How to jump bungee jump

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Video: JUMP INSTRUCTIONS: How to Bungee Jump


You've probably heard people say, "If everyone goes to jump off the bridge, will you jump too?" If you want to answer yes to this question, then bungee jumping is your way! Bungee jumping will give you incredible emotions and impressions, so it is important to prepare yourself for this.


Part 1 of 3: Find a jump spot

  1. 1 Check your body condition. Bungee jumping is very safe, but some deviations in your health can harm you. These conditions include high blood pressure, heart disease, dizziness, epilepsy, and injuries to the back, neck, spine, or legs. If you have any of the above, you should check with your doctor before jumping.
    • In bungee jumping, the ropes that secure you are attached to the legs, they are fixed at the ankles. Therefore, if you've ever had leg injuries, bungee jumping can make your condition worse.
    • Injuries to the neck and back can make it difficult for you to feel normal when jumping because there is a lot of pressure on those parts of your body. Talk to your doctor about this.
  2. 2 You must be old enough to make this jump. Some instructors allow jumping from the age of 14, others from 16. In many situations, if you are under 18, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to sign any documents if necessary.
  3. 3 Find a bungee jumping area. They are often located in scenic locations. Choose where you like best! Bungee jumping spots are scattered all over the world and are often found in popular tourist destinations.
    • You can jump off bridges, cranes, structures, towers, balloons, helicopters, or cable cars. Choose what you like best.
  4. 4 Find out if these jumps are legal and how safe the equipment is. Make sure the instructors you choose are fully qualified to do this and that they are not random people off the street who will rope you off the bridge. Read reviews and chat with people who have already dealt with these instructors. Find out if these instructors are registered with the local extreme sports section.
    • For example, in Britain there is such an association as BERSA (British Elastic Rope Sports Association), which has its own "code" regarding safety when performing jumps. It covers three important points: providing complete information to the participant (after which you must understand what risk you may be exposed to), insurance (you will be told that their equipment has a safety system and in case of failure of any part of the equipment, all equipment will be able to continue to function) and competence (highly qualified personnel will work with you, and the equipment they will use will meet all safety requirements). These rules must be followed for your own safety.
  5. 5 Don't be afraid to ask questions. It will also help you make sure these people are professionals in their field. Ask about the equipment, their training, safety techniques, the history of bungee jumping, etc. The manner in which they communicate will tell you how open and friendly they are, and their knowledge of equipment and equipment will convince you of their own safety.
  6. 6 Ask about the cost. Find out the prices for a jump in advance - it may even be about 3-4 thousand rubles. Many instructors can take a deposit for equipment (about 1000 rubles), which will be returned to you if you do not spoil the equipment.
  7. 7 Sign up for the jump. You'd better make an appointment in advance to make sure you can jump on the scheduled day. Some instructors always require a preliminary reservation of seats, because they still need to transport those who wish to the jump site.

Part 2 of 3: Self-Study

  1. 1 Don't think too much about the upcoming jump. The more you think, the more you get nervous and try to talk yourself out of it. It is absolutely normal to be nervous, everyone is worried before their jumps!
    • Just because you are afraid of heights, you should not give up the jump. Bungee jumping is an incredible range of emotions, therefore, during the jump, you can even forget that you are afraid of something - it's all because of the adrenaline rush!
  2. 2 Dress properly. Put on comfortable clothes, tuck the T-shirt in such a way that it does not come out and does not expose your belly. Of course, a skirt will not work for such an occasion. Clothing should not restrict or restrict your movements. Shoes should be flat and also fit well on your feet. Do not wear high boots or high boots; your ankles must be open to properly attach the gear to you.
  3. 3 Match your hair. If you have long hair, tie it in a ponytail or pigtails so that it doesn't get tangled with any rope from your equipment.
  4. 4 Read about the equipment. There are many options for bungee jumping, but the most common harness is for the body and legs. The leg loops will be tied to both of your ankles and you will have an additional safety rope (for the body, you use a regular climbing harness, the so-called "gazebo").
    • The gazebo will provide more freedom of movement and will support your back well. If you are going to jump in a climbing harness, make sure it has shoulder loops to support your whole body.
  5. 5 Think about how you will jump. There are many options for jumping, but the swallow jump is the best option for a beginner. You will have to push off strongly from the platform and fly, arms outstretched to the sides like a bird. By the time you reach the bottom of your jump, you should be looking straight down while the ropes slow down smoothly.
    • Other options for jumping: back somersault, jump over the railing (somewhat similar to the "swallow" jump, only in this case you jump over the railing of the bridge), "bat" jump (you hang upside down on the edge of the platform, holding only with your feet, and then just fall down), an elevator (jump with your feet forward, but this can be fraught with an ankle fracture) and tandem (jump together with another person).
  6. 6 Look from the side at the jumps. Take time to relax and unwind before jumping, see what other people are doing to do it. This will help you calm down and stop worrying.
  7. 7 Shave your legs. If you jump with leg loops, you will have to roll up your pants to attach them. If you are confused by the appearance of hairy legs, be sure to shave before jumping.

Part 3 of 3: Jump

  1. 1 Contact your instructors. You will pay them for the jump, and also sign some agreement. While bungee jumping is safe, they will need to know that you understand your risk and consent. If you have any questions regarding signing the agreement, do not hesitate to ask the instructor.
  2. 2 You may be weighed. They can weigh you to make sure your weight is right for their equipment.
  3. 3 Climb to the very top, to the place from where you will jump. When you reach the top, instructors will be there to prepare you for the jump. Standing at the very top before jumping is the scariest part of this little adventure. You can handle it!
  4. 4 Listen carefully to your instructors. Listen to what they say to make your jump more comfortable. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions - they are there to answer them. The instructor will put the leg loops on your ankles, then attach the elastic cables tied to the bridge to your feet!
  5. 5 Understand that fear is normal. The fear and tension of your body is an instinct for self-preservation. Try to convince your mind that you will not harm yourself. Everything will happen very quickly, so let it take its course.
    • Don't look down before jumping! You will have plenty of time to admire the scenery as you jump. If you look down, you might get scared and change your mind about jumping.
  6. 6 Jump when the instructor shouts, 'Come on!’It’s going to be an incredible free fall feeling! Enjoy the fall, feel free to scream at the top of your lungs! As the fall begins to slow down, you will feel peaceful and calm.
    • After the jump, the instructor at the bottom will help you to unfasten your equipment, or they will lift you up, depending on how you agreed.
  7. 7 Brag about it! You just did a bungee jump, you are definitely cool!


  • When you are told to jump, do it immediately! If you stand and think, you will shake with fear. Also, don't look down.
  • If this is your first time, do not try to get up to anything ... believe me, you should not do it.
  • Empty your pockets before jumping.
  • Don't chew gum or other food!
  • If you don't want your belly to be visible, tuck in your shirt well. Otherwise, she can lift up!
  • Record your jump. These are very funny and memorable moments - you will watch the video yourself and show it to your friends! You can post your video on a social network so everyone can see your jump!


  • If you have panic attacks, you may change your mind.
  • Do not jump if you have severe knee or ankle injuries. You can get hurt.
  • Make sure all your equipment is in order before jumping.