How to entertain a guinea pig

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
10 Tips to Keep Your Lazy Guinea Pigs Entertained! Simple, Fun and Easy Boredom Breakers!
Video: 10 Tips to Keep Your Lazy Guinea Pigs Entertained! Simple, Fun and Easy Boredom Breakers!


Guinea pigs, like other animals, are often bored. Therefore, you need to find a way to entertain your pet, for example, make new toys for him or better equip a cage. It is very beneficial for the guinea pig to spend some time outside the cage, where it can run and have fun. And, of course, treats! Guinea pigs, like other pets, are very fond of different treats.


Part 1 of 4: How to Make New Toys

  1. 1 Crumple up a piece of paper. Take plain paper and wrinkle it into a ball. Place this lump in the guinea pig's cage, or roll it while the guinea pig is running outside the cage. It may seem silly to you, but rodents are very attracted to rustling objects.
  2. 2 Make homemade cardboard tunnels. Roll up the thick paper into a tube and find the optimal length. Your pet will crawl inside the tunnel and play with it. Just keep in mind that the diameter of the tunnel must be large enough so that the guinea pig does not get stuck in it.
  3. 3 Make a stuffed sock. Find an old sock and fill it with a soft cloth. Tie one end of the sock and cut the other end. The pig will love to get in there.
  4. 4 Take tennis and ping pong balls. There may be a few balls lying around in your house. Throw a couple of balls into the cage and let your pet play with them!

Part 2 of 4: How to Set Up a Guinea Pig Cage

  1. 1 Add different tunnels and houses. Guinea pigs like to dig in different caves and tunnels. You can make these tunnels from cardboard tubes and small paper bags. You can buy a variety of plastic containers for rodents.
  2. 2 Keep your guinea pig cage in the most crowded room. As soon as you bring your pet cage home, immediately place it in a room where something is constantly happening, such as the living room. Guinea pigs love companionship. Place the cage in a crowded room to keep your guinea pig from getting bored.
    • Please note that a guinea pig cage should not be placed near TV, radio or other sources of noise. Guinea pigs are very sensitive to hearing and react strongly to any noise.
  3. 3 Place chewable toys in the cage. Guinea pigs and other rodents always have to chew on something to grind their teeth. To do this, you can take cardboard boxes, untreated wood, or special chew toys for rodents that are sold in stores.

Part 3 of 4: Things to do with your guinea pig

  1. 1 Make sure the pet room is safe. Before removing the guinea pig from the cage, all chemicals and other unsafe items must be removed from the room.
    • Remove all wires from the floor so the guinea pig does not accidentally chew on them.
    • If you are worried that your guinea pig might urinate on the carpet or floor, place newspaper or plastic wrap on the floor.
    • Move all indoor plants away. Many of them are highly toxic to guinea pigs.
    • Remove plastic bags because they are not safe for rodents.
    • Remember to give your pet food and water while he is out of the cage.
  2. 2 Close the doors to prevent the guinea pig from escaping from the room. In addition, there should be no other pets (cats or dogs) in the room while you are walking your guinea pig.
    • In addition, you should warn other family members that you are walking your guinea pig so that they do not accidentally open the door and pinch the pet.
  3. 3 Make obstacles for your guinea pig. Make it a cardboard maze or an obstacle course. You can use a large piece of cardboard to make obstacles or build maze walls. Place a treat at the end of the maze.
    • Make interesting obstacles, such as laying cardboard tubes or building bridges. Rodents are usually very fond of different tunnels.
  4. 4 Give your guinea pig time to walk around. Guinea pigs need to walk every day so they don't get bored in the cage. Using both hands, lift the guinea pig out of the cage and lower it to the floor. Place several toys side by side. Sit next to your guinea pig so it can sniff you.
  5. 5 Don't buy walking balls for your guinea pig. Even if they are intended specifically for guinea pigs, they can be hazardous to your pet's health!
  6. 6 Catch a guinea pig. If the pet runs away, stay calm and keep other animals away. Close all holes and holes where the guinea pig can climb. Try to corner your guinea pig to catch it. If your pet crawls somewhere and hides, do not worry, he will get out soon anyway, because he will need to look for food. Wait and be prepared.

Part 4 of 4: How to Make Treats

  1. 1 Give your guinea pig fresh fruit. This will diversify her diet. But guinea pigs shouldn't eat a lot of sugar, so feed your pet fruit no more than two to three times a week.
    • Guinea pigs love fresh fruits: oranges, pears, strawberries, seedless grapes, blueberries.
  2. 2 Offer your pet some vegetables. Vegetables can be given frequently because they have less sugar than fruits. Vegetables can be given to your guinea pig every day.
    • Be sure to include cucumbers, peas, carrots, and corn in your guinea pig's diet.
  3. 3 Give your guinea pig what you don't eat. For example, celery leaves and butts from cucumbers. But the food must be clean and fresh.
  4. 4 Remember, not all food a person consumes is good for rodents. Guinea pigs can eat vegetables, fruits and cereals that a person eats, but in no case should they have any salty snacks, pickled vegetables, sweets (including cookies and chocolate), smoked meats. Garlic, rhubarb, onions, raw and dried beans should not be given to your guinea pig.
    • Chips and crackers are completely forbidden for your pet! They are too salty, and the sharp edges can injure the guinea pig's mouth.


  • Of course, it is very good if you put a couple of toys in the cage, but you should not overflow the cage with toys. The guinea pig will feel trapped and have no free space to play.
  • Give your guinea pig different treats and toys to keep her from getting bored.

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