How to tell your parents if you have a girlfriend

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 11 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
If Meeting The Parents Were Honest
Video: If Meeting The Parents Were Honest


The good news is that you've found a girl that you are interested in and have fun with. The bad news is, your parents don't know about her yet. Do not worry about this - your parents were also your age and will certainly understand your thoughts and feelings. Just choose the right time and place, and think about what you will tell your parents.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing for a Conversation

  1. 1 Hints. To test the waters, hint that you have a girlfriend; such hints can lead to the fact that parents understand that you have a girlfriend, and you can see their reaction to the news. Also, hints will let your parents know that you are spending time with a girlfriend or girlfriend, so they won't be caught off guard when you tell them that you have been dating a girlfriend for several months. You can say something like:
    • "Jessica and I are going to the movies tonight."
    • "Jessica will go to the party with me."
    • “Jessica gave me this book. She knows my preferences. "
  2. 2 The right time and place. You shouldn't put off talking with your parents about your girlfriend, but it's better to find the right moment for him so that the parents' reaction is more positive. Don't start a conversation when your parents are busy or getting ready for an important event or meeting. It is best to talk to your parents late at night when they have free time.
    • Of course, your parents are busy people and it's hard to find time when both of them are relatively free. Just pick the best time for a few days. If you constantly postpone the conversation, your parents will be very upset or surprised that you have been dating a girl for such a long time without telling them about it.
    • Decide whether to tell both parents about the girl at once, or only to the one who will take the news more positively. If you think both parents will take the news positively, it is easier to tell both parents about the girl at once.
  3. 3 Don't drop out of school or other interests for your girlfriend. If you want to get a positive reaction from your parents, don't neglect school and household chores in order to be with your girlfriend all the time. Continue doing what you did before you met the girl just as well so that your parents cannot say, "So this is why you got sick ..." when you tell them about your friend.
    • You don't want your parents to think that your girlfriend is bad for you. For example, if you become better at school, they will think that your friend is having a positive impact on you.
    • Of course, it can be difficult to focus on something else other than your girlfriend, especially if this is your first love and you are losing your head. Just remind yourself that your responsibilities and hobbies are important in maintaining a healthy balance in your life and that your relationship with your girlfriend will benefit from it. Spending all the time with a friend can tire you quickly.
  4. 4 Consider the fact that your parents may have already guessed about your girlfriend. For example, if you meet with her for a long time or very often mention her in conversations. This will make it much easier for you to tell your parents about the girl.
    • If your parents ask if you have a girlfriend, or smile knowingly when you mention your girlfriend's name, or even talk about their dating experiences when they were your age, then most likely your parents have already guessed that you have have a girlfriend.
  5. 5 Tell your friend about it. If you are unsure of how to start a conversation with your parents, your girlfriend can give you advice on what to tell them. She can also support and reassure you in the sense that the conversation will not be as serious as you think. In fact, she may have already told her parents about you and can reassure you that everything will go well.
    • Plus, your friend probably wants your parents to know the truth, so you shouldn't put off the conversation.
  6. 6 Present a positive outcome. Although it sounds trite, close your eyes and imagine talking to your parents and their positive or at least neutral reaction. This will help you calm down and feel more confident before talking to your parents.
    • Also, keep in mind that if you tell your parents that you want to talk to them about something important, they will imagine something terrible and will definitely feel relieved when you tell them only about your girlfriend.

Part 2 of 3: Conversation

  1. 1 Be alone with your parents. It is better that during the conversation there is no one else in the room (grandmother, older sister and other relatives) who could interfere with the conversation with remarks like: “I knew it!”. It is better to choose a time for the conversation when there will be no other relatives in the house.
    • If you have a sister or brother who is always with you, politely tell her or him that you want to talk to your parents in private. Don't tell your brother or sister in advance that you have a girlfriend - he or she may let your parents know about it before you talk to them.
  2. 2 Speak with respect and warmth. While it is only natural for you to have a girlfriend, your parents may find this news a revelation because they still think of you as a child. There is no need to present this news as if it is a trifle that does not require the attention of parents, but it is also not worth dramatizing. Be kind and empathetic when you tell your parents the news about your girlfriend.
    • Turn off your phone and look at your parents while leaning in their direction as you talk.
    • Use polite words such as “I think you should know” or “I know this can be difficult for you” to show your parents that you care for them.
  3. 3 Be concise. You shouldn't give a long speech about how long you've been looking for such a girl, or list her top twenty qualities. Just tell your parents that you have a girlfriend, tell them briefly about her, and then tell your parents that it is important for them to know about your girlfriend because you want them to be a part of your life.
    • If your parents have seen or heard about your girlfriend, tell them something like, “You both know that I’ve been spending a lot of time with Jessica lately. We started dating and she became my girlfriend. She's funny and smart, and you'll like her if you get to know her better. I am very glad to be meeting with her, and I want you to know about it. "
    • If your parents have never seen or heard of your girlfriend, tell them something like, “I want you to be a part of my life and know what's going on in it. So, I have a new girlfriend. Her name is Jessica. I met her at the university. She's funny and smart, and you'll like her if you get to know her better. "
  4. 4 Be prepared to answer questions. Most likely, when they find out about your girlfriend, your parents will ask you a lot of questions (so take enough time to talk with your parents).Parents may want to know how and where you met your friend, how long you have known, what she loves or does. This is natural, so be patient and don't answer questions with annoyance.
    • It is likely that your parents will need some time to digest the news you have announced. So wait and don't go anywhere.
    • What's more, your parents may feel empty, so tell them a little more about your relationship with your girlfriend (even if you're embarrassed) so that they feel closer to you.
  5. 5 Don't worry when your parents start treating you differently - it's only natural. This news will force the parents to treat you like an adult who has relationships with girls (whereas they used to treat you like a child). Even if parents oppose such a development of events, this is an inevitable course of life, and after a while they will be forced to come to terms with it.
    • Your parents cannot resist the fact that you are growing up and you have an interest in the opposite sex.
  6. 6 Ask your parents if they remember what it was like for them when they were your age (if your parents don't want to accept the fact that you have a relationship with a girl). Looking back in their teenage years, parents will remember that they, too, had an interest in people of the opposite sex and that they too had girls or young people. This will help them understand the situation and see it as a natural (and inevitable) process.
    • If they say that at your age they were not interested in persons of the opposite sex, then most likely they are dissembling. In this case, hint to them that many of your friends already have girlfriends and that you are simply imitating them.

