How to keep your feet clean

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
4 Tips To Keep Your Feet Soft & Moisturised | Pedicure Rules & At-Home Foot Care Routine
Video: 4 Tips To Keep Your Feet Soft & Moisturised | Pedicure Rules & At-Home Foot Care Routine


1 Keep it clean. Wash your feet every day with soap and water. You just need to put your feet under the running water. Lather your feet thoroughly and scrub them with a washcloth. Make sure you wash your feet the entire length, not just your toes. Clean your nails too.
  • 2 Be sure to completely dry your feet when you're done. Remember to rub the areas between your toes and remove any yellow / black dirt from your toes. Residual moisture is a breeding ground for bacteria that cause odor.
  • 3 Wear the right socks. Cotton, bamboo, some woolen materials and special weaves made for athletes will absorb sweat and allow your feet to breathe. Put on a new pair if your socks get damp.
  • 4 Make sure your shoes are not too small for you. If so, then your feet will sweat more than usual. Find the right size and ask your saleswoman for help if you're not sure.
  • 5 Change your shoes. Wearing the same pair of shoes every day can make them smell bad. Let the shoe dry for a few days before putting it back on. There are many sprays and other odor control products available to suit your shoes, so pick and try one if you want your shoes to smell good.
  • 6 Kill germs. Consider using a disinfectant spray to get rid of the bacteria in your shoes. Wash your feet with antibacterial soap. Drying your shoes in the sun can also help. Before going to sleep, soak a white washcloth with undiluted hydrogen peroxide and wrap it around each leg, covering the area between your toes and nails. Do not rinse. Let the compress dry and sleep with bare feet.
  • 7 Wash your shoes or insoles. Some insoles or shoes, especially sneakers, can be washed. Be sure to dry them completely before putting them on.
  • 8 Walk barefoot at home. Let your feet ventilate, let them be outdoors for a while, especially at night.
  • 9 Keep your nails trimmed and clean. Use a nail brush. Toe nails are a secret place for bacteria.
  • Tips

    • Bacteria are to blame for everything. Under certain conditions, bacteria will grow on your feet. These bacteria eat dead skin cells and fat on the surface of your skin. Their number will grow, and as a result, harmful organic acids will appear. It is these organic acids that smell so bad. 10-15% of people have a really bad smell on their feet. Why? Because their feet are too sweaty, they have become home to bacteria called Micrococcus sedentarius (pronounced as: Micrococcus sedentarius). These bacteria produce not only foul-smelling organic acids, but also a substance called a volatile sulfur compound. Sulfur compounds tend to have a strong and unpleasant odor. If you've ever sniffed a rotten egg (hydrogen sulfide), you know what volatile sulfur compounds smell like. One of the most effective ways to get rid of bacteria on your feet is to wash them in water with plenty of vinegar. The acid kills bacteria and reduces their growth.
    • Wash your feet in water with a few drops of tea tree oil. It is 100% natural antibacterial and antifungal.
    • Apply petroleum jelly to your feet to make them look smooth.
    • For most people, foot odor can be adjusted. Worst of all, smelly feet is an embarrassing circumstance. If it bothers you, just keep your shoes on when you are in public places such as school or when driving. At home, keep your feet clean and walk barefoot to get some air. If your feet are clean and dry, bacteria will have to find their lunch somewhere else!
    • Wash your feet every day, they are the dirtiest part of your body and the least you can do to stop the odor is to wash them with soap and water. Also, make sure you rub them with either a sponge or a washcloth to get rid of dirt, bacteria, and dead skin cells.
    • Before putting on a pair of shoes, sprinkle some baking soda in it. The baking soda absorbs sweat and helps you not smell too bad.
    • If all else fails, see your doctor as your foot odor may be associated with a more serious problem.


    • Do not wear shoes or socks made with plastic or synthetic materials (such as lycra).Plastic and some artificial materials will prevent your feet from breathing, which can cause healthy feet to smell bad.