How to increase your YouTube video views

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Get More Views on YouTube in 2021 - in 2 Minutes
Video: How to Get More Views on YouTube in 2021 - in 2 Minutes


Many people have become famous and even famous for their YouTube videos.But for one celebrity on YouTube, there are thousands of people who face the problem of low views of their videos. If you want to increase the number of views of your video on YouTube, then you must not only post an interesting video, but also correctly describe and share it.


Part 1 of 5: Relevant Description

  1. 1 Give the video file the correct name. For example, if the video is about a lizard, then the word "lizard" should be present in the name of the video file. You can name it "".
  2. 2 The video should have an attention-grabbing headline - short, interesting and to the point. If your video is about scattering pasta and cheese as a child, name the video "The Macaroni and Cheese Disaster." Arouse the interest of users without revealing details.
  3. 3 Describe your video accurately. Most people ignore this step, but you have to take it seriously if you want to get more views of your videos. Describe your video in detail by providing an interesting and accurate description of what people will see when they watch your video in 2-3 paragraphs.
  4. 4 Use the best tags. Use all the keywords in the video title and description in the Tags section to get more views. The more relevant tags you use, the more often your video appears in other people's video search results. For example, if the video shows your dog as sleepy, you could use words such as sleepy, dog, funny, adorable. Do not use additional tags in the description, as they are excluded from the search by other users.
    • You can use tags that describe both your video and other similar popular videos to increase your views.

Part 2 of 5: Share the video with other people

  1. 1 After posting the video, share it with as many people as possible. The sooner you share the video, the more users will watch it. If it takes a week before you share your video, chances are your video will go unnoticed. Remember - timing is everything. Think about what time your target audience is watching videos on YouTube and open access to your video at that time (it is best to do this in the evenings and on weekends).
  2. 2 Share your video with friends, family, and colleagues. Create an email list of people who know you and who might be interested in watching your new YouTube video. Send these people a link to your video and ask them to watch it (tell them that you are very interested in their opinion of your video; this will encourage them to watch your video). If you don't care that your email might anger some users, send it to as many recipients as you can.
    • If you have an intriguing video and a compelling letter, then there are good chances that your video will be watched even by people who do not know you very well.
  3. 3 Share your video on social media. Post the video to Facebook, Twitter and any other social networks.
  4. 4 If you have a blog or website, you can use it to promote your video. If you don't have a blog or website, but your friends do, ask your friends to post your video on their blogs or websites.

Part 3 of 5: Editing Videos

  1. 1 After creating a video, open it in a video editor and remove unnecessary pauses and other moments. If the video is dynamic, then most likely people will watch it.
  2. 2 A good soundtrack can beautify your video and hide any audio problems you may have. YouTube has an audio library from which you can select an audio track.
  3. 3 Add text information - email, website, or other. Some people may view your video on other sites (not YouTube).In this case, you must provide information about yourself. Moreover, the text can draw attention to the image on the screen.
  4. 4 Turn on captions at the end of the video so users know where to find you. Also add some frames - people love to watch extra frames at the end of videos, and your videos will take longer to watch.

Part 4 of 5: Improving the likelihood of watching a video

  1. 1 Using annotations is a good way to get more views for your video. They can link one video to another, or they can link videos to playlists or channels. Annotations can recommend users to watch a similar video if they like your video; this way, you can keep viewers' attention on your videos for several hours.
  2. 2 Increase the number of subscribers to your YouTube channel (video blog), which will increase the number of views of your videos. Your subscribers will see your videos on their homepages, and they can choose to be notified when you post new videos. If you want to increase your number of subscribers, you can ask users to subscribe to your channel (video blog) at the end of each video, or add an annotation to subscribe to your channel (video blog), or ask people to subscribe to your channel (video blog) in emails.
  3. 3 Ask users to "like" or share your video. At the end (or at any other point) of the video, ask viewers to “like” or share your video, mentioning that “it will take 0.12 seconds to click the Like button”.
  4. 4 Create playlists - lists of videos that automatically play one after the other. Playlists can force users to watch several of your videos at once. For example, if you are creating a playlist of videos that show different gymnastic skills, your viewers can watch a video about somersaults and then immediately watch a video about a handstand.

Part 5 of 5: Increase the number of views by buying them

  1. 1 Consider buying views. Depending on your account type and purchase method, this may violate YouTube's terms of service and may result in your account being blocked. Moreover, in this case, you run the risk of running into scammers.
  2. 2 Choose a service that guarantees that your video is not deleted or your account is not blocked. A good service offers the following services:
    • Users will watch videos to the end (or most of them).
    • Users will watch videos from non-mobile devices (a large number of views from mobile devices may result in account blocking and video deletion).
    • The number of views will grow gradually (to make everything look natural).
    • The increase in views will be accompanied by "likes", comments and subscriptions (to make everything look natural).
  3. 3 Choose a service that suits your budget. There are many companies that offer their services at different prices. Compare the prices and range of services of different services and choose the one that suits your budget; be sure to read customer reviews of the service to avoid scams.


  • Come up with a short and interesting title that hints at the content of the video. Make sure you spell out the title correctly.
  • Make sure all of your videos are interesting and relevant; do not make videos on one topic - change it from time to time.
  • Help newcomers to YouTube - over time, they can help you get more views of your video (maybe they'll become YouTube “stars”).
  • Leave comments on any video you watch. Users who post these videos will appreciate your input. If you criticize something in the video, be sure to praise something.
  • Be polite - people appreciate that.


  • Don't leave meaningless comments - they annoy most users.
  • Don't just think about the number of views - you need to grab the attention of your audience, create content and entertain people.
  • Your Youtube channel needs to be creative and colorful. To do this, change the background by choosing one of the images in the Youtube library, or even create your own background using the services of online graphic editors, for example, Pixlr. This way, you will most likely be able to increase your subscriber base.
  • Be careful when posting videos - if you are under 18, ask your parents for permission to post the video, and never chat with strangers if you are alone.

What do you need

  • Access to the Internet
  • YouTube account
  • Video recorder
  • Friends and family