Part 3 of 3: After the conversation

  1. 1 Seek advice. Your actions after talking with your parents will depend on their reaction to the news you announced. However, with some of your actions, you can make your parents feel like a part of your life, for example by accidentally asking them for advice about your relationship with your girlfriend. No need to seek advice on a serious issue (as long as they don’t accept the fact that you have a girlfriend); here are examples of what you might ask:
    • "What to give her for her birthday?"
    • "How to invite her to dance school?"
    • "What to do on a date?"
    • "How do I tell her important news?"
  2. 2 Say nice things about your friend. This is another way to change the way your parents think about your relationship with your girlfriend. After all, you are dating her for a reason, right? If you want your parents to come to terms with the situation and be ready to meet the girl, start with the following points:
    • Tell your parents about the girl’s positive personality.
    • Tell your parents about her school progress.
    • Tell us about what kind of sport she plays or her hobbies.
    • Tell us about the things that excite and care about her.
    • Tell us a little about her family.
  3. 3 Show how your friend is positively affecting you. This is another way to change the way your parents think about your relationship with your girlfriend. For example, say, "Mom, she has a positive effect on me!" or something less obvious to show how well you fit together. Start with the following:
    • Tell your parents how you and your friend are doing lessons together.
    • Tell your parents something new that your girlfriend introduced you to, such as new films, books, articles, ideas.
    • Tell your parents about new ways your friend pushed you to achieve your goals.
    • Share how your friend has supported you, from attending your soccer games to making cookies for an important exam.
    • Be kinder and more caring to your parents so that they understand that your girlfriend really has a positive impact on your behavior.
  4. 4 If your parents react negatively to your relationship with your girlfriend, give them time rather than pressure them. Perhaps your parents are unhappy because they think that you are still too young, that you need to study, or they just do not like this particular girl. Understand that from your point of view, having a girlfriend is perfectly natural and normal, but it may take a little longer for your parents to get used to the idea.
    • If your parents aren't happy with your relationship with your girlfriend, wait a bit before introducing them to her. But do not wait forever - perhaps, having introduced your parents to your friend, they will feel sympathy for her and look at the situation differently.
    • If your parents are purposefully trying to separate you from your girlfriend, talk to them about why they are doing it.
  5. 5 If your parents accept (or are at least tolerant of it) that you have a girlfriend, you can simplify the situation by introducing them to her. To do this, you do not need to invite her to a family dinner or other special event - just ask her to drop by your house so that she can meet your parents, and then you will go to school together; or introduce her to her parents when they pick you up after school.
    • Once your parents see that your friend is a regular teenager, like you, it will be easier for them to come to terms with the situation. They may even be happy to be part of this side of your life.


  • Make sure the girl reciprocates with you before talking about her.
  • Don't tell your parents until a few weeks have passed. It would be embarrassing to tell them about the girl and then break up with her after a few days.
  • Do not be nervous. Remember, these are your parents.
  • Say, "Now we are dating!" as confidently as you can.
  • Give your parents the opportunity to meet your girlfriend and ask them to rate her.


  • Do not hide from your parents that you have a girlfriend, even if you think they will not like her. You will have more problems if your parents find out that you are keeping your relationship a secret from them.
  • If you think that your parents will not approve of the girl, then it is better to act gradually. Mention her name and how much you like her before you tell your parents that you are dating a girl.

What do you need

  • Young woman
  • Parents
  • Photo of a girl
  • Self-confidence