How to understand a girl's feelings

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 15 September 2024
Girls Will Act Like THIS When They Develop Feelings For You (Early Signs Of Affection & Attraction)
Video: Girls Will Act Like THIS When They Develop Feelings For You (Early Signs Of Affection & Attraction)


Understanding a girl's feelings is difficult, and is made even more difficult by the fact that her feelings can change and may be inconsistent. There are many indicators of feelings that manifest in her eyes, facial expressions, tone of voice and physical behavior, but to understand what they mean, you need to understand the context. For example, the initial expressions a girl shows when she meets a guy are unlikely to be real indicators of how romantic she is for him. Instead, pay attention to the non-verbal cues that appear over time to determine her romantic interest. The best way to know how she feels about you is to observe the patterns that develop over time and ask her directly how she feels about you.


Part 1 of 3: Eyes and Gaze

  1. 1 Pay attention to her gaze. There are several things that can tell you about how she feels romantically about you. If her gaze seems to be constantly attracted to your face, and especially her eyes, even during a conversation or when you are not talking, then this may indicate her romantic interest. As a rule, if a girl is interested in a guy sexually, then her gaze will shift to those parts of his body that she finds attractive. If a girl is romantically interested in a guy, her gaze will be more focused on his face and eyes.
    • But beware, her way of shifting her gaze can be a sign that she is an extrovert.Extroverts tend to be more stimulated by social interactions and make eye contact more often than introverts.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the size of her pupils. Constricted pupils are another sign of interest or desire. If you notice that the black pupils of her eyes get smaller when she looks at you, this may indicate that she is interested in you romantically or sexually. A person's eyes widen when he looks at what he wants.
    • This is especially easy to see if the person has blue eyes, due to the contrast between the black pupil and the light iris.
    • Be careful, a person's pupils can also constrict in response to an increase in the brightness of the light, so pay attention to the light changes if you notice that her pupils have narrowed.
  3. 3 Count how many times per minute she blinks. If she blinks more than 6-10 times a minute while talking to you, this may indicate that she has feelings for you. People who look at what they like tend to blink more often than usual. Wear a watch with a second hand that you can look at as you count. Do this while talking to her.

Part 2 of 3: Expressions and Behavior

  1. 1 Listen to the tone of her voice. If she is romantically interested in you, her voice will likely lower, not raise, and sound hoarse. The researchers suggest there is a cultural stereotype that a woman who is interested in a man speaks in a lower and seductive tone.
    • There has been a misconception that women who are romantically interested in a man make their tone of voice higher and more affectionate. However, if a girl tries to signal to you that she likes you, she will speak in a deeper and hoarse tone.
  2. 2 Pay attention to groups of gestures. Certain groups of gestures can show you that the girl is feeling connected to you. For example, if she smiles, tilts her head to the side, and touches her face at the same time, this could indicate a possible romantic interest in you.
    • If she is an extrovert, she can be more expressive in her gestures and make them when communicating with people with whom she just feels connected.
  3. 3 Watch her body language when she laughs. While laughter in itself is not a sign of romantic interest, what happens when she laughs may indicate her feelings for you. When a man is interested in a woman, he usually tries to close the distance between them, so he leans towards the girl when he laughs. When a woman is interested in a man, she positions her body so that her positive physical traits are emphasized when she laughs. The girl will sit up straight and maintain a posture that will make her more attractive or seductive.
  4. 4 Take your time with assumptions. If you like her, your liking can harm your ability to read her signals correctly. Waiting for signals of interest from her will make your perception less reliable, so take your time and don't jump to conclusions. To gauge her feelings for you, analyze the entire evening or even a few dates. When observing her, try to be objective and look at the situation as a person would look at it from the outside.
    • Look at how she behaves with other people to see if your assumptions are too presumptuous. For example, if she makes frequent eye contact with other people or groups her gestures frequently, she may just be an extrovert, and you need to consider this fact when interpreting her body language.
  5. 5 Pay attention to signals that say she is not interested in you. Just as there is body language that indicates interest, there is body language that indicates lack of interest and anxiety.For example, if she raises her eyebrows frequently, she may be uncomfortable. And this may mean that she does not want sympathy on your part. In addition, crossed legs and arms can mean that she is trying to stay closed to you. This could mean that she is anxious or resisting your feelings.
    • You can ask if she is worried about something. If she says that something is happening in her life that makes her anxious, her body language may not be a reaction to you.
    • Also, she may be worried about her feelings for you if she likes you but doesn't know how you feel about her. This concern can show up in her body language. If you notice conflicting signals - first interest, then disinterest - you should talk to her about her feelings.

