How to seduce a woman

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Seduce A Woman! Learn 15 Amazing Tips That Actually Work (ULTIMATE GUIDE)
Video: How To Seduce A Woman! Learn 15 Amazing Tips That Actually Work (ULTIMATE GUIDE)


The secret of temptation is to pay attention to the needs and interests of a person, to move towards him. If you want to seduce a woman, take the time to get to know her better, create the right atmosphere, then slowly and carefully move towards physical intimacy.


Part 1 of 3: Make contact

  1. 1 Do not hurry. The main difficulty of temptation is in time. Anticipation is an important aspect that triggers sexual desire for another person. If you meet a woman you really like, try to take your time. Wait a bit before approaching her. Start listening more than talking. Do not show your intentions from the first meeting, otherwise you will frighten her away. Take your time, especially at first.
  2. 2 Dress up. If you want a woman to notice you, you need to look very good. If you are likely to meet this woman at a bar, party, or other event, be sure to dress nicely.
    • Wear stylish clothes that suit you. If you think it's time to update your wardrobe, go shopping. You can ask a sales assistant to help you choose a few things that would work for you.
    • Remember, being yourself is sexy! Try to look your 100% while still being yourself. This means you don't have to shave if you usually wear a beard, or wear a tailored suit if you prefer casual style and button-down shirts. If you don't act naturally, you are unlikely to be comfortable. And this is absolutely definitely felt by the woman for whom you are trying, because the main key to seduction is a sense of self-confidence.
    • Be sure to shower before your date, you can even put on a little perfume, but don't overdo it. A little scent will come in handy.
  3. 3 Listen to her carefully. When you are just trying to get close to a woman, you need to listen carefully to what she has to say. People tend to be sympathetic to those who are interested in them. Instead of bragging about your accomplishments and telling stories about yourself, try just listening to the other person.
    • Try asking more questions rather than just answering them. You can ask very simple questions that will allow you to establish contact. For example, ask: "What do you do in life?", "Where did you grow up?"
    • Always show that you are listening to the other person. Smile, nod, you can say something like "Oh!", "Yes". Ask counter questions. Ask for a story to tell in more detail, or ask some personal questions.
    • Sexual attraction is often caused by personality traits. If you can seduce a woman you know better, you will have more pleasure in having sex with her.
  4. 4 Be confident in yourself. Confidence is the quality that attracts most people. If you are comfortable with yourself, others will be drawn to you. Try to demonstrate self-confidence while spending time with the woman you like.
    • Remember that self-confidence and selfishness are different things. If you take on a dominant role in the conversation and constantly brag, the interlocutor will be unpleasant.But it's okay to be proud of what you do in life, where you come from, and other aspects of your life that your interlocutor might be interested in.
    • Make her laugh. Many people are attracted to people with a good sense of humor. Try joking during the conversation to see if your sense of humor impresses her.
  5. 5 Flirt with your body language. An open and confident body language will show a woman that you are interested in her. Try a few key hints that will signal that you like this woman and would like to physically bond with her.
    • Stand up straight. Drop your shoulders, lift your chin. Do not bend your elbows or hold the drink near your chest. Show that you are absolutely confident with your whole body.
    • Find a way to break the wall between you by flirting. Take a woman's hand to guide you around the bar or wherever you are spending time. Place your hand on her thigh or lower back. This should be done carefully and slowly so that the woman slowly gets used to your touch.
  6. 6 Try some pickup tactics. Pickup tactics usually don't work that well. But if you choose a neat, clean-cut tactic, it will help emphasize your charm and interest the woman.
    • Research on pick-up tactics shows that some tactics help highlight your best qualities, that is, replace bragging rights. Women are very wary of pick-up tactics that are based only on empty compliments or sexual innuendo. Most women are more interested in pickup techniques that allow them to learn something new about a stranger, because such techniques allow these men to stand out from other potential competitors. For example, if you are a nurse, you might say something like, "Look, this party is definitely not enough life; as a nurse, I can tell you that she died before it even started!" If you're a firefighter, you might think of something like, "It's all about me, or is it really hot in here? As a firefighter, I can say for sure that you could light a fire here!"
    • If you want to pick the right pickup strategy, come up with something smart and fun that highlights your professional life and personality. You can mention your profession, if it is interesting, or about your hobbies, about some positive qualities of your character. But don't dwell on just one pickup truck. Research shows that pickup techniques work best when followed by conversation.

