How to work the night shift

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
DOCTOR Night Shift Routine | TIPS on How to Survive NIGHT SHIFTS | How to Sleep Better
Video: DOCTOR Night Shift Routine | TIPS on How to Survive NIGHT SHIFTS | How to Sleep Better


Third shift work is difficult to adjust, but you can avoid many problems by following these steps.


  1. 1 Make your room dark. Most importantly, try to curtain your bedroom windows so that it is dark during the day. Not just dark, but very dark. Even the slightest ray of sunshine can wake you up when you sleep. The darker the room, the better you will sleep. You can use blinds that block out sunlight, but the sun's rays are likely to penetrate small crevices. You can hang a blanket over the window. Alternatively, you can cover the window with aluminum foil (use duct tape). Either way, the room will be darker and you can sleep better.
  2. 2 Try to keep noise levels as low as possible. This can be difficult since your family members are most likely already awake and working, but do your best to limit the noise. Use a fan or light music to create white noise that will reduce overall noise. Set your cell phone to silent, etc.
  3. 3 Try to sleep as much as you normally sleep during the night. If you got up and saw the sun, then most likely, it can be the reason for your awakening. If you haven't slept for the required number of hours, go back to bed and try to sleep.
  4. 4 Set a sleep schedule and try to stick to it. Try to go to bed at the same time every day, your body will enter a healthy rhythm.
  5. 5 Decide on your diet. Your diet is directly related to sleep. Try to distribute meals according to sleep.


  • Eat healthy foods. Take vitamins if you feel that your body is not getting everything it needs.
  • Be active! Working the third shift is closely related to weight gain. Eat healthy foods and maintain a healthy level of activity. It will also improve mental health.
  • Make sure people know when you sleep. This way they won't bother you. You don't call them in the middle of the night, and if they know your schedule, they won't call you in the middle of the day.
  • Sunbathe if you can.Remember everything is good in moderation, do not overdo it, a little sun will not hurt you. Your body uses it to make vitamin D.
  • Stick to your weekend schedule. The fewer changes the better.
  • Occasionally, taking sleeping pills can help you fall asleep if you have trouble sleeping. Take the smallest dose, and do not use sleeping pills daily. Read the instructions. Using sleeping pills on a daily basis can cause addiction and drowsiness during a work shift.


  • Pay attention to your mental health. You can face depression or other problems if you're not careful. Get enough sleep.
  • Falling asleep with sleeping pills should be the exception, not the rule. If you use it frequently, look for causes of insomnia. Read the instructions for the drug before using it.
  • If you have a weekend, try to stick to a weekday schedule.