How to help your puppy or teach him not to cry when he is locked up or outside

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Get Your Puppy To Stop Crying and Whining!
Video: How to Get Your Puppy To Stop Crying and Whining!


Sometimes the owners of the dog simply cannot give her the opportunity to be in the house or move freely around it. But a crying dog can easily discourage you and your neighbors. Dogs love to be around their owners and the fear of separation will be difficult to overcome. This fear is the main reason why dogs cry and howl when they are outdoors or alone. It can be stopped.


  1. 1 Provide enough physical activity to keep your dog calm. Make sure your dog has enough exercise every day based on his size and energy. Dogs are stressed from not being physically active, and this can trigger crying.
  2. 2 Provide your dog with personal shelter. It is very important to use a crate, kennel, igloo, or any other warm, soft sheltered place outside where the dog can rest. Place the dog's bedding or blanket there, or her / his toys, so that the suggested hideout smells like a dog and she / he takes it as his / her own.Knowing that this is a new place can make it difficult for your dog to feel at home there, so it will take you a while to train your dog to stay there.
  3. 3 Train your dog when you are at home. Start leaving your dog outside for a short time by locking the doors. Start with 1-5 minutes, then work up the duration. Ignore any crying. You have to teach your dog that crying won't do anything good. If you give up and go out to the dog, or let him into the house, you will provide positive reinforcement for the unwanted behavior (i.e. prolonged whining of the dog leads to success).
  4. 4 Praise good behavior as much as possible! This is a huge key to successful training. As soon as the allotted time is up (remember, you need to start small!), Go out to the dog, generously praise him, pet him, maybe even give him some food or treats. Eventually the dog will learn this connection: when she / he is calm and well behaved on the street, there will soon be a reward.
  5. 5 Slowly increase your time of being alone. Continue training, increasing the time spent outdoors until the dog has been quietly in the yard for at least an hour. The dog should now be better able to deal with separation anxiety when left outside or alone. And hopefully she can calm down and take a nap. Leave something for your dog to chew or play when alone.


  • Make sure your dog has enough chew toys, stuffed animals, water, and food (if left alone for long periods).
  • When training your puppy, keep toys or good behavior treats ready.
  • Never give in. Your dog will love you no matter what! Don't exacerbate unwanted behavior by prescribing human feelings and emotions to your puppy. The only thing it can teach them is that you can be persuaded to do anything.
  • If you are very upset and just want your puppy or dog to shut up right now (you may well have moments when you need it), do not yell at the animal, instead try to make an unexpected sound. For example, a firm but gentle "H!" will be just right. This will calm the dog or puppy without hurting his feelings. This will just show the dog that you are in charge here, and you need the dog to be silent. Despite this, they may need time to obey.
  • Train your dog to a kennel or crate. This will give them a place to hide.
  • If your dog barks or cries, do not hit or hurt the dog / puppy.
  • Never hit your dog, because this will teach him how mean and aggressive.
  • Barking is more common in some breeds such as hunting dogs and terriers. Sometimes you just have to deal with the noise.


  • Yelling at your dog when he / she barks or whines is the worst thing you can do. They don't understand your words, they only perceive tone and intonation. For them, you seem to bark yourself, and the dogs think that they can too.