How to Cope with an International Undergraduate Diploma Program

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
is the IB diploma worth it? from a 45 student 🌎 (high school vs. college)
Video: is the IB diploma worth it? from a 45 student 🌎 (high school vs. college)


If you are reading this article, it is likely that you have decided to enroll in an International Baccalaureate (IB) program or are seriously considering it. You've found the right place to get some helpful tips to help you determine if this program is right for you, and to walk the thorny yet rewarding learning path.


Method 1 of 5: Decide if this program is right for you

  1. 1 If you are still undecided about participating in the IB program, make sure you understand what you are getting yourself into. Talk to the curators and teachers of all the subjects you want to study. Make sure this is what you really want. If a problem arises, contact your IB Coordinator. After all, he really knows everything.

Method 2 of 5: Develop the Right Way of Thinking

  1. 1 Stay organized. This part is difficult to overestimate. While studying this program, you are simultaneously trying to cope with 6-7 subjects at the college level (i.e. at the adult level), so be sure to keep a separate, well-organized, neatly written synopsis for each of them so that you can refer to it in session time.
  2. 2 Make the most of your activities. Ask questions. Take a well-organized note. Try to understand everything that you do not understand, and the sooner the better.

Method 3 of 5: Be dedicated to what you do

  1. 1 Choose the items that interest you the most. You will study them thoroughly for two years. You will write essays on them, read many books, do a lot of research and homework. Trust me, you don't want to study Business Management (IB) if you have always been interested in performing arts. You are more likely to be admitted to college with a 5-6 grade in acting than a 2-3 grade in business management.
  2. 2 Study the International Baccalaureate Standards in each discipline. Because of the need to standardize curricula across cultures and languages, your knowledge will only be tested within the curriculum. Always. For example, in biology, there is little point in learning the names of all amino acids if you only need to be able to draw their general structure (and if you love biology, so much the better for you).
  3. 3 Learn the terms used in the assignments for each subject. Not knowing them can rob you of the marks you might otherwise have received.
  4. 4 Complete all homework assignments. They include a large percentage of your IB score, and if you don't practice hard, the final exams will probably shock you. This point is even more important if you are an advanced math or science student.
  5. 5 Start writing your thesis as early as possible. Write it carefully, thoroughly, and "in a timely manner." The sooner you write it, the sooner you get rid of it.
  6. 6 Epistemology. Also known as theory of knowledge. Study it thoroughly. It is easy to understand the basics of epistemology if you study diligently. If the instructor does not explain well, study on your own. There are books that are designed specifically for IB programs, so get them.
  7. 7 Keep track of your KDU (creativity, activity, helpfulness). Over a two-year period, you will need to complete 50 hours for each item. Try to convince your institution to organize something to help you close these hours, such as photography classes, organizing Saturday and Sunday events, or teaching young people. If you can't get things organized, gardening counts for all three points. Ask to sign each school you help. Submit these documents! You will want to finish all of this as quickly as possible, since at the end of your studies you will need energy to concentrate on the final exams.

Method 4 of 5: Survival Techniques

  1. 1 Keep calm. You will not fail in any way if you work. You will go to university / college. Stop worrying.
  2. 2 Remember, there is much more in life besides the IB program. Lack of human communication due to an International Baccalaureate program can result in social isolation and depression. Get some rest and lead some kind of social life, for the sake of your mental health. Find a good IB forum on the Internet. Connect with fellow students of IB and other programs. However, not to the detriment of your studies.
  3. 3 Take a break from time to time. Do whatever you normally do when you want to relax. Take some time for yourself. Not all of the time, however.
  4. 4 Try not to relax for a long time. The IB program can be challenging, but still learn thoroughly. Why waste years of your life dodging work when you can get the most out of what turns out to be a great skill.
  5. 5 Don't be shelved. IB students are renowned masters of procrastination. Sometimes you can afford it, but don't overuse it so you don't have to write your thesis overnight.
  6. 6 Study at IB with your friends, or try to make new students right away with this program. To master IB, you need to have at least three friends studying the program with you. You will not be able to do everything successfully on your own, as you also need a mentor to help you succeed in IB. The second thing you understand there is that you need to forget about old friends at school, as they will hold back your desire to succeed. Only your IB friends will provide you with the intellectual support you need to succeed. You need to learn and communicate with such people, because you can help each other. You also need to accept any help available, ask each question that interests you, if necessary.

Method 5 of 5: Exams

  1. 1 Prepare for exams. After all, handing them over is "not a field to cross." The IB program is difficult for most people (even geniuses like us), so get ready for it! And when - not if, but "when" - you pass the exams, smile and be grateful that everything is over. And then help the freshmen.
  2. 2 Make a cheat sheet for previous and current exams. If you don't, the questions in the textbook and the ones you were asked in the lesson will seem much easier than the exam itself.

Little tips

  • IB is the best preparation for university. This is all that is necessary for the transition to the highest level of education. Fall in love with stress. Too much rest will not have the best effect on your studies. IB is a great opportunity to stay on top of the wave in the future. Be patient now - rest later.
  • Sleep and nutrition. To study the IB program, you need at least six hours of sleep. Plan your studies and assignments in advance. You must go to bed no later than 23:00. You also need to eat at least 3 times a day to cope with all the information going into your brain.


  • Procrastination can be the reason for all of the above, so please work hard.
  • The IB program itself and the consequent lack of sleep can lead to poor health, as well as lethargy caused by poor diet and / or lack of sleep.
  • If you can't deal with stress, drop out of the International Baccalaureate program or even change schools. It's a great program, but no learning activity is worth a nervous breakdown.

What do you need

  • Organizer or diary.
  • A good teacher of epistemology or a good book on the theory of knowledge.
  • Quality textbooks, preferably specially designed for the IB program.
  • Certificates of your KDU activity.