How to create a path in Adobe Illustrator

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How Vector Paths Work│Adobe Illustrator CC
Video: How Vector Paths Work│Adobe Illustrator CC


This article will show you how to create a path in Adobe Illustrator.


  1. 1 Use the Pen tool or Pencil tool to draw a line.
  2. 2 Click on the line and go to Object> Path> Outline Stroke. You will see how the line becomes an outline.
  3. 3 You can set the color for both the outline and the interior.
  4. 4 To create an outline from the text, use the Type Tool to create the text.
  5. 5 Go to Type> Create Outlines.
  6. 6 If a font has stroke weight, you need to take more steps than a regular font.
  7. 7 After creating the outline, you will have a font with no stroke.
  8. 8 Click on the font again and go to Object> Path> Outline Stroke. You will end up with a stroked path, but the path will be double.
  9. 9 To make a single path, click on the font and right click on the ungroup, then go to Pathfinder> Add To Shape Area> Expand.