How to get your life in order

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
✨How to get your life in order (5 do-able steps!)
Video: ✨How to get your life in order (5 do-able steps!)


This article will show you how to bring order to your life in general. Discipline is not only about raising children as adults. And then, age does not yet give a person the right to be a mentor. Discipline is not always about punishment, coercion, and a harsh environment. Self-discipline is within the power of everyone.


Part 1 of 2: Introspection

  1. 1 Analyze yourself first. Find out what exactly is holding you back from becoming a more disciplined person. Perhaps it is some kind of flaws in your character, an inability to clearly articulate what you really want from life, or a tendency to escape reality with the help of alcohol and other stimulants and addictions. Perhaps you are adjusting too much to the opinions of others, instead of thinking for yourself; in this case, you follow other people's ideas about discipline, and do not develop your own methods that will work for you and meet your true desires and needs. Whatever the reason, try to define it clearly.
    • Why do you feel that you are not disciplined enough? What factors are preventing you from becoming more disciplined?
    • When assessing your own shortcomings, also consider how people from your immediate environment influence you. Are you trying to please others so hard that you don't have time for yourself? Perhaps you always do it in a way that is convenient for others, giving up your desires and needs?
  2. 2 Try to understand that you need self-discipline in order to build confidence in yourself. This is especially important if you are often motivated by the desire to please others. After all, self-discipline is much more difficult if you feel the need for other people to set limits for you or decide what to say to you, what to think about, and how to act.
    • What is this voice within you that tells you that you are a worthless person and a failure? These are negative thoughts that have no basis and that you need to get rid of in order to help yourself and put things in order in your life. You may need to consult a psychologist, or you may be able to get rid of getting bogged down in negative thoughts by using the techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy on your own.

Part 2 of 2: Bringing Discipline into Your Life

  1. 1 Choose an area in which you need to improve your discipline level. What area of ​​your life suffers the most from its absence? Perhaps this is work, study, personal hygiene and personal care, fighting a bad habit?
  2. 2 Set yourself up for success. Make a decision that you will make the necessary changes and focus on this goal. It is important to realize that it will not be easy, but accept it as an interesting challenge, not a source of difficulty and hardship. Once you have made the decision to do something, go ahead no matter what. Laziness in different guises will often arise and interfere with your business, and it is important to remember that this is a normal phenomenon and even people who have achieved great success in life have faced this problem. And it's not that they are better than you. The fact is that successful people have a habit of sweeping away obstacles created by laziness at once, preventing them from growing.
    • Accept that only you can change your life. You are not a three-year-old to be guided in everything. Use the power of the moment and do what needs to be done to achieve your goal.
    • The established order of life is convenient for us. And the force of the habit will pull you back to your original state. At times like this, remind yourself that you are falling back into old habits and make the decision to stop each time.
  3. 3 Be moderate in your behavior and actions. Human behavior is governed by culture, common views of life, emotions, various values ​​and social norms adopted in a particular society. Be polite and use common sense in all situations.
  4. 4 Learn to manage yourself. For any business, be it running a personal budget or organizing a party, you will need to learn how to do specific things yourself. It's not about starting a large corporation on the Fortune 500 list - just learning how to do things consistently. Do more things in the time allotted for them. Start small: for example, let's have lunch at 12:00, and dinner at 20:00, and so on every day.
    • Plan your business. Make a schedule and stick to it.
    • Divide your work into small, achievable pieces.
    • Sit at work for no more than an hour in a row. After working for an hour, get up, stretch and take a walk. Give your body and brain a rest. You will begin the task more refreshed and physically relaxed.
  5. 5 Always be neat and clean around you. This will not only improve your appearance, but also your well-being. Cleanliness has a huge impact on the emotional state of a person and creates a pleasant atmosphere of freshness around you. You can find many articles with advice on this subject on this site and anywhere.
  6. 6 Gestures and facial expressions should be appropriate. Communicate confidently and be persuasive, using appropriate gestures when needed. In speech, do not use words with a strong emotional connotation - "strong words". Discipline in the subtle art of communication will help you put things in order in other areas of your life.
  7. 7 Be aware that people around you can pull you down. There will always be someone who benefits from your lack of discipline, and when these people notice that you are changing, it will scare them. Celebrate their attempts to lead you astray, stick to your goal. Listen to them, be polite, but do not succumb to their attempts to interfere with you.
  8. 8 Having learned to do something right, do not stop there, keep up the good work. Let new habits become as natural to you as breathing.
    • Once you've achieved your goal, reward yourself with something enjoyable for the work you've done.


  • Don't be a supervisor to yourself. Become a mentor to yourself, and inner discipline becomes your virtue.
  • Keep yourself motivated by reminding yourself why you need to move towards your goal.
  • Self-discipline is not directed against you - she inside you. This is quality, but not amount... You can develop, but not buy at the cost of great sacrifices.


  • Try not to read sermons to others, do not point out to them their lack of discipline. If their carelessness in some way interferes with you personally, explain it to them in a gentle way. If this does not concern you, let them deal with their own problems. You can only change yourself, not those around you.
  • Do not overdo it. People who prioritize order over common sense and health can develop obsessive-compulsive disorder. If your daily routine is annoying or alarming to those around you, this is a sign that it's time to slow down.
  • Don't "burn out". Go step by step, don't try to do everything at once. Even small tasks can be exhausting if too many are piled up.