How to Become a Successful Pocket Frogs Player

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pocket Frogs Guide 3 - Tips and Tricks
Video: Pocket Frogs Guide 3 - Tips and Tricks


Pocket Frogs is a free, easy-to-use application that can be downloaded from the AppStore for iPodTouch, iPhone or iPad. It's easy to use, suitable for all ages, and just fun and addicting.


  1. 1 Download the app. .
  2. 2 Open the app. You will see several buttons on the home screen. If you ever have problems playing the game, go to the home screen and tap Help, which is located in the top row of buttons. The number of stamps and potions is displayed in the upper left corner, your experience points and level in the upper right corner, and your coins in the lower left corner.
    • Directory: When you touch the frog, one option is to add it to the directory. By adding it to the catalog, you can always buy this type of frog. However, catalog frogs are more expensive and you can only have 50 frogs in your catalog.
    • Rewards: Throughout the game, you will have the opportunity to earn various rewards. Some of these are based on the number of frogs you have purchased, how many you have, or the types of frogs you have purchased. Rewards are a quick way to earn experience and coins, and level up quickly.
    • Requests: From time to time, you will receive a popup requesting a specific type of frog. If you have this type of frog, touch "send" and you will receive the described prize. If not, just click decline. A new request will appear soon.Also at the beginning of the game, you will not have enough space and it may be easier to just breed these frogs.
    • Supply Store: Here you can buy backgrounds and decorations for your frogs' habitat. Avoid it! When you're in the pond, you'll often find backgrounds and decorations for free, so don't waste your money at the store.
    • Professional store: used here real money. Here you can buy stamps and potions.
    • Frog Shop: You can buy different or rare frogs here. The frogs for sale change frequently, so check them every day. As you level up, new frogs become available to you.
    • Daily Gift: You can get one gift every day! You can get coins, stamps, potions or transferable gifts like frogs, backgrounds and decorations.
    • Mailbox: When you order items from the catalog, supply store, frog store, or find items in the pond, they come to your mailbox. It can only hold 8 items, so clean it often!
    • Neighbors: If you are on a wireless network, those playing PocketFrogs near you will be shown here. You can view their habitat and send them gifts, as well as challenge them to race.
    • Froggydex: There are thousands of rocks here to discover. Froggydex shows which frogs you have encountered and the percentage of all possible frogs that you have collected. You can "clone" frogs that you have already purchased from Froggydex, but this will cost 10 times the maximum price of the frog.
    • Bundles: A new frog pack is released every Wednesday at midnight. If you collect this set and redeem them, you will receive a prize! The prizes are usually coins, or stamps and potions. It is much easier to accurately execute queries on frogs than to collect sets, since the sets are the same for everyone and everywhere, unlike queries. Therefore, queries are always possible to fulfill, and sets can sometimes be outside your level.
  3. 3 Start the game with Green Folium Anura and Cocos Bruna Anura. Their habitat is the usual dirty background. Hold back the urge to buy new backgrounds and decorations! New things are easy to find in the pond. If you click on the green menu button in the corner of the habitat, you will see the habitat you were just in, as well as the nursery. When you breed frogs, the eggs remain in the nursery until they hatch. Then you can move the frogs to a different habitat.
  4. 4 Tap the frog habitat, and then tap the frog. If you haven't touched the desired frog, use the arrows on either side of the frog to navigate among your frogs. You will see some stats, some brown and green buttons, and a message that says "Tame in pond for more options". Touch the Pond button.
  5. 5 Moving in the pond:
    • To move from lily to lily, simply touch the lily that you want to move the frog to. There will be a small red bar at the top of the screen that says "FliestoTame" and a number. You must catch this number of flies before leaving the pond to open up more opportunities for this frog. The number of flies you must catch to tame depends on the level of the frog.
    • To catch flies, simply jump from lily to lily when the fly is in the path of the jump. If a frog and a fly "collide" in a jump, then the frog has caught the fly.
    • To open the gift, jump on the lily that has the gift on it. H will open automatically. If they are coins, they will be added to what you have. If it's an object or a frog, you can choose if you want it. If your mailbox is full, you won't be able to save it! If the gift contains a frog, take it even if you don't want to. You can later sell it for coins.
    • The pond is actually endless. Keep moving in one direction (for example, keep touching the lilies at the bottom of the screen) to explore the pond as much as possible.
    • Stay in the pond for a while to maximize your collection of gifts. Rewards # 15 and # 57 require you to collect two gifts and two rare gifts in one pond trip, respectively.
    • Catching flies in the pond will also help your young frogs grow up more quickly. Catching flies also increases the happiness of the frogs.
    • Before going to the pond, make sure you have space in the nursery (in case you decide to raise the frog found in the pond) and in the mailbox (in case you find transferable gifts).
  6. 6 Breeding:
    • To breed frogs that you find in the pond, your frog must be tame and adult. Jump onto the lily that has another frog on it. It will take a little patience as other frogs sometimes run away! When a window pops up, click on the yes button to start breeding.
    • Breed frogs found in the pond as often as possible; you will be able to find rare breeds that are not yet available to you more often. Sometimes, the best solution is to take Anura or some other low-level frog into the pond to hatch the high-level frogs, and it won't cost much. And if you get a high-level frog, you can get a lot more than you paid for reselling. But there is also a risk in this, as you can get low level, and you can lose 1,500 coins.
    • To breed two frogs in the same habitat, they must be domesticated and mature. Tap one of the frogs and press the Breed button. The available frogs will appear on the screen, with which it can be crossed. Select the frog and press Breed.
    • A nursery is similar to a letterbox in that you can have 8 eggs or frogs before it is full.
  7. 7 Selling frogs is your main source of income. Rare frogs are much more expensive. To maximize the benefits, increase the frog's happiness level to 100% before selling. Frogs can be blessed with catching flies in a pond or playing a puzzle. If the frog's habitat has decorations, it will also make it happy.
    • Tame each frog before selling it to get more experience points.
    • Making the frog happy before the sale may seem like a waste of time, but not by doing this, you are losing money. Let's say you have 8 identical frogs that you bought for a reward. Each frog costs 200 coins. You decided to sell them all before they were completely happy and you will receive 150 coins from each frog. This result ultimately yields an income of 1,200 coins. But if you sent each frog to the pond before selling, you would receive 1,600 coins.
  8. 8 Each habitat can only contain 8 frogs, so collect coins and buy new habitat as soon as possible.
    • Most rewards require you to collect 8 adult frogs of the same species in the same habitat. Imagine you have only one such frog. There are two ways to accomplish this.
      • First, add this frog to the directory. Go to the catalog and buy another one. After it is delivered, place it in the habitat of the first frog.
      • Now the moment of choice has come: will you spend time or coins?
      • If you want to spend coins and get your reward faster, go back to the catalog and buy the rest of the frogs.
      • If you want to spend time and get more experience points, breed these two frogs as many times as necessary. You will need to move all these frogs from the nursery to the new habitat, wait until they grow up before you receive the reward.
      • After you have received the reward, sell these frogs.
      • If you are having trouble finding the frog you want, you can cross them. For example, if you need a Tingo Anura for reward # 4, you can cross an Anura of any color with a Yellow Tingo in any pattern. It may take you a few tries, but in the end you will end up with the frog you are looking for.
  9. 9 Use the race function on each frog options panel. Frog Races are another way to quickly learn coins.Touch the frog, make sure the happiness level is 100% and press the race button. Choose a frog that has higher Speed ​​and Stamina values. There is an entry fee in the race, but if you come first or second, your prize will be higher than the entry fee. If you come first, you can accept the coin reward, or pick up one of your opponent's frogs. You can also pick up more than one by tapping on 2 or more frogs at a time, just be sure to drum your fingers on them to avoid possible disturbances. When the window appears, just tap 'yes'. Above all, make sure you have enough space for those who arrive in the mail.
  10. 10 Earn as many rewards as possible. They will help you level up quickly by giving you experience points. The rewards aren't hard, it's just that sometimes it's hard to find the specific frog they require.
  11. 11 Keep your habitats well decorated. Many of the decorations help keep your frogs happy, and the backgrounds just make them look prettier. However, if you really penniless, you can sell a few of your decorations, but because they help with happiness, do it if you really get stuck.


