How to make ravioli

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Video: HOW TO MAKE RAVIOLI From Scratch Like NONNA


1 Mix flour and salt. Place 3 cups (375 grams) all-purpose flour in a bowl and add 1 teaspoon (5.5 grams) salt. Place the flour kneading attachment on the mixer, set it to a slow speed and stir the flour and salt.
  • If you prefer to knead the dough by hand, sprinkle the flour onto your work surface and use your fingers to stir it with the salt.
  • 2 Add 4 eggs. While the mixer is running at low speed, break one egg into the mixer. When it is mixed with flour, add the second egg. Continue cracking the eggs one at a time until you have mixed all 4 eggs with the flour. At the same time, a ball should begin to form in the mixer.
    • If you are kneading the dough by hand, make a depression in the center of the flour, break 4 eggs into it, and use a fork to stir the eggs and flour.
  • 3 Add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil to a low-speed mixer. Pour olive oil slowly into the mixer while it is running. When it is mixed with the rest of the ingredients, the dough will look like a shaggy ball, and the surface will not be completely smooth.
    • If you are not using a mixer, pour olive oil into the dough and stir by hand.
  • 4 Knead dough for ravioli about 5 minutes. Sprinkle some flour on your work surface and place the dough on top of it. Knead it with your palms until it becomes smooth and stringy. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    Alex hong

    Chef Alex Hon is the chef and co-owner of Sorrel, a New American Cuisine restaurant in San Francisco. Has been working in restaurants for over 10 years. Graduated from the American Culinary Institute and worked in the kitchens of the Michelin-starred restaurants Jean-Georges and Quince.

    Alex hong

    Mastery comes with practice. San Francisco-based chef and co-owner Alex Hon says making ravioli dough is an art: “It can take months to master one of the forms. With practice, you will come to understand when you need to make the dough thinner, and in which thicker, and when you need to add a little water to it. "

  • 5 Wrap the dough in plastic wrap for 30 minutes. Tear off a piece of plastic wrap and wrap the ravioli dough completely in it. Keep the dough in the plastic wrap at room temperature for 30 minutes.
    • As a result, the dough will release gluten and will not become tough after boiling.
  • Part 2 of 5: Making the filling

    1. 1 Combine the ricotta with the parmesan for a cheese filling. In a bowl, add 450 grams of ricotta, a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg, half a lemon zest, 1 cup (100 grams) of freshly grated Parmesan, 1 large egg, and salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
      • Mix the ingredients well.
    2. 2 Toast the sausage for the meat filling. Toast 110 grams of Italian sausage in a skillet over medium to high heat until the meat is completely browned. Add 3/4 cup (23 grams) fresh spinach leaves and let dry. If the meat produces fat, drain it. In a separate bowl, combine one egg yolk, 1/3 cup (80 grams) ricotta, and 1 teaspoon (0.5 grams) fresh sage or 1/4 teaspoon (0.2 grams) dry sage and 1/8 teaspoon (0.3 grams) nutmeg. Add this mixture to the meat and stir well.
      • If the cuts of meat are too large for the ravioli, add the sausage toasted sausage in a food processor. Chop the meat, then add the ricotta mixture to it.
    3. 3 Fry the mushrooms for a vegetarian filling. Soak 14 grams of dry porcini mushrooms in boiling water for 15 minutes, then drain. Sauté 110 grams of fresh mushrooms in 1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil over medium to high heat for 5 minutes. Then, chop the soaked porcini mushrooms and mix with 1 tablespoon (4 grams) parsley and 1 minced garlic clove. Turn off the heat and add the following:
      • 1/4 teaspoon (2.8 grams) salt
      • 1/8 teaspoon (0.2 grams) ground black pepper
      • 1 lightly beaten egg yolk;
      • 1/2 cup (125 grams) ricotta cheese

    Part 3 of 5: Rolling and sculpting the ravioli by hand

    1. 1 Cut the dough into 6 equal pieces and place one on your work surface. Wrap the remaining 5 pieces in plastic wrap and place them in the refrigerator while you roll out one piece of dough. Sprinkle some flour on your work surface and place a piece of dough on top of it.
      • Work one piece of dough at a time to keep it from drying out.
    2. 2 Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll it out into a rectangle. Sprinkle a little flour on the dough to prevent it from sticking to the rolling pin. Roll out the dough from the center outward. Continue rolling and rotating it until you have a 3mm thick rectangle.
      • If the dough starts to stick, dust it with flour again.
      • The rectangle can be of any length, as long as its width is 10 centimeters.
      • If you accidentally roll out the dough too thin, gather it into a ball and roll it out again.
    3. 3 Prepare egg lube and apply it to the dough. Place one egg yolk in a small bowl and add 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) of water. Whisk everything with a fork. Dip a cooking brush into the mixture and brush the entire surface of the dough with it.
      • Please note that the prepared mixture should be enough for all pieces of dough.
      • An egg-based lubricant will help the ravioli keep its shape and prevent the filling from sticking to the dough.
    4. 4 Place 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of the filling on the dough, 5 centimeters apart. Using a spoon or a bagging bag, spread the filling of your choice along the dough rectangle. Place the filling pieces 5 centimeters apart so you have enough room to mold and cut the ravioli. Spread the filling along one edge of the dough rectangle.
      • Spread the cooled filling to prevent it from heating up the dough.
    5. 5 Fold the dough lengthwise to cover the filling. Fold up the edge of the dough free from the filling and place it on the filling. As a result, the dough rectangle will retain the same length, but its width will decrease to about 5 centimeters.
    6. 6 Squeeze out excess air from the dough and cut into individual ravioli. Use your index and middle fingers to lightly press the dough around each slice of filling. This will remove excess air and blind the edges of the dough around the filling. Then, using a knife, dough tongs, dough cutter, or an inverted glass, cut out individual ravioli.
      • If you are using a knife, cut the ravioli into any shape you like. For example, you can cut them into squares, circles, or triangles.
    7. 7 Roll out the remaining pieces of dough and fill them with the filling. Set the prepared ravioli aside and lightly dust them with starch to keep them from sticking together. Take out the next piece of dough and place it on a floured work surface. Roll out the remaining dough pieces, fill them with the filling and cut into individual ravioli.
      • Inspect all ravioli and make sure the edges are covered. This is necessary so that the filling does not fall out of them during cooking.
      • Cover the pre-molded ravioli with a towel to keep it from drying out while you cook the rest.