Part 3 of 3: Chatting with a girl

  1. 1 Invite her to do something that will focus your attention on her. You can go to dinner or just go to a cafe for a cup of coffee to talk. You should have enough time so that you can sit quietly across from each other and talk about everything in the world. The best way to understand a person's feelings is to talk to them so you can look at them and listen actively.
    • Men usually feel more intimacy in these activities when the person is next to them, side by side. For example, when watching football or drinking. But when you sit side by side with a person, it is more difficult for you to read his feelings, because in this position you do not look in his face and you cannot actively listen.
  2. 2 Listen actively to what she tells you. Sit face to face, and when she speaks, lean forward a little, closer to her, and maintain eye contact. This will allow you to understand her feelings, as you will have access to all the signals she sends through her voice intonation, facial expressions and body language. The more information you get, the easier it will be for you to understand how she is feeling. Use your body language and these speaking techniques to improve your listening skills .:
    • Show her that you are listening with your body position. This will encourage her to talk further, and the more she talks, the better you will be able to understand her. Nod your head to show your agreement or to encourage her to keep talking.
    • Give her the desired distance. It will also help her communicate with you, because if you give the girl the right distance, she will be more comfortable talking to you. Standing too close can make you seem too interested, and standing too far away can make you appear aloof. Give her the space she needs, but position yourself so you can see and hear her clearly.
    • Reframe the main idea of ​​what she says. This will help you know that you understand her feelings correctly. And she will be able to correct you if you have a misconception about what is happening to her. If she talks about a difficult day, for example, you might say, "So you say you couldn't understand why your sister was misbehaving until you saw what was happening to her at school."
    • Empathize with her feelings. If you begin to develop this muscle in your communication with it, you will become an expert at recognizing its feelings. Empathy means that you understand the feelings that she is experiencing, even if you do not share those feelings. For example, you can combine rephrasing of her main idea and empathy by saying, “You were probably just impatient to get out of the house after sitting at your desk all day.”
  3. 3 Ask her how she feels about you or the current situation. This will show her that you care about her feelings. Often the best way to know how a person is feeling is to ask them directly.This will save your communication from all guesswork, and you will not overthink the situation. Most of all, you should listen to what the person is saying, even if you think it is contrary to what their body language is saying.
    • Find a place where you won't be distracted by other people or activities. It doesn't have to be a long conversation. Find a table in the corner or a couple of chairs where you can sit for a couple of minutes and talk about how she is feeling.
    • Ask if she would mind talking to you for a minute. You don't want the situation to put too much pressure on her, so tell her it won't be long. It doesn't take long for you to ask about her feelings. Say, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
    • Think about exactly what you want to know before starting a conversation with her. Make up the question in your mind before asking it. If your question seems unclear or ambiguous, she may not understand how to answer it, and therefore may provide an answer that will not be useful to you in any way. First, think about how you are feeling, for example, "I am starting to have romantic feelings for you." And then think about what you want to know: "I want to know how you feel about me romantically." Be sure to be specific. For example, the question "Do you have any romantic feelings for me?" would be better than asking “Do you like me?” because the word “like” can mean different things to different people and is too vague. She may be afraid of hurting your feelings and may not want to directly tell you how she feels unless you ask her directly.
    • Directly ask about her feelings and tell about yours. For example, you might say, “I really enjoy spending time with you, and I'm starting to have romantic feelings for you. Do you feel something romantic about me? ”.
    • Respect her feelings and do not be sad about them. Admit that you were brave enough to ask, and if you respect her feelings, you can only be proud of your actions. Remember that your dignity, self-esteem and personality do not depend on her feelings for you, even if you really care about her.

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