How to seduce a girl online

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How To Seduce A Girl Over Text & Phone
Video: How To Seduce A Girl Over Text & Phone


Online dating is not meant for social outcasts who are not successful in real life. It doesn't matter if you and your partner are attractive or ugly, you can make her fall in love with you or lure her into bed if you know what you are doing.


  1. 1 Create one or two Gmail accounts. You probably already have mail, but if you are not alone, having a separate account is necessary specifically in order to prevent viewing a suspicious letter on your computer. br>
  2. 2 Subscribe to Google Voice. Use your new Gmail account to sign up for a free service invitation. Using a phone number from this service, you protect yourself from unwanted contacts, in the same way as on your personal mailbox, only by phone. The waiting time can be up to 6 months, so consider purchasing an invitation on eBay for around £ 500.
  3. 3 Register on dating sites. Use your new email account to subscribe to them. Do not use sexual logins because they imply that you are experiencing some kind of difficulty.
  4. 4 Post photos. Make sure they highlight your best points, but take into account that nude photos are not the best option. Change your pictures from time to time to draw attention to your profile. Let them be natural. Your friend will either pay attention to them at first sight, or you are wasting your time.
  5. 5 Write about yourself. Show that you are confident, calm, cheerful, have a sense of humor, are sexy and sincere in moderation. Don't describe your entire life story; for this there is oral communication and conversation. Don't put too much emphasis on who you are or what you're looking for a woman. This can lead to an incorrect response.
  6. 6 Use profile search. Consider the pros and cons of a convenient location. Distance prevents drama on many occasions because you probably don't know each other. Therefore, it is better to plan all meetings in advance.
  7. 7 Get in touch. Be proactive with multiple women. But copying and pasting the same standard message will ruin the mood and get no response.Write something particularly flattering, but don't overdo it with compliments, because chances are your partner is so used to hearing them that she won't even notice your efforts.
  8. 8 Wait for an answer. For every message you send to a woman, there are 25-100 messages from other applicants, so don't expect a quick response if you get one at all. Remember to wait without resentment while she rummages through her inbox to find your message. This will increase your chances.
  9. 9 Connect outside of the dating site. Move your communication as soon as possible to email and then to text messages via Google Voice at her own pace. Avoid going straight from a dating site to instant messaging sites such as Yahoo to avoid "Webcam-Modellen" and other scams.
  10. 10 Avoid Facebook. Almost everyone has a Facebook page. You need to keep it incognito. This will protect your partner from questionable comments from other women. If she sees them, then you will regret it.
  11. 11 Communicate actively, but take your time. Take your time because text messages and emails do not require immediate replies. Reread every sentence to make sure you are writing exactly what you want her to write. After all, she will probably read the message more than once. Check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It would be stupid to write like the Losers write at school. This will not present you in the best light, even before the meeting.
  12. 12 Start talking on the phone.
  13. 13 Build your expectation correctly, then you will be remembered. The longer your partner waits for a meeting, the more she will want to meet you, and will wait for this moment. If the wait drags on, she will be disappointed. Your communication will stop there.
  14. 14 Make her seek your approval. Encourage your partner to be sincere, behave naturally, and confidently promote sexuality as energetically as possible without scaring her away. Let her completely trust your feelings and sincerity. Then she will strive to get your approval in any situation, no matter what you talk about.
  15. 15 Arrange a face-to-face meeting. If you managed to get a woman to seek your approval, then she will be open to suggestions. You will be able to bring her where you wanted from the very beginning. If you follow all the steps, then she will even stop noticing other men. You will receive it without making any promises.
  16. 16 Notice the footprints. Once you've exhausted the dating situation, give up your email address, block unwanted contacts from your Google Voice account, or deactivate them completely on your phone. But don't permanently delete them. You never know when you will be alone again.