    Part 4 of 5: Rolling and sculpting ravioli using special tools

    1. 1 Cut the dough into 4 equal pieces and place one on your work surface. Wrap the remaining 3 pieces in plastic wrap and place them in the refrigerator while you roll out one piece of dough in the pasta machine.
      • Work one piece of dough at a time to keep it from drying out.
    2. 2 Flatten the dough into a rectangle and pass it through the pasta machine. Shape the dough into a rectangle the same width as the pasta rollers. Then set the machine to the maximum width. Guide the dough into the machine and pass it between the rollers.
      • Hold the dough coming out of the machine with your palm.
    3. 3 Pass the dough through the pasta machine until it is 3 millimeters thick. Continue to pass the dough between the rollers until it is so thin that you can see your palm through it.
      • You may need to pass the dough through the machine 2 or 3 times.
    4. 4 Place a thin sheet of dough on the metal base of the ravioli dish. Place the metal base of the mold on a work surface and spread the rolled dough on top of it.
      • The metal mold should not show through the dough.
      • The ravioli molds are round, square or rectangular.
    5. 5 Press the dough into a plastic mold. If the ravioli dish has a plastic part, cover the dough with it. Press down gently on the mold to press the dough slightly against the metal base. If the mold does not have a plastic lid, press lightly on each hole with your thumb to make indentations in the dough.
      • The indentations in the dough will help fill the ravioli with the filling.
      • If you press too hard and the dough breaks, roll it into a ball and pass it through the sheeter again.
    6. 6 Place 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of filling in each cavity and gently tap into shape. Use a spoon or a cooking bag to place the filling of your choice into each cavity in the dough. Make sure that the filling does not protrude beyond the indentations, otherwise it will fall out of the ravioli during cooking. Then lightly tap the mold on the work surface.
      • When you tap the mold on the surface, excess air will come out.
    7. 7 Place a rolled sheet of dough on top of a mold and press down lightly. Take another sheet of dough and place it on top of the filled dough. Press down lightly with the palm of your hand to remove air trapped between the layers of dough.
      • Use a rolling pin to cut the filled ravioli out of the mold.
    8. 8 Turn the mold over to shake out the ravioli. Turn the mold over to make the sculpted ravioli fall out. If some of the ravioli are stuck to the mold, separate them with your fingers. You can also tap the upside-down shape on the work surface.
      • Sprinkle a little starch on the starchy ravioli and cover them with a towel to keep them dry while you cook the other ravioli.

    Part 5 of 5: Cooking ravioli

    1. 1 Place a large pot of water over high heat and bring to a boil. Pour 4 liters of cold water into a 5–5.5 liter saucepan. Cover the pot with a lid and turn on high heat.
      • Bring the water to an intense boil.
    2. 2 Add 1 tablespoon (16 grams) of salt to the water and place the ravioli in the water. Stir the boiling water to dissolve the salt and gently dip the ravioli into it.
      • Do not throw the ravioli in boiling water, or it may spill out of the pot.
    3. 3 Cook the ravioli in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. While doing this, stir them once or twice. When the ravioli are ready, they will float to the surface of the water.
      • If you digest the ravioli, they will begin to open or disintegrate in the water.
    4. 4 Remove the finished ravioli from the water and serve. Turn off the heat and use a slotted spoon to remove the ravioli from the pan. Place them in a skillet with your favorite warm sauce, or place them on separate bowls. Sprinkle the chopped spices over the ravioli and drizzle with olive oil if desired.
      • Store leftover ravioli in an airtight container in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days.


    • If you want to freeze raw ravioli, place them on a baking sheet about 1.5 centimeters apart, dust them with flour so they don't stick together, and place them in the freezer. Once frozen, the ravioli can be transferred to a smaller container. Place frozen ravioli in an airtight container and store in the freezer for up to one month.
    • If you like filled pasta, try making tortellini after you learn how to make ravioli.

    What do you need

    • Measuring glasses and spoons
    • Stationary mixer with dough attachment
    • Plastic film
    • Bowls
    • Pan
    • A spoon
    • Knife and cutting board
    • Casserole 5-5.5 liters with lid
    • Skimmer
    • Rolling pin
    • Small bowl
    • Fork
    • Pasta maker
    • Knife, dough tong, dough cutter or glass
    • Cooking Brush
    • Form for ravioli