How to stay calm when dealing with your ex

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Obsessing Over an Ex-Partner - Trauma Mind
Video: Obsessing Over an Ex-Partner - Trauma Mind


And it doesn't matter what you want: return your ex-boyfriend, stay friends with him, or show that you have forgotten to think about him, or all this together, the most important thing is to stay calm. It may not be easy, but remember that no one will like a desperate, angry girl.


  1. 1 Learn to stay calm. You may see your ex-boyfriend rarely, often, or occasionally, and you should use this time to your advantage. To look calm, you need to maintain and demonstrate a positive attitude. Whether he is in the company of his new passion, friends or family members, or alone - it doesn't matter. If he still has feelings for you, and he sees how joyful and positive you are, then he will definitely either want to renew the relationship with you, or at least he will remember you longer than usual. And this is exactly what you want!
  2. 2 Pretend until you get what you want. It won't be easy. For a number of reasons, your ex boyfriend may ignore you and look completely happy without you. This performance can be played especially for you, but do not rush to rejoice. After all, you do not want to start hoping for non-existent feelings, as if re-arising between you and your former boyfriend. The whole point is not to lose your calmness, to continue to maintain clarity of thoughts so that the next round is yours.
  3. 3 Find someone who will constantly remind you that you are special. Find something to do, do new things, no matter global or small. It is very important that you do something, because this is what will show others that your life is going on, and you have control over it, and it does not matter if that person is with you or not. Something more attractive and difficult to come up with. It doesn't matter who you are trying to impress, your ex-boyfriend or the new candidate for his position, the main thing is to maintain your self-esteem and self-worth.
  4. 4 Develop a positive attitude towards life. If you decide to do something new and interesting, then do not forget to do it joyfully and with a smile. Even if you didn't get everything you wanted, you need to remember to appreciate everything you already have. This will give you more freedom to control your actions, and even if you continue to communicate with your former boyfriend, your new, improved self will glow with positive and help you stay calm.
  5. 5 Eliminate your negative emotions. Another important point on the path to achieving inner peace is the ability to let go of your negative emotions. When you're alone or with a trusted friend, just speak up and let them out. You can write them all down in detail, but be sure to be completely honest with yourself. If this method is not for you, then you can do a good sweat in the gym or listen to music, on the one hand, corresponding to your emotional mood, but on the other, making it clear that this is not the end (although you may feel that way). Don't turn to drugs or alcohol. They will only help you temporarily relieve your pain, but you need something positive to help you improve your self-control and your emotional well-being in the long run. Just try to find it. You don’t lose anything by just trying.
  6. 6 Cry! But don't do it in front of your ex, because it will look like a cheap manipulation attempt. And this can only worsen your situation and further alienate your ex-boyfriend from you.
  7. 7 Try your best to accept the current situation. If such an outcome is inevitable, then it cannot be avoided. You cannot influence the course of events, everything will happen as it should. But if there is a chance that you and your ex-boyfriend will still be together, or you decide to remain friends, then it may not be easy to refrain from trying to change something. Observe how he treats you, talks, behaves towards you. If he calls you periodically to find out how you are doing, that's great, but try not to show your overexcitement and delight in the conversation.You shouldn't talk about problems or your past together, unless it's something nice for both of you. If he decides to remember or discuss something - this is basically good, just follow the thread of the conversation, but do not let your emotions get out of control for a second and listen very carefully (especially if it comes to some problem that arose in you in the past). Do not beg him for anything, do not feel sorry for yourself and do not lose self-control. Such an outcome can only push him away and make him regret having met you at all. Stay calm. Be gentle, friendly, and subtly remind him that no matter what happens, you are always ready to start over. But say this only if you are really ready for it, otherwise you will inevitably fail. Be honest with everyone.
  8. 8 Another way to stay calm is to be patient. If he is thinking about renewing a relationship with you or is still having feelings for you, this will be noticeable. And here physiology is not meant. (Physiology is not an unambiguous indicator of the seriousness of intentions, because many want, as they say, to eat the fish and not go into the pond. Be careful and do not become another deceived girl.) Do not weaken your attention, because at this stage in life you are all still very vulnerable.
  9. 9 Let him come to you. At this point, he himself will be insecure and very careful when making any decisions. Whatever he decides for himself, your life will not stop waiting for him. Follow your priorities in life and keep looking at the world with a smile. If at some point your ex-boyfriend becomes more open and starts talking to you about your relationship or about you with him, be very careful. If you are still in love with him, then go ahead! Share with him all his doubts and worries. But if you suddenly find that his time in your life has passed, and he still cannot make a definite decision and just does not let you go, or your relationship is like a roller coaster, just accept this as the end of your story together, or at least just mentally let him go. You have a life of your own to deal with, and many things to do that require your attention and participation. Keep calm inside and don't waste your precious time. What kind of respect can we talk about if this person does not understand such simple things?
  10. 10 Remember that all people and life situations are different. But staying calm is what will iron out the rough edges of any breakup, whether you remain friends or don't even want to remember each other.


  • Always remember how wonderful and exceptional you are, and if your ex-boyfriend doesn't see it, then just don't waste your time on him.
  • Do not engage in gossip and rumors. They can happen, but try to be above it. This will serve you well in the future.
  • If you believe in God, be sure to pray and God will help you control the raging emotions and minimize the pain of breakup.
  • He may become intimate with someone else. Don't give in, it won't be easy (especially if you hear about them all the time), but try to be positive and fill your mind and soul with other thoughts and concerns. Your ex-boyfriend has every right to do as he pleases, and you have exactly the same right. Respect him and your decisions, and later you will be grateful to yourself for it.


  • Life goes on, concentrate on your own goals.
  • Do not deny yourself dating with the opposite sex, but you shouldn't dwell on it either.
  • Remember your karma, and therefore you should not talk badly about your ex, no matter what reason he gives you for this.
  • Don't give up hope. Be patient.But also be wise to understand in time that it is time to leave this person in the past and move on.
  • Be very careful with the intimate side of questions. If your former boyfriend has not returned to acting status and is not making every effort to renew your relationship, there is a great chance that, by demanding intimacy, he simply satisfies his needs and does not think about you and your feelings at all.
  • Do not hope too much for a miracle. Chances are good that you will never be a couple again. Therefore, you will have to eventually accept it and learn from this lesson. This is the key to inner peace.
  • If you are prone to impulsive actions, then your ex-boyfriend (if he is by nature such) can take advantage of this in his own interests.