Part 2 of 3: Create an atmosphere

  1. 1 A scent will help create the right atmosphere. When inviting a woman to your home, take care of a pleasant scent at home - this is the key to success. Open the windows a few hours before she arrives to get rid of any unpleasant odors. You can light incense. Choose a pleasant scent that isn't too pungent, such as a light vanilla scent or something like sandalwood. But it's best to know in advance what scents she likes. Try to ask questions about your favorite scents in the midst of a conversation. Ask the interlocutor about what perfume she likes, what shower gels she uses, what scents attract her.
  2. 2 Turn on the music. Soft, pleasant music will help create a mood. But remember, you need to focus your attention on your companion, not on yourself. Choose the kind of music that she likes, but it should be slow, sensual songs.
    • Find out in advance about her musical preferences. Try to include songs from her favorite band, but they should be slow songs. Fast tracks create a playful and danceable mood rather than sexy.
    • The classic choice is Barry White. But such a classic can be perceived as commonplace. Come up with something more original so that the date doesn't end with your date just rolling her eyes.
  3. 3 Decorate your apartment. Setting and decoration are very important when it comes to seduction. Try to create the right mood by adding some decorations.
    • Candles and the right mood can have an incredible effect. If this is your first time sleeping with a person, there may be a slight feeling of awkwardness between you. Putting out the lights and lighting the candles will help both of you feel more comfortable being naked. In addition, many women believe that candles are an essential element of romance.
    • Clean the house a little before inviting a woman to your place. Cleanliness and comfort in the house will give you the impression of an economic and responsible person, which can greatly affect the mood of your companion.

Part 3 of 3: Get Close Physically

  1. 1 Touch your companion. When initiating physical contact, try to act slowly and carefully. Try to touch her when you sit next to her. Place your hand on her knee or shoulder. Again, seduction is about gradual stimulation. Too fast and explicit movements can scare a woman away.
    • The first kiss should be gentle. It should be more than a kiss on the lips, but not an overly intimate kiss. Wait until she wants more. Try to understand what kind of kisses she likes. How did she kiss you back? This will tell you what makes her happy.
    • If you are trying to seduce a woman you have been dating for a long time, try initiating physical contact in some unexpected place. Long-term relationships come with a routine that gets boring quickly. Try to seduce your wife / girlfriend somewhere in the kitchen or shower.
  2. 2 Concentrate on her erogenous zones. Erogenous zones are areas of the body that are touched, licked, and nibbled to awaken sexual desire. Not all people have the same erogenous zones, but some areas of the body are especially sensitive in most women.
    • There are many nerve endings on the neck and ears, and we rarely touch these areas during the day. Therefore, they are simply made for kissing, sucking, licking and light nibbling.
    • For many women, the face and feet are also erogenous zones. Gentle head strokes and foot massage will help you move forward towards your goal.
    • As you kiss, focus on her lips. Try licking, biting and sucking gently.
    • The tummy, lower back, thighs are very sensitive areas to touch. Many women experience sexual pleasure in touching these areas.
  3. 3 Move forward as slowly as possible. The essence of temptation is to wait for the right moment. If you are in a hurry, your partner will feel uncomfortable and your attempts will fail. Move forward very slowly and calmly. Pay attention to what this woman likes, what she wants. Try to be aware of her needs so that there is a complementary communication. As a last resort, just stop and ask if she likes what you are doing. Pay close attention to how she answers you.


  • Be sure to make sure that your partner is interested in further developing the relationship. You can even stop and ask if this turn of events suits her.
  • Protect yourself during sex. Use condoms and / or oral contraceptives.