How to awaken your supernatural abilities to feel the aura

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Top 6 Tips To Develop Psychic Abilities
Video: Top 6 Tips To Develop Psychic Abilities


An aura is an energy field that radiates from your entire body. Its glow was photographed, and it should be noted that the image of the aura differs significantly from the image of thermal radiation emanating from the human body. The auras of people differ in color and its intensity, and experienced mediums do not give up trying not only to feel and see the aura, but also to learn to recognize it.

Of course, learning to feel and see the aura of another person is not an easy task. However, learning to feel your own aura is not difficult at all! By following the tips below, you can easily comprehend this very useful science.

For those who wish to learn to feel their aura, there is also an alternative way, which is as follows: you need to quickly close your hands, and then slowly open them. These movements will help you to form a kind of ball between your hands. This is the energy of your aura.


  1. 1 Relax completely. You will achieve the desired result faster by lying flat on your back with a comfortable pillow under your head. It will be great if you do this right before you go to bed, because this is the most appropriate time. Close your eyes and relax.
  2. 2 Bend your elbows. Then join your hands so that the fingertips of your left hand touch the fingertips of your right hand. From the outside it will look like you are praying. Remember that when your arms are completely relaxed, your fingers will bend naturally, they don't have to be straight at all.When your hands are completely relaxed and your fingertips are touching, it is important to keep in mind that there should be enough free space between your palms. You can just imagine that you are holding a small soft ball between your palms. This is the starting position.
  3. 3 Slowly spread your arms about 10 centimeters apart, and then just as slowly bring them together, but do not let your fingertips touch. If your hands touch, you will no longer be able to feel the aura. The aura emanating from both hands will form a zone of resistance between them, which you should feel as your hands move towards each other. You will feel as if you are pinching a small balloon between your palms, and as the distance between your hands contracts, you will feel how this "balloon" is compressed.
  4. 4 Continue spreading and joining your palms, concentrating on the sensation of an imaginary "ball" between your palms until you feel tension. As soon as tension begins to arise, you will feel your aura. Now you can increase the distance between the palms, representing a larger "ball". With a little practice, you can feel your aura by increasing the distance between your arms up to 100 centimeters.


  • It may be difficult to feel the aura of another person due to the lack of harmony between the energy waves. The thing is that the energy field of the aura between your own hands is in perfect harmony, so the resistance is much stronger.
  • This works because the aura energy comes from both the left and right hands, and the energy field between your hands moves in opposite directions, thus creating a "pressure zone" between your hands. When your hands move towards each other, you "squeeze" this pressure zone and feel resistance. The sensations are the same as when you hold and squeeze a small balloon. Feel free to experiment with the pressure zone and you will find out how large the distance between your palms can be so that you can feel your aura.


  • There is a good chance that when you feel the aura, you will be a little intimidated. After all, when a person suddenly feels what he cannot see, he cannot avoid strange sensations. This is normal, and, moreover, it is an integral part of the human being. In any case, performing the above actions will open up a new sensation for you, and will give you an acquaintance with what is your integral part throughout your life - your aura.