How to receive the Holy Spirit according to the Bible

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bible Verses On The Holy Spirit | Scriptures On The Holy Ghost (Audio Bible)
Video: Bible Verses On The Holy Spirit | Scriptures On The Holy Ghost (Audio Bible)


There are different opinions in Christian circles about "being filled with the Holy Spirit," and the Bible, if you take it at face value, shows it clearly and comprehensibly. According to the Bible, those who receive the Holy Ghost receive many wonderful blessings both at the time of receiving and in the future.


  1. 1 Pick up your Bible and begin to study what it is like to be filled with the Holy Spirit according to the Bible.
  2. 2 Open the book of Acts 2:38, which says that if you repent and are baptized, you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
  3. 3 Repent. The word "repentance" comes from the Greek "metanoeo" to learn the true meaning, which literally means "change your mind." In practice, it means "turning around".
  4. 4 Get baptised. Baptism is from the Greek word "baptizo" Click for original meaning. means to immerse or to submerge in water. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in water for our example to follow. Find some water (ocean, lake, river, swimming pool or warm bathwater, etc. will do). Anyone can baptise you, if already a Spirit-filled believer.
  5. 5 Ask God to send you the Holy Spirit. Jesus said: "And I tell you: ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. ... how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit. asking Him. " (Gospel of Luke 11: 9,10 & 13b)
  6. 6 Ask God through prayer, ask with your voice to send you the Holy Spirit. Be prepared for the fact that you will be transformed and speak in other tongues by the power of the Holy Spirit, just as the apostles did. "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." (Acts 2: 4)
  7. 7 Be determined that God will continue to work in your life. Many people were healed of diseases, addictions, and various other problems when they received the Holy Spirit.
  8. 8 When you receive the Holy Spirit, you receive the love of God and the power of God to help yourself and others, Luke 24:39; Acts 1: 8; Romans 5: 5 and more. This is magnificent.
  9. 9 Live like a decent Christian. (Galatians 5: 22-25 and Romans 12: 9-21)
  10. 10 Use other tongues (the language of prayer) to speak with God (in private), this will allow you to grow and be strengthened in the faith that you have accepted. "For whoever speaks in an unknown language, he speaks not to people, but to God; because no one understands him, he speaks secrets with the spirit. ... Whoever speaks in an unknown language edifies himself ..." (1 Corinthians 14: 2 and 4a)
  11. 11 Tell others how easy and simple it was, and that they can do it too. (Mark 16: 15-20)


  • Many terms can be found in the Bible, interchangeably, that mean the same thing - miraculous knowledge, including:
    • "be filled" with the Holy Spirit,
    • "receive" the Holy Spirit,
    • "pour out" the Holy Spirit,
    • "be baptized" with the Holy Spirit,
    • "to be born" of the Spirit, and so on.
  • Many people have long wanted to be filled with the Spirit, yet the Scriptures do not say that receiving the Holy Spirit cannot be instantaneous. If you are in trouble, make sure you repent and are baptized, then God will guarantee you will receive the Holy Spirit.
  • If it sounds tempting, give it a try, you have absolutely nothing to lose.
  • If you disagree with this, this is your choice.
  • The main components of Christianity are faith, knowledge, understanding and virtue, the use of other languages. These qualities must be manifested with love for one's neighbor, otherwise everything will turn out to be idle talk. (1 Corinthians 13: 1-3).
  • Purchase a Bible online and browse all the links for repentance, baptism, the Holy Spirit, and languages.
  • Receiving the Holy Ghost is a wonderful feeling for a person and it will stay with you. (Gospel of John 14: 15-17).
  • If you have not received the Holy Spirit, keep asking for it (see Luke 11: 5-13), and keep asking until you are filled with the Spirit, like the apostles in Acts 2: 4 (see also book Acts 10: 44-46 & Acts 19: 1-6).
  • Do not pray to receive only the gift of tongues, it is not in the Bible. Pray to receive the Holy Spirit, and then you will receive the gift of tongues and other gifts. Receiving the Holy Spirit brings with it all the gifts of your faith. (1 Corinthians 1-7; 1 Corinthians 12: 6; Ephesians 1: 3 and 2 Peter 1: 3).
  • Search the Strongusm Alphabetical Index of Bible sayings for the true meanings of Bible words. example - you can find the book itself, or on the Internet.
  • You don't have to believe every word in the Bible to receive the Holy Ghost. The most important thing in faith is to ask: if you believe that God can send you the Holy Spirit, then you will receive it. Jesus said so. (Luke 11:10)
  • Repentance always means changing your mind or completely changing your attitude, according to authentic Greek records. In the modern interpretation, this means simply regretting something, but this is not according to the Bible. See true meaning.
  • Read these examples of people who have received the Holy Spirit according to the Bible, you will be inspired to know what God can do for you.
  • If you were baptized before, but without receiving the Holy Spirit, according to the Bible, then you should be baptized again and ask for the Holy Spirit. (Acts 19: 1-6).


  • If you decide to try to receive the Holy Spirit, then perhaps your family and friends will discourage you from this step. Read the Scriptures about the Holy Spirit, pray about it, and make your own decision.
  • People who behave well and decently cannot be considered filled with the Holy Spirit just because they behave well. Anyone can behave well if they want to.
  • People who rightfully speak in tongues, but behave unworthily or incorrectly, are still filled with the Holy Spirit. Everyone chooses for himself how to live. The Apostle Paul warns of this in many of his epistles.
  • Salvation is not a condition for receiving the Holy Spirit. Receiving the Holy Spirit is salvation. (John 3: 5; John 6:63; Romans 8: 2; 2 Corinthians 3: 6; Titus 3: 5).
  • Only the ability to heal from God, joy, faith in Jesus and baptism with water are not evidence that this person is filled with the Holy Spirit. The Samaritans in Acts 8: 5-17 also had these wonderful qualities, but none of them was filled with the Spirit. They received the Holy Spirit only when the apostles laid hands on them (verse 17).

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