How to become popular in a gay bar

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Most Popular Guy at a Gay Bar in Kentucky
Video: The Most Popular Guy at a Gay Bar in Kentucky


The wild and wonderful world of gay bars is open for you! Whether you are gay, bisexual, transgender, heterosexual or anyone else. It doesn't matter gender or sex, you can get popular in a gay bar.


  1. 1 Have fun! No one will speak to the gloomy person sitting in the corner, so open up to people and smile. A confident person attracts other confident individuals. Especially the ones you should befriend in order to gain popularity in the bar. If you have doubts and do not feel that confidence, then pretend until you really are.
  2. 2 Dress up. You may think you look great walking down the street at 2pm for a cup of coffee, but remember that you are going to a bar where customers will notice what clothes you are wearing. Don't change your style or clothes for something that will make you uncomfortable, just refine the outfit. Remember, if you constantly worry about your clothes, you won't be able to have a good time.
  3. 3 Talk to staff. The first person you should talk to at the bar is the bouncer or the person at the entrance. Chat with him about something; your best bet would be to compliment his hair or clothes. The main reason for the importance of the described action is that such people see everything that happens in the bar and know everyone. Such a conversation will give you more confidence because of the knowledge of the agreement with someone from the environment. Bartenders are fine too. Try ordering the same thing every night and they'll start to recognize you due to the repetitive demeanor.
  4. 4 Dance! The best thing about a gay bar is music. Stand up and show what you are capable of. Just do not stick out in the corner of the dance floor, as if you are afraid to shake your booty.
  5. 5 Bring a friend. If you're a girl, then nothing gives you a better head start than being a hot gay guy's companion. If your friend has been to the bar before, he will be able to introduce you to his acquaintances, increasing your popularity. Just do not come to the bar with 10 or 20 friends, otherwise you will get lost in the background of everyone around you. One or two friends are usually the best choice, since when you visit a bar with a company, you tend to stay with her overnight. Agree to meet your friends at the bar if you want to see them, in which case the image of the company will collapse.
  6. 6 Go to a dress up show. Many bars host drag nights; find out the dates of their holding and come. If the bar has a drag queen, then she will most likely host the nightly event. Approach her in the audience after the show, introduce yourself and tell her how you enjoyed the performance. Be careful, most Queens have claws. Don't bore her all night with compliments about a great show. Buy her something to drink, for example, and then leave and go about your business.
  7. 7 Talk to ALL. Most people will be nice and want to chat back to you. Here's a great way to make friends and maybe even get a drink or two. Remember to smile.


  • SMILE! This is the best way to get people to relax and start a conversation with you.
  • A killer cleavage attracts both guys and girls, regardless of their orientation, just approach this issue with taste.
  • If you are heterosexual and are worried about being bullied, just tell the person politely who you really are, but don't end the conversation by continuing to talk about something else.
  • Come as often as possible.


  • Drugs are sometimes featured in gay clubs, but their use will not give you popularity and may even lead to your isolation or rejection.