How to keep your skin clean and not greasy

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Tips to Get Rid of Oily Skin - Dr Lucas Fustinoni BRAZIL
Video: 6 Tips to Get Rid of Oily Skin - Dr Lucas Fustinoni BRAZIL


If you are tired of fighting oily skin or acne, you are probably also tired of the sheer number of conflicting "solutions" that you have to deal with. The most repetitive (and over-emphasized) belief you may have heard is that you have a certain “type” of skin. However, in reality, most people have a combination skin type. Moreover, any skin changes with age, and also varies depending on the biological sex of a person and the environment. But whoever you are, you can keep your skin clean and greasy with a few basic skincare knowledge.


Method 1 of 4: Cleansing Your Skin

  1. 1 Wash your face with clean, warm water and mild soap at least once a day. You can wash your face 3 times a day, but don't overdo it. If you have just left the gym, it is worth washing, but, in principle, thorough washing 2 times a day (morning and evening) is all you really need.
    • Do not use hot water, as the heat will dry out the moisture your skin needs, leading to unnecessary burning and cracking. Avoid very cold water as well. Cold water is good for refreshing your face, but ice cold water narrows the pores, preventing you from effectively removing impurities from them.
    • Make sure to use a mild facial soap when washing your face. While water washes away obvious dirt and loose particles, soaps and similar products provide a more thorough cleanse. However, be careful in choosing soft soap to avoid excessive friction. Ultimately, the abrasive properties of soaps can hurt the skin more than help.
    • While strong rubbing seems logical when you feel your face is dirty, it removes the natural protective film that your skin produces. This in turn can alter the pH balance and affect the growth of microorganisms on the skin. Remember, your skin is an organ that needs to be treated with care.
  2. 2 Apply a toner or other face care product. Depending on your needs, good old soap and water should be supplemented with another remedy. But whatever you put on your face, make sure you familiarize yourself with the product first, and also don't overuse it. Do not use any facial products on your face more often than washing your face.
  3. 3 Cleanse your face before bed. The time of day should play a very important role in your facial routine. While it's okay to wash your face in the morning, you'll see more results (and possibly less grease) if you wash your face before going to bed.
    • If possible, make a night mask, which you will wash off in the morning. If you are not using the mask at night, wipe your face with toner and then immediately apply moisturizer to your skin.
  4. 4 Steam your face. To steam your face means just holding it for a few minutes over a container (saucepan, sink, bathtub, etc.) with water so hot that it generates steam. Some people cover their head and neck with a towel. This process opens the pores and allows natural sweat to flush out impurities.
    • While this is often a great trick for people with oily skin, steaming will not solve acne problems. This is a more serious question.

Method 2 of 4: Moisturize to keep your skin clear

  1. 1 Accept that you need a moisturizer. If you have oily or greasy skin, it may be crazy to apply even more products to your face. However, oily skin and acne are not caused by moisture on the face. In fact, it is even the skin's response to a lack of hydration. So get ready to add one more thing to your facial routine.
  2. 2 Find the moisturizer that's right for you. You can look for products that are designed for your predominant skin type, or that target specific problems or problem areas that you want to combat. If you have oily skin, you should prefer lotions over creams (which usually contain even more fatty oils).
  3. 3 Consider the climate and environment. If you live in extreme temperatures, very high or very low, or it is the middle of a harsh season, you should look for products that will help you compensate for these additional external factors.
  4. 4 Test all facial products on the forearm first. It will be even more frustrating to find a beautiful looking moisturizer that will ultimately cause your rashes. Apply a small amount of the product lightly on your forearm every day for at least a week or even two if you can wait. If no reaction occurs over this period of time, then most likely this product is safe for your face.
  5. 5 Apply moisturizer after cleansing. Never apply the product before washing your face. A moisturizer will help keep your skin soft and smooth, but it won't remove the dirt from your pores on its own.

Method 3 of 4: Protecting Your Skin

  1. 1 Drink water throughout the day. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water daily. Water helps flush out toxins from the body that cause acne and blackheads on the surface of the face.The only way to “feed” your skin is through your stomach (remember, skin is an organ), so drink water and saturate your skin with it.
  2. 2 Exercise regularly. Our bodies are made to move. If you stay active, you will definitely notice improvements in your skin.
  3. 3 Be mindful of what you eat. It is very important to eat healthy, eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Some people have found they can deal with acne and oily skin problems by making some changes to their diet. Avoiding processed foods, caffeinated or sugar-fortified foods, and overly salty foods has helped many. Experiment with limiting your intake of certain problem foods to see how your body and skin will respond to the change.
  4. 4 Reduce the amount of time you spend in the sun. The only 100% effective sunscreen is no sun. If you have to go out or work a lot outside, always cover your skin or apply sunscreen.
    • Large hats, with a brim of at least 5 centimeters, perfectly block harmful sun rays. You need a hat that shadows part of the face. Explore the variety of hats in existence these days to find something trendy that matches your style.
  5. 5 Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outdoors and renew every 2 hours. 30 ml of sunscreen (roughly the amount that will fill a shot glass) should be sufficient. There are many different options, so use the highest degree of protection if you plan on doing intense physical activity in the sun.
    • If you towel dry after bathing, you are rubbing off the protection you applied, so you need to reuse it.
    • Keep in mind, however, that you need to rinse the sunscreen off your skin before bed. So add one more item to your skincare regimen.

Method 4 of 4: Reducing Stress to Maintain Clear Skin

  1. 1 Take it easy. Scientific studies have shown that many skin problems, especially acne, are stress-related. Remember, your skin is an organ! Just like your heart, lungs, or other parts of your body, your skin reacts to stress and life's hardships. Be careful with this and help your body by developing relaxation strategies and methods.
  2. 2 Be positive. Your skin problems can evaporate. Stay optimistic and try to reduce stress by focusing on the pleasant things in your life, during school, at work, and especially when waking up or going to bed.
  3. 3 Determine what is causing you stress. As well as intense rubbing or using harsh skin products, stress causes your skin to react negatively. So constantly identify the reasons for your worries. Think about what makes you nervous, and work to eliminate or reduce the impact of these factors on you.


  • If you have oily skin, your hair may be oily too. Hair can contaminate the skin, and vice versa. Wash your hair 3-4 times a week and use the shampoo and conditioner that works for you.
  • Remove hair from your face and tie it up before going to bed (if you are uncomfortable sleeping, loosen the elastic bands).
  • If you think you’re doing it right, but your skin is still in poor condition, review the steps in this article to make sure you’re not missing anything.


  • No method will work perfectly for every person. For example, acne (a condition where the sebaceous glands of your skin become clogged) can be caused by many things, from stress to hormonal changes associated with growing up.Many people use the methods in this article and find them very helpful, but if this is not your case, you may have more serious skin problems and need a doctor's advice. If the skin is in poor condition that worsens over time, consult a dermatologist.