How to know if you should forgive a guy

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Straight Talk: Forgive and Forget?
Video: Straight Talk: Forgive and Forget?


Ouch. If your boyfriend has done something and you are not sure if it is an unforgivable insult, then you must be in confusion, pain, and need guidance. Learning to distinguish between mistakes and unforgivable wrongs is an important part of growing up and in a relationship, and you are right to want to learn it.


  1. 1 Think how bad the situation is. Was it a harmless joke or something that put you in an uncomfortable position in front of the whole world?
  2. 2 How many people know about this?
  3. 3 Has he cheated on you? If so, think carefully, ask yourself, will he ever do it again? Most men would cheat with a hot beauty, and if so, then he is not worth it, he does not care about your feelings and emotions.
  4. 4 Have you been through the pain of loss together? For example, the one that each of you lacks in life?
  5. 5 Likewise, have you two experienced joy together? When you were both depressed at the same time, did you make each other feel confident?
  6. 6 Does he keep asking for forgiveness? Probably yes. If he does not do this, this suggests that he does not really care whether he has you or not. He just needs you as an addition to his life.
  7. 7 Think: “Did he treat me well all this time? Did I like him the moment I thought He was a real friend? Did he ever say nice things to me to please me when I’m depressed? Did he say that I was beautiful, not sexy or hot? "
  8. 8 Does he say goodnight or does he say something sweet to me when we break up?
  9. 9 If this is something petty, just forgive him, life is too short to stop on life's little things. It's just a trifle. There is no need for an apology, but it will not be superfluous.
  10. 10 Consider if he has done anything like this in the past. If not, then he most likely won't do it again and is truly sorry.
  11. 11 Remember: you shouldn't ignore him or accept his apology if he has been good to you all this time. Everyone makes mistakes and needs to be forgiven if they don't do it all the time.
  12. 12 Say you forgive him if you feel like he is truly sorry and won't do it again. Otherwise, just wait when the time is right.
  13. 13 Remember: if this happened for the first time, and this is something small, forgive him, he might not know what will hurt you and what will not.
  14. 14 Give yourself time to think things over, but if the conflict situation is such that you feel like you can't move on, it may be better for both of you in the long run if the relationship ends.
  15. 15 If your boyfriend deliberately hurt your feelings, this is a strong sign that the relationship is unhealthy and you need to end it.
  16. 16 If a guy has intentionally hurt you physically in any way, you shouldn't forgive him. Get out of the situation immediately and seek professional help (doctor and lawyer). If you, and especially him, would like to maintain the relationship, you still need to move to safety immediately and seek professional help before you decide to pursue the relationship (consult your doctor and lawyer).


  • Remember, if you’re completely bogged down, talk to him and ask him if he promises not to do it again. Follow your heart.
  • Do not feel sorry for him and do not take revenge.