  • After the race, if you win, touch two frogs at the same time. Then accept the first, and the second should appear.
  • Make sure to start breeding before going to bed. Up to really high levels (14 and above), the eggs will hatch by morning (this also depends on how much you sleep, but you get the idea).
  • Don't fill all of your habitats, leave room for one frog in each habitat. This way you always have a place to empty your mailbox or nursery.
  • Keep Anura in all colors if you have room. This way it will be easy to get a specific color.
  • The larger the fly, the happier your frog will be.
  • Frogs have three parts in their names: the first is the main (background) color, then the secondary is the color of the pattern, and the last is the pattern itself. For example, Blue Albeo Stellata will have a blue body with a white star on the back.
  • XP: experience. You need to get a certain amount of experience points to level up. You can get experience for taming and breeding frogs in the same way as for rewards.
  • You will often receive more potions, stamps and coins each time you level up.
  • Potions: Can make a frog grow instantly from young to adult. They can also restore the frog's happiness level.
  • Coins: The currency in Pocket Frogs. You can earn coins by finding them in the pond or by selling frogs.
  • Stamps: If you order items from a catalog, supply store, frog store, or you find something in a pond, it is sent to your mailbox. Stamps speed up the delivery process.
  • Rewards give you coins and experience.
  • Try to breed the most expensive frogs until you get the same one. As soon as you have 2 of the same breed - sell. She will cost less than her price if she has not yet grown and is not 100% happy.