevertheless, if this is practiced in your industry - go ahead!
    • For example, if you have a grocery store, then you can offer new products to customers, as they say, for a try. By the way, even in industries not related to food, it is possible - take the same test drives of cars!
  2. 2 Let your salespeople demonstrate the value of your products. Explaining and even demonstrating the product in all its glory, clearly showing how it can improve the life of the client, you knock directly on their souls ... or, in more dry language, help to increase the amount of sales. Conduct training among your employees on this topic, teach them to tell and show - and you will increase the amount of sales.
    • For example, Costco shows electric grills, steam cleaners and more in action!
  3. 3 Offer your employees sales bonuses. Good old way, but still relevant! Give your employees a reason to not just work, but give their best! Have you made a plan? Well done! Exceeded the plan? Salary bonus! Here are some examples of how this can be done:
    • Commission (a modest percentage of the amount of each sale is added to the seller's salary).
    • Non-financial bonuses: gifts, additional vacation days, etc.
    • Promotions.
    • Achievements (eg Employee of the Month title).